49. S. INOUKVATA Baker in Joiirn. Bot. 1888, 99. S. vai/inata
Liebm., non Siiring. — Stems trailing, 1 -8 in. long, copiously
pinnately branched, with short copiously compound cuneate erecto-
patent branches. Leaves of the lower plane crowded, ascending,
oblong-lanceolate, acute, at most a line long, moderately firm in
texture, more produced on the upper side of the distinct midrib,
shortly ciliated through the lower half of the upper edge, cordate at
the base, so that the branch is h id d en ; leaves of the upper plane
4—4 as long, ovate, much imbricated, shortly cuspidate. Spikes
copious, 4 hi. long, 4 hii. diam., not sharply square ; bracts ovate-
Hab. Mexico, in the province of Vera Cruz, Liebmann !
50. S. SERPENS Spring Mon. ii. 102. S. variahiUs, vurUms,
mutabilis and jwnaicensis Hort. Lijcopodiuin serpens Desv. — Stems
densely matted, quite trailing, reaching a length of 6 -9 in.,
copiously pinnately branched, with numerous erecto-patent slightly
compound branches. Leaves of the lower plane crowded, spreading,
4 lin. long, ovate-oblong, obtuse, bright green, moderately firm in
texture, the distinct midrib nearly central, both sides rounded and
ciliated at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long,
oblique oblong, acute. Spikes square, 4 ~ i hi. long, 4 lin. d iam .;
bracts broad ovate-cuspidate, crowded, strongly keeled.
Hab. West Indies. Cultivated in gardens since the days of Miller, and
well known from the change th a t takes place in the colour of the leaves at
different times of the day. Spring’s Mexican plant is S. Schiedeana.
51. S. REVOLUTA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 141. — Stems
densely matted, trailing, 1 -2 in. long, pale, angled on the face,
copiously p innately branched, with short slightly compound branches.
Leaves of the lower plane spreading, moderately close, oblong-
lanceolate, acute, 4 lilt, long, moderately firm in texture, revolute,
the midrib nearly central, the upper margin a little more convex
than the lower, the edges c ilia ted ; those of the upper plane a third
as long, ovate, acute, much imbricated, strongly ciliated. Spikes
very short, square, 4 liu. d iam .; bracts ovate, acute, much im bricated,
strongly keeled.
Hab. Near Maypures and below San Fernando, on the banks of the
Orinoco, Spruce 36211 Near S. aggesta of the Himalayas.
52. S. FATULA Spring Mon. ii. 97 ? S. sarmentosa A. Br.
Lycopodium patidum Swartz? L. nitidum H o o k . & Grev. — Stems
slender, pale, trailing, reaching 6 -9 iu. long, angled on the faces,
with a long whiplike tip and numerous short alternate pinnately
arranged branches, with 3 -7 branchlets. Leaves of the lower plane
crowded, erecto-patent, oblong-lanceolate, subacute or subobtuse,
bright green, moderately firm in texture, the midrib distinct,
rounded, ciliated aud imbricated over the rachis on the upper side
at the base ; leaves of the upper plane a third as loug, oblique ovate,
acute. Spikes 4 - 4 i i i . long, 4 lin. diam., square; bracts ovate-
cuspidate, much imbricated, strongly keeled.
Hab. Jamaica, Bancroft! Wilson! Common in cultivation. Marked at
a glance from S. serpem by its caudate stem and fewer more compound
5 3 . S. S c h ie d e a n a A. Br. in Ann. Sc. Nat., ser. 4 , vol. x iii.,
6 2 . S. fimbriata Liebm., non Spring. S . IJehnumni Fourn. S.
serpens Spring, ex parte.— Stems trailing, pale, square, flat on the
face, reaching a length of half a foot, forked, copiously pinnately
branched, the branches short, often with several branchlets. Leaves
of the lower plane close or rather spaced, oblique oblong, rather
ascending, bright green, flat, moderately firm iu texture, subobtuse,
ciliated, but little rounded and not imbricated over the stem on the
upper side at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long,
oblique ovate, cuspidate, imbricated. Spikes short, square; bracts
ovate-lanceolate, much imbricated, strongly keeled.
Hab. In Mexico a t Passantla, Schiede and Depipe, Liebmann ! A near ally
of s . sertata.
5 4 . S. SERTATA Spring Mon. ii. 104. — Stems slender, pale,
trailing, square, flat on the face, forked and copiously pinnately
branched, with copiously coiiipound branches. Leaves of the lower
plane rather ascending, crowded or rather spaced on the branches,
pale green, moderately firm in texture, oblique-lanceolate f - 1 lin.
long, flat, subacute, with a distinct midrib, the upper side but little
rounded at the base and scarcely at all imbricated over the s t em ;
those of the upper plane a third as long, oblique oblong, cuspidate.
Spikes square f - 4 in. long, 4 lin d iam .; bracts ovate-lanceolate,
acute, strongly keeled.
Hab. Nicoya and Panama, Dr. S in c la ir! Although the stems are continuous,
th is has some of the root-fibres auticous. In general habit it closely
resembles S. plumosa.
5 5 . S. SACCHARATA A. Bi’. ill F il. Nov. Gran. 3 5 6 . S. sanguinolenta
Liebm., non Spring. S. Spirillum Liebm.— Stems trailing,
subterete, -J-l ft. long, forked and copiously piunately branched,
the branches copiously compound. Leaves of the lower plu-ne
ovate or oblong, those of the branches crowded or rather spaced,
4 lin. long, obtuse, fiat, moderately firm in texture, pale green,
turning bright red when old, the distinct midrib nearly central,
both sides decidedly cordate aud strongly ciliated at the base, the
upper imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane half as
long, oblique oblong, incurved, acute, much imbricated. Spikes
4 -4 in. long, 4 lin. diam., square; bracts crowded, ovate-lanceolate,
strongly keeled.
Hab. Mexico, Schaff’n e r! Liebmann! F. Muller T i l ! Curls uji in
drought, like S. delicatissima.
5 6 . S. D o u g l a s i i Spring. Moii. ii. 9 2 . L . Douglas,si Hook aud
Grev. L . ovalifolium Hook, and Grev. lo. t. 177. — Stems
trailing, 8 -6 in. long, pale, subterete, forked low down, pinnately
branched, with copiously compound lower branches. Leaves of the
lower plane crowded or slightly spaced, rather ascending, pale green,
firm in texture, broad oblong, obtuse, a line long, nearly flat, midrib
obscure, both sides auricled and ciliated at the base, the upper
much imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane half as
long, oblique oblong, cuspidate. Spikes 4 -1 in. long, 4 -1 hn. d iam .;
bracts deltoid, cuspidate, much imbricated, strongly angled on the