71. S. CONOINNA Spring Mon. ii. 199. Lycopodium concinmim
Swartz. L . pectinatum Lam., ex parte. L. apicuUitum, siniiosupi
and spafsifoliuni De sv .— Stems trailing, reaching a foot or more in
length, subterete, often forked low down, copiously piunately
branched, the lower branches cuneate and copiously flabellately
compouud. Leaves of the lower plane crowded, ascending, oblique
oblong-lanceolate, l-1 2 th to l-8 th iu. long, snbacute, bright green,
glossy, rigid in texture, more produced on the upper side of the
distinct midrib, the base on the upper side shortly rigidly ciliated,
aud so much dilated that the branch is quite hidden ; leaves of the
upper plane one-third as long, oblique oblong, with a long cusp,
much imbricated. Spikes -|-1 iu loug, square, 1 liu. d iam .; bracts
ovate, cuspidate, crowded, strongly keeled.
Hab. Mountains of the Mascaren Islands, especially Mauritius ; Spring’s
Neilgherry and Ceylon specimens are clearly both S. -plumosa. I cannot
separate S. serndatu. Spring Mon. ii. 202 (Lycopodium seirtdatum Desv.).
72. S. SECHEEi.ARUJi Baker FI. Maurit. 523.— Stems slender,
trailing, about a foot long, bisuloate on the face, lengthened out and
whip-like at the end, forked low down, piunately branched, with
short cuneate flabellately compound branches. Leaves of lower
plane spreading or rather asoeiiding, contiguous on the branchlets,
spaced on the branches, oblong-lanceolate, l-1 2 th to l-8 th iu. long,
acute, pale green, moderately firm in texture, more rounded on the
upper side of the distinct midrib, shortly ciliated on both sides low
down, cordate on the upper side at the base and much imbricated
over the b ran ch ; leaves of upper plane one-third as long, oblique
oblong, cuspidate. Spikes i - J in. long, square, 1 lin. diam. ;
bracts ovate, cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Island of Mahd, Seychelles, Horne 157 !
73. S. CDPEEssiNA Spring Mon. ii. 113, ex parte.— Stems trailing,
quadrangular, 8 -1 2 in. long, bisuloate on the face, the main
branohiug pyramidal, the secondary pinnate, with the ends often
excurrent, the branches pubescent and triquetrous. Leaves of the
lower plane crowded, oblong-lanceolate, subfaloate, a line long,
light green, the two sides nearly equally rounded at the base, the
upper sometimes obscurely ciliated, the midrib sulcate so as to
appear double ; leaves of upper plane half as long, oblong or ovate,
cuspidate. Spikes square 4 - i in- long i bracts ovate, acutely
Hab. Bourbon. The Asiatic lolant placed here by Spring is S. biformis
A. Br., which is doubtfully distinct from S. plumosa.
74. S. RODRiGUEsiANA Baker, FI. Maurit. 523.— Stems trailing,
slender, pale straw-coloured, bisuloate on the face, reaching a foot
iu length, often forked low down, alternately piunately branched,
with short cuneate branches, the lower with 5 -7 branchlets.
Leaves of the lower plane spaced, rather deflexed, oblong, obtuse,
l-1 2 th to l-8 th in. long, bright green, not so firm in texture as
L. concinna, more produced on the upper side of the distinct midrib,
obscurely ciliated low down, narrowed obliquely to the base and
but little imbricated over the branch ; leaves of lower plane onethird
as long, oblique oblong, strongly nerved, with a short inflexed
cusp. Spikes J - 4 in. long, 4 h n . d iam .; bracts orbicular, cuspidate,
little longer than the sporangia, strongly keeled.
Hab. Island of Rodriguez, Dr. I. B. Balfour !
75. S. p l a g io c h il a Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 212.— Stems
filiform, trailing, much intermatted, 8 -4 in. long, flat on the back
aud face, the ascending simple slightly pubescent branches pin-
iiately arranged, simple or slightly compound. Leaves of the
lower plane all spaced, spreading, oblong, obtuse, bright green,
thin in texture, flat, at most l-1 2 th in. long, the distinct midrib
nearly central, the margin obscurely ciliated all round, not specially
at the base, the base on both sides equally rounded, not imbricated
over the branch ; leaves of the upper plane very small, spaced,
ovate, erect, not cuspidate. Spikes very short; bracts ovate,
acute, strongly keeled, 4 hn. long.
Hab. Eastern Cuba, near Monte Verde, C. Wright 942 ! A near ally of S.
76. S. H omalm a . Br. in Crypt. New Gran. 852.— Stems very
slender, entirely trailing, angled on the back, much iiitermatted,
8 -6 in. long, with ascending, distant, mostly simple branches.
Leaves of the lower plane close or slightly spaced, spreading,
oblong, obtuse, l-1 2 th in. long, bright green, moderately firm in
texture, the distinct midrib nearly central, the upper edge ciliated
and cordate at the base, and imbricated over the branch;. leaves of
the lower plane one-fourth as long, broad, ovate, acute. Spikes
short, 4 liu. d iam .; bracts ovate, cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Cataracts of Jaruma and Panure, Upper Amazon, Spruce 25341
2941! Traill l i i i i i A near ally oi S . jungermannioides.
77. S. JUNGERMANNIOIDES Spring Mon. ii. 117. L y c o p o d ium
ju n g e rm a n n io id es Gaudich. L. m a r y in a tum K u d d i, ex parte.— Stems
trailing, much intermatted, 4 -6 iu. long, with a raised face and a
flat back, copiously pinnately branched, the branches simple or
little compound. Leaves of the lower plane crowded, spreading,
oblong, obtuse, l-1 2 th in. long, dark green, moderately firm in
texture, dilated, broadly rounded and strongly ciliated on the
upper side at the base, and much imbricated over the branch ;
leaves of the upper plane one-third as long, oblique ovate, shortly
cuspidate, much imbricated. Spikes 4 - i hi. long, square, 4 hn.
d iam .; bracts ovate, acute, strongly keeled.
Hab. Frequent in South Brazil Gaudichaud ! Glaziou 7493 ! 7965! &c.
I cannot separate specifically the Peruvian S. applanata A. Br. (Lechler 2405 !).
The Buenos Ayres S. radiata Spring, is probably this species; but Aublet’s
Guianan Lycopodium radiatum, of whieh there is a type specimen a t the
British Museum, is S. increscentifolia Spring.
78. S. TBDNCATA A. Br. in Ann. So. Nat. ser. 4, vol. x iii., 65.—
Stems entirely trailing, slender, a foot long, bisulcate on the face,
copiously pinnately branched, the branches with several short,
asoendiiig, pinnately arranged branchlets. Leaves of the lower
plane crowded both on the branches and main stem, spreading,
oblong, l-1 2 th to l-8 th in. long, very obtuse, dark green, rather
firm in texture, the distinct midrib subcentral, both sides ciliated