of the upper plane half as long, ovate, acute, cuspidate, much
imbricated. Spikes unknown.
Hab. Mountains of Somali-lancl, 1500—6000 ft., Uildebmndt 1484! A
near ally of S. muiii/boUca and yemensis.
24. S. CATHEDRIFOLIA Spring Mon. ii. 112. — Stems slender
trailing, pale, flat on the face, reaching a length of 4 -1 ft.,
copiously piunately branched, with copiously compound" short
branches. Leaves of the lower plane close, spreading, ovate, acute
f - 1 lin. long, bright green, flat, not very firm in texture, broadly
rounded and strongly ciliated on the upper side at the base ; leaves
of the upper plane J as long, much imbricated, ovate, with a loug
cusp. Spikes square, 4 -4 iu. long, 4 lin. diam. ; bracts crowded,
ovate-lauceolato, acute, strongly keeled.
Hab. Upper Guinea a t Princes Island, Fernando Po, Old Calabar, &a.
Var. minor A. Br., gatliered by Welwitsch in Angola on the hills of Pungo
Adongo, differs by its shorter much less compound stems. A near ally of S.
oniith opo d i o i d es.
25. S. ECHiNATA Baker in Journ. Linu. Soc, inedit.— Stems
decumbent, 3 -4 in. long, copiously tripimiate ; branches of all
grades laxly disposed, erecto-patent ; ultimate branchlets very
short, l-1 2 th in. diam., leaves iiiclnded. Leaves very dense, pale
rigid, those of the lower phiiie erecto-patent, ovate or ovate-
lauceolate, with a pale horny cusp, strongly ciliated ; those of the
lower plane uarrower, densely imbricated, ascending, squarrose.
Spikes not seen.
Hab. Central Madagascar, Baron 4426 ! A very distinct species.
26. S. ARENARIA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 8 2 .— Stems filiform,
intermatted, very slender, trailing, angled on the face, 1 -2 in. long,
the ascending pinnately-arranged branches simple or forked.
Leaves of the lower plane ascending and contiguous both on the
main stem aud branches, oblique broad ovate, acute, 4 lin, long,
bright green, moderately firm in texture, more produced on the
upper side of the midrib, cordate and ciliated on the upper side at
the base and imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane
4 as long, oblique ovate, acute, much imbricated. Spikes short,
square, 4 hn. diam. ; bracts ovate-cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Cataract of Panure, on the Eio Uapes, in sandy places liable to
inundation, Spniee 2861 !
27. S. VALDEPILOSA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 8 2 .— Stems
slender, trailing, densely intermatted, 2 -3 in. long, with several
ascending ireegular simple or slightly compouud branches. Leaves
of the lower plane spaced on the main stem, contiguous on the
branches, ovate, acute, firm in texture, erecto-patent, subequilateral,
4 lin. long, conspicuously ciliated up to the apex, especially on the
anterior border ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long! oblique
ovate, slightly imbricated. Spikes short, square, f liu. diam. ;
bracts ovate-lanceolate, suberect.
Hab. Demerara ; ravine near the Kaieteur Savanna, Jenman 1484 !
28. S. TUBERCÜLATA Spruce ; Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 8 3 .-^
Stems densely iiitermatted, trailing, filiform, i - l in. long, with a
few spreading simple pinnately-arranged branches. Leaves of the
lower plane ascending, the upper contiguous, the lower slightly
spaced, ovate-obloug, quite obtuse, not more than 4 lin. long, bright
green, moderately firm in texture, concave on the face, the midrib
not reaohiiig the tip, nearly equal-sided, the upper side cordate and
distinctly ciliated at the base and imbricated over the stem ; leaves
of the upper plane 4 as long, oblique-ovate, acute, not cuspidate,
much imbricated. Spikes not seen.
Hah. Eooks a t the Banuré Falls, on the Eio Uapes, Spruce 2940 ! A very
distinct and beautiful little species.
2 9 . S. BBEviFOLiA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1 8 8 3 , 88. — Stems
slender, trailing, 14 -2 in. long, much iiitermatted, closely pinnate,
the branches regularly erecto- patent, the lower considerably compound.
Leaves of the lower plane crowded down to the base of the
main stem, erecto-patent, oblique ovate, acute, not more than 4 lin.
long, bright green, firm and rather rigid in texture, much dilated
on the upper side of the midrib, nearly as broad as long, strongly
ciliated and much imbricated over the stem on the upper side at
the base ; leaves of the upper plane 4 as long, oblique ovate, much
iiiihricated, shortly cuspidate. Spikes sharply square, 4 lin. diam. ;
bracts ovate, acute, strongly keeled.
Hab. Eio Negro, on rocks by the Janaraté cachoeira, forming large
patches. Spruce 2547 !
3 0 . S. b r e v i o a u l i s Baker in Journ Bot. 1 8 8 3 , 8 3 . — Stems
densely tufted, procumbent, 4- I in. long, copiously branched.
Leaves of the lower plane crowded, much imbricated, erecto-
patent,'linear-oblong, obtuse, 4 lin- long, green, moderately firm in
texture, the midrib distinct and central, both sides conspicuously
ciliated, the upper broadly rounded at the base and much imbricated
over the rachis ; leaves of the upper plane oblique ovate,
acute, a third as long, much imbricated. Spikes very short,
square, 4 Hn- diam. ; bracts ovate, acute, strongly keeled.
Hab. Eastern Cuba, near Monte Verde, C. Wriyht 941 !
3 1 . S. MicBOPHYLLA Spring Mon. ii. 88. S. thuyafoUa Spring.
Lycopodium microphyllum H. B. K.— Stems densely matted, trailing,
2 -3 in. long, copiously pinnately branched, the lower branches
copiously compound. Leaves scarcely dimorphous, those of the
lower plane erecto-patent or adpressed to the stem, ovate, acute,
4 lin. long, dark green, firm in texture, nearly equal-sided, cordate,
on both sides at the base, ciliated on both margins, the midrib
obscure ; leaves of the upper plane scarcely smaller, oblong, cuspidate,
distinctly nerved, ascending, imbricated. Spikes 4 “ 3 in- long,
square, 4 in. diam. ; bracts crowded, ovate-cuspidate, strongly
Hab. Tropical America on mountain rooks ; Guatemala, BermuiUi 955 !
New Granada, Moritz 369 ! Lindig 1519 ! Ecuador, Spruce 4787 ! Brazil,
Lindberg 682 ! Glaziou 7967 ! Cordoba, Hieronymus ! A near ally of S. san-
guimlenta. I cannot help thinking th a t S. Swartzii Spring Mon. ii. 89, is this
species, and the locality “ India orientalis ” a mistake.
3 2 . S. TENUISSIMA Fée F il. Bras. Suppl. 9 8 t. 1 0 8 , fig. 1 .—