{ ? t M V i V .1®!^- ivide-creepiiig, glabrous, with
dVbnll A l \ ''■''' 1 ■ 1 , ? i-eacbing 6 -9 in . ; leaflets
pVVte j ? I “V rounded, entire,
le d ic e ls 1- 8 -nate usual y erect, 4- f in. long, shortly connate,
obscuiely adnate to the base of the petiole, adnate to 'th e upper
part of the base of the horizontal or deflexed tomentose or
glabrescent globose-oblong conceptacle, which is 4 in. loug, without
basal teeth. S on about 15.
Hab. New South Wajes, li. Brown ! li. Cunningham!
4. M. MACRopus Engelm. Sillim. Journ. ser. 2 iii 56 —
reach 6 8 m. leaflets deltoid, i - | m. long and broad, slightly
silky; outer edge rounded, entire. Pedicels 2-4 -n a te , erect, 3 -4
times as ong as the conceptacles, connate one-fourth to oiie-third
? n to n l! r “ i V “ fV the petiole and coiiceptacle.
Conceptacle oblong obliquely ascending, tomentose,
l “ofcli 11). long ; basal teeth small. Sori about 20.
Hab. Texas, Lindlieimer iii. 573 !
UU li A' “ ®erl. Monatber. 1868, 421 • Kuhn in
C • V q 'V ' T ’ *1^®' ^bett. in Crypt. Nov.
Giaii. 394^—Aquatic glabrous, wide-creeping. Petiole 6 -8 in.
long; leaflets deltoid, about 4 iu. long and broad; outer edge
VrS “ h r mseited on the “pe®t;-i olhe® arb'o®ve its base, ascending or dce°f«lnexaetde,
inserted m o the middle of the base of the obliqnely-placed con-’
3 r s:4:L)?6 " • “■ '“ S’
Hab. Brazil, in marshes south of Oeiras Garrlen„v 97(ie \ nr , ■ .
.V ;■ « 4 :
c ieepiiig ihizome the latter not distinguishable, when sterile, from
il/. q u y y ijo lia ta , the former with petioles 1 -2 in. long, and nearly
or quite glabrous leaflets f - 4 in. long, conspicuously toothed on the
outer edge. Pedicels 2 -6 -n a te , stiffly erect, f - i in. long, obscurely
CCmoVmVe eitVauclie ?ho rizontahl “ hgl®abrr escent, about as 4bkreo acdo ncaesp talocnleg.
ii;hV£“sss/riik CGDtaclGs "with nbnnt ft anvi T/ tt’-- 7 • • -r-. ^ 2 and sinallGr consilky
leaves, and 2—3-nate tomentose conceptacles on short pedicels. M. gracilenta
A. Br. loc. cit., from the Concan, is a form intermediate between brachyqms
and the type, with longer pedicels than in the former, and less silky leaves.
7. M. CBENDLATA Desv. Pi’odi’. 177. 21. vulgaris Bory, ex parte.
21. microcarqia A. Br. 21. crenata A. Br ., ex parte.— Subterrestrial
or aquatic, with a wide-creeping rhizome, the latter, when sterile,
not distinguishable from ill. quadrifoliata, the former with petioles
1 -4 in., and deltoid leaflets f - f in. long, distinctly crenate on the
outer edge. Pedicels 2-4 -iia te , stiffly erect, f - f in. long, connate
at the base, free from the petiole, adnate to the whole base of the
conceptacle. Conceptacle oblong-quadrate, horizontal, l-1 2 th to
l - 8th in. long, glabrous or slightly silky, unbordered; basal teeth
small. Sori about 10.
Hab. Mauritius and Bourbon. Only differs from M. diffusa by its distinctly
crenate leaflets, and the smaller teeth of the base of the conceptacle.
8 . M. DIFFUSA Leprieur ; A. Br. in Flora, 1889, 300. 21.
vulgaris Bory, ex parte.— Subterrestrial or aquatic, both with a
wide-creeping rhizome, the latter, when sterile, indistinguishable
from 21. quadrifoliata, the former with petioles 2 -4 in. long and
glabrous deltoid leaflets about 4 in. long and broad, entire or
obscurely crenulate round the outer edge. Pedicels 2-4-nate,
stiffly erect, 4 - 4 in. long, free from the petiole, obscurely connate
at the base, adnate to the whole base of the conceptacle. Conceptacle
oblong-quadrate, 4 -4 in. loug, horizontal, glabrescent,
unhordered ; basal teeth both distinct. Sori 1 0 -1 2 .
Hab. Algeria, Canaries, Mascaren Isles, and sjiread throughout Tropical
Africa. Very near M. minuta, from which it differs by its unbordered cou-
ceptaoles and usually entire leaflets. M. cornuta A. Br. in Berl. Monatber.
1870, 728, gathered by Welwitsch in Angola, is a form with short pedicels and
petioles, crenulate leaflets, and the teeth of the base of the conceptacle very
distinct, the top one hooked.
9. M. sENEGALENSis A. Bi’. ill Floi’a, 1839, 800. — Middle-sized,
wide-trailing, subtorrestrial. P etiole 1 -2 in. ; leaflets deltoid,
slightly silky, f - 4 in. long, distinctly crenate round the outer
edge. Pedicels 2-nate, stiffly erect, 4 -4 in. long, obscurely connate
at the base, free from the petiole, adnate to the whole base of the
conceptacle. Conceptacle nearly square, horizontal, silky, unbordered,
l - 12th in. long, persistently silky; basal teeth minute.
Sori 8 -1 0 .
Hab. Senegal. Intermediate between il/. diffusa aud wgyptiaca.
10. M. ANGUSTiFOLiA E. Br. Prodr. Austr. 167.— Aquatic, large
or middle-sized. Petiole reaching 1 ft. ; leaflets oblanceolate,
obtuse, 4- l f in. long, 4 - 4 in. broad, obscurely crenate on the outer
edge, glabrous. Pedicels solitary, erect, very short, adnate to the
uqiper part of the base of the conceptacle. Conceqitacle oblong,
horizontal, 4 ~ f hi- long, unbordered, persistently tomentose ; basal
teeth obscure. Sori about 20.
Hab. North Australia.
1 1 . M. TENuiFOLiA Eugelm. ; A. Br. in Berl. Monatber. 1863,
425.— Middle-sized, nearly or quite glabrous, with a slender wide-
creeping rhizome. P etiole 3 -4 in, ; leaflets oblanceolate, about