Linn. Syst. Veg. xiii. 704, non Linn, lierb. L. tnmariscinum Desv.
(Dill. Muse. tab. G6, fig. x i.)— Stems densely tufted, simple in the
lower two-thirds, deltoid and decompound in the upper third, the
primary aud secondary branching pinnate, the ultimate divisions
midway between pinnate and flabellate. Leaves of the lower
plane muoh imbricated, ascending, ovate cuspidate, dark green on
the face, pale green on the back, liu. long, firm aud rigid in
texture, obscurely serrulate ; leaves of the upper plane nearly as
long, oblique ovate, with a large cusp. Spikes short, square, 4 lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate, cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Central and Peninsular India.
209. S. CONVOLUTA Spring Mon. ii. 62. S. hiji/wmetrica Spring.
I.ycopodium hri/opteris Aublet, non Linn. A. coiivoliititm A rn o tl
A. hijijrometricum Mart. L. rcvolutum Hook. & Grev. — Stems
densely tufted, 3 -6 in. long, compound nearly to the base, the
pnmary branching pinnate, the short broad erecto-patent pinnæ
between pinnate and flabellate. Leaves of the lower plane much
imbricated, ascending, ovate, acute, 4 lin. long, serrulate, bright
green, firm aud rigid iu texture ; leaves of the upper plane half as
long, oblique ovate, acute. Spikes square, i - J in. long, 4 - f lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate cuspidate, strongly keeled."
Hab. Tropical America from Mexico to South Brazil. This is the plant
th a t represents Lycopodium circinale in the herbarium of Linnæus ; but the
plant of the younger L innæus in Smith’s collection is an example of S. involvem
gathered in Japan by Thunberg. ’
2 0 9 .* s . P r in g le i Baker. — Stems densely rosulate, hygrométrie,
the outer 3 -4 in. long, the inner gradually shorter,
flabellately^ branched ; branchlets close, asoendiiig, l-12fch to
l-8 th in. diam. Leaves firm in texture, bright green ; those of
the lower plane crowded, erecto-patent, oblong, 4 in. long, in cluding
the conspicuous horny white awn, which is ha lf as long as
the blade ; those of the upper plane but little smaller, ascending
slightly obhque. Spikes short ; bracts uniform.
Hab. Mexico ; near Chihuahua, Pringle 271 !
210. S. piLiFERA A. Br. in Ind. Sem. Hort. Berol. 1857, App. 20.
Stems densely tufted, 3 -4 in. long, copiously compound, cuneate,
the branohing of all grades midway between pinnate and flabellate,
and the branches erecto-patent. Leaves of the lower plane crowded
on the branches, rather spaced on the main stem, ascending,
oblique ovate, 4 lin. long, distinctly cuspidate, pale green, rigid in
texture, serrulate, dilated and ciliated ou the upper side at the base •
leaves of the upper plane half as long, oblique lanceolate, simUarlv
cuspidate. Spikes square, f - i i n . long, 4 liu. diam.; bracts ovate-
lanceolate, strongly keeled.
''ighi I Plateau of Central Mexico, alt. 6000 8000 ft
1 arry cO Palmer 1008 ! A rare species in cultivation.
211. s. LEPIDOPHYLLA Spring Mon. ii. 72. Lycopodium lepido-
phylium Hook. Ic. t. 162-163.—Stems densely tufted, 2-4 in. long
branched down to the base, the primary branching closely pinnate!
the broad cuneate ascending pinnæ copiously subflabellately compound.
Leaves of the lower plane much imbricated, ascending,
oblique ovate, obtuse, J lin. long, thick and rigid in texture,
minutely ciliated, green on the face, paler on the back, and when
old tinted red-brown ; leaves of the upper plane nearly as long,
oblique ovate, obtuse. Spikes square, J - J in. long, J lin. diam. ;
bracts deltoid, acutely keeled.
Hab. Tropical America from Texas and Mexico to Peru, in exposed places.
212. S. O h b ig n ia n a Spring Mon. ii. 68. — Stems tufted, 4 -5 in.
long, pyramidal, the primary branohiug pinnate, the branches
erecto-patent, with very short branchlets. Leaves of the lower
plane crowded, ovate, subfaloate, cuspidate, above a line long, rigid,
in texture, dark green above, pale and shining beneath, the upper
margin membranous aud unequally serrulate, the lower not white-
edged, but shortly rigidly c ilia ted ; leaves of the upper plane half
as long, ovate acuminate, aristate. Spikes f - 4 in. loug, sharply
square ; bracts ovate acuminate, acutely keeled.
Hab. Andes of Bolivia, D'Orhigny. Intermediate between cuspidata and
213. S. c u s p id a t a Link. F il. Hort. Berol. 158. S. incann Spring
Mon. ii. 157. S. densifolia, puilescens, and reticulata Klotzsch.
Lycopodium cuspidatuin Link. A. pallescens Presl. — Stems densely
tufted, about half a foot long, branched nearly or quite from the
base, the primary branohing pinnate, the short rhomboid pinme
copiously compound with contiguous branchlets. Leaves of the
lower piane crowded, ascending, oblique ovate, cuspidate, dilated
and ciliated on the upper side at the base, J - l lin. long, pale green,
white-edged, rigid iu texture ; leaves of the upper plane nearly as
long, oblique ovate, cuspidate. Spikes square, f - 4 in. loug, | hu.
d iam .; bracts ovate cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Var. elonyata Spring Mon. ii. 67. S. sidcanyula Spring Mon.
ii. 163. Lycopodium cordifolium Hort. — Stems reaching a foot or
more in length, simple in the lower part, the primary branches
more elongated and more pinnate.
Hab. Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, and New Granada. S. incana
Spring differs from the type by its less crowded, less distinctly cuspidate leaves.
A common species in cultivation, both the type and var. crispa Hort. S.
Lmiliana Hort. is a form of this species.
Series IV .— S a rm e n t o s a s .
214. S. PiCTA A. Br. Lycopodium pictiim Griff. — Stems
flexuose, sarmentóse, suberect, ‘ 1 -2 ft. long, regularly bipinnate;
pimifB oblong-lanceolate, caudate, ascending, J ft. loug, the erecto-
patent contiguous branchlets always simple, 1 -2 iu. long. ^ Leaves
of the lower plane crowded, ohlong-lanceolate, falcate, pointed at
the upper corner, bright green, moderately firm in texture l-5 th to
l-4 th in. long, obscurely petioled, not ciliated, cuueate on the
upper, rounded on the lower side at the base, not at all imbricated
over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long, oblique
oblong, minutely cuspidate, white in the upper half. Spikes
square, terminal on the branchlets, f - J iu. loug, f lin. d iam .; bracts
ovate cuspidate, acutely keeled.
Hab. Mishme and Patkaye Hills, Ea st Himalayas, Grijfith !