Hab. British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington territory. A well
marked species.
57. S. o vA L is ]3aker in Jouni. Bot. 1883, 143.— Stems slender,
trailing, above a foot long, terete on the back, angled on the face,
copiously distantly pinnately brauclied, the brandies short, ascending,
flabellately compound. Leaves of the lower plane ovate, acute,
ascending, 4 - J lin. long, crowded on the branches, bright green,
firm in texture, rather more produced on the upper side of the
distinct midrib, shortly ciliated through the lower half of the upper
margin, rounded on both sides at the base, not cordate on the upper,
but so much imbricated over the branch that it is hidden ; leaves
of the upper plane a third as long, ovate, acute, convergent, much
imbricated. Spikes unknown.
Hab. Eapids of the Eio Mauhes, Amazonas, North Brazil, Dr. Traill
1416 !
Group 2.—Pliwiosce.
58. S. UNCiNATA Spring Mon. ii. 109. LijcopoiHum nncinatum
Desv. L. (lilatatum Hook. & Grev. L . cæsium Hort. (Dill. Muse,
tab. 65, fig. 7 ).— Stems weak, slender, pale straw-coloured, bisuloate
on the face, trailing to a length of 1 -2 feet, with a long excurrent
tip, and alternate short pinnately arranged copiously compound
branches. Leaves of the lower plane oblique oblong, subovate,
l-1 2 th to 1 -8Ü1 in. long, close or rather spaced on the branches,
thin in texture, bright blue-green, rather more produced on the
upper side of the distinct midrib, not ciliated, minutely petioled,
both sides cordate at the base, the upper scarcely imbricated over
the stem ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long, oblique oblong,
cuspidate, much imbricated. Spikes J - J in. long, square. 1 lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate-lanceolate, a line long, crowded, sharply
Hab. China. Well known in cultivation.
59. S. SEMiooRDATA Spring Mon. ii. 107. Lycopodium semi-
cordatwn Wall, ex parte. — Stems trailing, slender, pale straw-
coloured, often a foot long, bisuloate on the face, copiously
pinnately branched, with short densely compound branches.
Leaves of the lower plane contiguous, spreading or rather ascending,
oblong-lanceolate, 1-12 to l-8 th in. long, subobtuse or subaoute,
paler green and not so firm in texture as in plmnosa, nearly
equilateral, the midrib distinct, the upper side not all dilated at the
base, not imbricated over the stem, and not ciliated ; leaves of
upper plane a third as long, oblique oblong, cuspidate, much im bricated.
Spikes J - 4 hi. long, f - 1 lin. diam., square ; bracts ovate,
acute, strongly keeled.
Hab. Frequent in the Ea s t Himalayas, and gathered by Alexander at
Chusan. H. semicordata of J. Scott’s ‘List of the Higher Cryptogams of the
Calcutta Garden,’ p. 63, is founded on a plant of Dr. Hamilton’s, included by
Wallich under his L. semicordatum, which I believe to be a form of 8. monospiora
with slightly dimorphic bracts.
50. S. AURICÜLATA Spring Mon. ii. 108. S. jditmosa P re sl.—
Stems trailing, about half a foot long, bisulcate on the face.
copiously pinnately branched, the branches but little compound.
Leaves of the lower plane close, oblong-lanceolate, l-1 2 th to l-8 th
in. long, about three times as long as broad, spreading or rather
ascending, bright green, moderately firm in texture, nearly equilateral,
the midrib distinct, the upper side obscurely ciliated, a
little dilated at the base, aud slightly imbricated over the stem;
leaves of the upper plane a third as loug, broad ovate, distinctly
cuspidate. Spikes i - 1 in. long, square, -J-liu- diam. ; bracts ovate,
acute, crowded, sharply keeled.
Hab. Philippines, Cuming 2013 ! A near ally of S. plumosa.
61. S. AUSTRALiENSis Bakei' ill Journ. Bot. 1883, 144. S. con-
cinna Benth. M. Austral, vii. 678, non Spring.— Stems trailing,
4 -1 ft. long, forked at base, bisuloate oil both back and face,
pinnately branched, with copious compound branches. Leaves of
the lower plane oblong-lanceolate, acute, 3 -4 times as long as
broad, spreading, close or rather spaced on the branches, l-1 2 th to
l-8 th in. long, bright green, moderately firm iu texture, the
distinct midrib nearly central, the upper side but little dilated at
the base and scarcely imbricated over the stem, obscurely c ilia ted ;
leaves of the upper plane 4 - i as long, ovate, cuspidate, much
imbricated. Spikes square, 4 -1 in. long, f lin. d iam .; bracts
crowded, ovate-laiioeolate, acutely keeled.
Hab. In Queensland, a t Eookingham Bay, and on the banks of the
Daintree Eiver, Dallacliy ! Fitza la n !
62. S. BRisBANENSis Bailey Suppl. Queeiisl. Flora, 62. — Stems
very slender, trailing, 2 -3 in. long ; branches short, distant, but
little compound, 4 iu. diam. Leaves bright green, moderately firm
in te x tu r e ; those of the lower plane spaced out on the branches,
spreading or rather deflexed, oblique oblong, acute, l-1 2 th in. long,
more produced on the upper side of the midrib and broadly
rounded at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper plane very small, ovate,
aouminate, ascending. Spikes very sh o r t ; bracts foliaoeous, ovate,
acute, the lower much longer than the upper.
Hab. Queensland ; banks of the Brisbane Eiver, Bailey 1
63. S. B a k e r ia n a Bailey Suppl. Queensl. Flora, 62. S. lepto-
stachya Bailey, non A. Br .— Stems trailing, 6 -9 in. long ; lower
branches copiously compound ; branchlets over 4 hi. diam. Leaves
bright green, moderately firm in te x tu r e ; those of the lower plane
spaced on the branches, patent, oblong, obtuse, l-1 2 th in. long,
cordate on the upper side at the b a s e ; those of the upper plane
less than half as long, ovate, ascending, acute. Spikes very
copious, slender, square, 1 -2 in. long.
Hab. Queensland; banks of the Johnstone Eiver, Bailey ! Introduced
lately into cultivation by Mr. Bernays, F.L.S.
64. S. CoMMEESONiANA Spring Mon. ii. 1 1 0 .— Stems trailing,
reaching a foot in length, convex on the back, bisulcate on the face,
pinnately branched, the branches copiously compound. Leaves of
the lower plane crowded, subrigid, bright green, a line long, half a
line broad, oblong-lanceolate, very acute, subequilateral, the base