Moil. ii. 173. Ijijcopodium jlilcndnm Hixmili. L. puhescem YYall.—
Stems 1 4 -2 ft. long, stiffly erect, simple iu tlie lower half, with a
few distant small adpressed leaves, deltoid and decompound in the
upper half, the pimire deltoid, the lower ones 8-4-pimiate, the
raohises pubescent, the final brauohlets contiguous, 4~4 iu. long,
l - 12th to 1-8Ü1 ill. diam. Leaves of the lower plaue rather spaced
even on the branchlets, ascending, lanceolate, acute, l - 12th to
l - 8 th ill. loug, bright green, liable to bo revolute at both margins,
nearly equal-sided, truncate, and not at all imbricated over the
stem at the base ; leaves of the upper plane half as long, lanceolate,
incurved, not cuspidate. Spikes square, .( -J iii. long, 4 hii. diam. ;
bracts orbicular, with a small cusp, little longer than the sporangia,
incurved, not cuspidate.
Hab. Ea s t Himalayas anti mountains of Birma. A well-marked sjiecies,
allied only to the African S. Vonelii.
213. S. GRANDIS Moore iu Gard. Chron. 1882, vol. ii. p. 40, t. 8 .
S. platnphijUa Hort. Veitch.— Stems erect, 1 4 -2 ft. long, simple in
the IcTwer half, deltoid aud decompound iu the upper half, the
branching midway between flabellate and pinnate, the contiguous
final branchlets f in. broad. Leaves of the lower plaue crowded,
lanceolate, very acute, in. long, bright green, moderately firm
in texture, equilateral except at the base, where they are more
rounded on the anterior side, slightly ciliated on both margins ;
leaves of the upper plane a third as long, obtuse, ovate-lanceolate,
very acute, ascending, much imbricated. Spikes copious, square,
tetragonal, I - I 4 in. long, l - 12th to l - 8th in. diam. ; bracts ovate-
lanceolate, strongly ciliated.
Hab. Borneo, Curtis ! A very fine xilant, recently introduced into cultivation
by Messrs. Veitch.
244. S. LATiEOLiA Spring Mon. ii. 168. Lycopodium latifulium
Hook. & Grev.— Stems erect, 1 - l J ft. long, sim]ile in the lower
half, deltoid aud decompound in the upper half, the branching
midway between flabellate and pinnate, the final branchlets
reaching a length of 3 -4 in., 4 -4 iu. broad. Leaves of the lower
plane contiguous, oblong-rhomboid, ascending, falcate, subacute at
the upper corner, l - 6th to l-5 th iu. long, dark green, moderately
firm iu texture, very unequal-sided, broadly rounded, not ciliated,
aud hardly at all imbricated over the stem on the upper side at the
base ; leaves of the upper plaue a third as long, broad-ovate, with
a large cusp. Spikes square, 4- I iu. long, l-1 2 tli to l - 8th in. diam. ;
bracts ovate-lanceolate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Ceylon, New Guinea, Samoa, Fiji.
245. S. FLABELLATA Spring Mon. ii. 174. S. suhsplendens Presl.
S. undiilata Liebm. Lycopodium jlahellatum Linu. L . pennifurme
Lam. L. yracile and microstuchyum Desv.— Stems 1 -2 ft. long,
erect, simple iu the lower half, deltoid and decompound in the
upper half, the pinnæ deltoid, the lower 8-4-pinnate, the contiguous
final branchlets 4~1 hi. long, 4—4 in. broad. Leaves of the lower
plaue contiguous, oblique ovate, acute, ascending, bright green,
moderately firm in texture, obliquely inserted, much dilated, broadly
rounded, ciliated, and much imbricated over the stem on the upper
side at the base ; leaves of the upper plaue one-fourth to a third as
long, oblique ovate, cuspidate. Spikes square, J -l in. long, f-J lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate-cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Universal in the tropical aud subtropical regions of America, Asia,
and Polynesia.
246. S. FiRMULA A. Br. ; Kuhn Fil. Nov. Hebrid. 17. — Stems
above a foot long, stiffly erect, simple in the lower half, with
distant adpressed leaves, deltoid and decompound iu the upper
half, the piunæ ascending, deltoid, the lower 8- 4-pinuate, the final
branchlets contiguous, i A ki- broad. Leaves of the
lower plane crowded 011 the branoblets, ascending, oblique ovate,
l-12th to l-8th iu. long, dark green, rather firm in texture,
produced, broadly rounded aud strongly ciliated on the upper side
at the base, and imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper
plane half as long, oblique ovate, cuspidate. Spikes very copious,
1-1 iu. long, I lin. diam., square; bracts nearly uniform, erecto-
patent, ovate-lanceolate, strongly keeled, the sporangia confined to
the axils of those of the lower plane, which are consequently more
ventricose at the base.
Hab. Aneiteum, Milne ! J . G. Veitch ! Ovalau and Angau, Fiji, Milne 345 !
Habit entirely of S. Jiahellata.
247. S. HOEDEIFORMIS Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 47.—Stems
2 ft. long, erect, simple in the lower half, deltoid and decompound
in the upper half, the lower pinnæ deltoid and 8- 4 -pmnate, the
contiguous final branchlets 4-f hi- long, under 4 hi- broad. Leaves
of the lower plane contiguous, spreading, oblong- or ovate-
rhomboid, pointed at the upper corner, 4-4 in. long, bright green,
firm in texture, obliquely inserted, broadly rounded, serrulate, but
little imbricated over the stem on the upper side at the base;
leaves of the upper plane oblong, with a cusp as long as the lamina.
Spikes copious, square, J-J in. long, 4 ki- diam. ; bracts ovate,
narrowed into a very large awn-like cusp.
Hab. F iji Islands, Macleay !
248. S. NITENS Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 48 .—Stems about a
foot long, simple in the lower half, ^ the leaves of the upper part
spreading, deltoid and decompound in the upper half, the close
pinnæ deltoid, the lower 3- 4-pimiate, the erecto-patent contiguous
final divisions 4-J in. long, 4 in. broad. Leaves of the lower plane
contiguous and ascending on the branchlets, spreading on the
rachis and pinnæ, deflexed aud spaced on the main stem, ohloug-
lanceolate, acute, bright dark green, moderately firm in texture,
4-4 in. long, rather dilated, serrulate, and a little iinbrioated over
the stem on the upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane
small, oblique obovate, with a large cusp. Spikes short, terminal,
square, | lin. diam. ; bracts ovate-lanceolate, aouminate.
Hab. Fernando Po, Mann I Cameroon Mountains, Kalbreyer'. A near
ally of S. Jiahellata.