lower subpatent; those of the lower plane ascending, suborbicular,
with a large cusp.
Hab. Bombay Ghauts, D a lzell! A near ally of S. chrysorhizos.
307. S. AUREOLA Spring Mon. ii. 211. — Stems densely tufted,
slender, erect, 1 -6 in. long, copiously pinnate, the branches erecto-
patent, the lower copiously compound. Leaves of the lower plane
spaced even on the branchlets, rather ascending, ovate-oblong,
obtuse, 4 lin. long, bright green, membranous, unequal-sided, more
produced on the upper side of the midrib, not ciliated, broadly
rounded on the uqiper side at the base, and imbricated over the
stem ; leaves of the upper qilaiie very small, ovate-cuspidate. Spikes
4 - i i u . loug, 4 liu. diam., resupinate; bracts obscurely dimorphous,
those of the upper plane lanceolate-rhomboid, erecto-patent, only
qirojectiiig beyond the ovate acute ascending bracts of the lower
half of the spikes.
Hab. Khasia Mountains, Griffith !
308. S. D a l z e l l i i Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 249. Lycopodium
caispitosum Dalz. in Hook. Kew Journ. iv. 114, non Blume. — Stems
erect, tufted, slender, qiale straw-coloured, 4 -6 iu. long, ooqiiously
pinnate, the branches ereoto-pateut, the lower copiously compound.
Leaves of the lower plane nearly contiguous on the branchlets,
spaced on the main stem, all ereoto-qiatent, oblong-lanoeolate, acute,
4 lin. long, bright green, membranous, nearly equal-sided, strongly
ciliated, broadly rounded, and a little imbricated over the stem on
the upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane half as long,
ovate, with a large cusp. Spikes short, copious, resupinate, 1 lin.
d iam .; bracts very dimorphous, those of the upper plane ovate-
lauoeolate, erecto-patent, bright green ; those of the lower plane
pale, ascending, ovate-cuspidate.
Hab. Bombay Ghauts, H a iz rii! Viith. S. miniatospora.
309. S. PBLAGicA Baker in Jourii. Bot. 1885, 250. — Stems
densely tufted, often forked from the base, very slender, erect,
3 - 4 in. long, qiinnate, the branches ascending, the lower copiously
compound. Leaves of the branchlets ascending and nearly contiguous,
of the main stem spaced and spreading, obhque oblong,
obtuse, 4 -1 lin. long, dark green, membranous, unequal-sided,
broadly rounded, shortly ciliated, aud a little imbricated over the
stem on the upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane a
third as long, oblong, with a large ousqi. Sqiikes short, copious,
resupinate, f lin. d iam .; bracts not very dimorphous, those of the
upper plane oblique ovate-laiioeolate, e r ec to-patent; of the lower
qilane ovate-cuspidate, ascending.
Hab. F iji Islands, Seemann 705 !
310. S. GLAUOA Spring Mon. ii. 252. — Stems slender, erect,
4 ft. long, simqile at the base, copiously pinnate above it, the
branches erecto-patent, the lower copiously compound. Leaves of
the lower qilane contiguous on the branchlets, spaced on the main
stem, all much ascending, oblique ovate, acute, 4 -1 lin. long, bright
green, rather firmer in texture than in its neighbours, muoh dilated,
obscurely ciliated, broadly rounded, and much imbricated over the
stem on the upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane half
as long, oblique ovate, acute. Spikes copious, short, resupinate,
f lin. d iam ,; bracts of the upper plane ovate, acute, dark green,
er e c to-patent; of the lower plane more ascending, pale green,
orbicular, with a cusp.
Hab. Forests of Assam, Mrs. Maelc I
311. S. cHBYsoEHizos Spring Mon. ii. 2 5 1 .— Stems densely
tufted, very slender, erect, 3-4 in. long, copiously pinnate, the
branches erecto-patent, the lower and middle ones considerably
compound. Leaves of the lower plane spaced even on the branchlets,
oblique oblong, subobtuse, rather ascending, 4 kn. long, membranous,
bright green, more produced on the upper side of the
midrib, serrulate on the upper edge, broadly rounded on the upper
side at the base, and imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper
plane very small, ovate, cuspidate. Spikes short, copious, resupinate,
1 lin. diam. ; bracts very dimorphous, those of the uqiper
plane oblong-rhomboid, bright green, e r ec to-patent; of the lower
very small, qiale green, ovate, with a large cusp.
Hab. Assam, Khasia Mountains, and Tenasserim. Doubtfully distinct as
a species from S. chrysocaulos.
312. S. oEAssiPES Spring Mon. ii. 243 — Stems 6 -9 in. long,
erect, pale yellow, a line diam. at base, coqiiously pinnate, the
erecto-patent branches copiously compound. Leaves of the lower
ilane spaced even on the branchlets, the uqiper ascending, the
ower spreading, oblique ovate, acute, f - 1 lin. long, bright green,
membranous, muoh dilated on the upper side of the midrib, very
cordate, serrulate, and much imbricated over the stem on the upper
side at the base ; leaves of the lower plane half to a third as long,
ovate, cuspidate. Spikes copious, resupinate, f - 4 lin. long, 1 lin.
d iam .; bracts very dimorphous, those of the upper plane oblique
ovate-lanceolate, erec to-patent; those of the lower plane pale green,
orbicular, with a large cusp.
Hab. Woods of Ceylon, a t about 5000 ft., Gardner 1274! Col. Walker'.
A near ally of the Himalayan S. chrysocaulos.
313. S. OHKYSOOAULOS Spring Mon. ii. 250. 8 . subdiaphana
Spring. 8. hypnoides Spring Mon. ii 101. Lycopodium chryso-
caulon Hook, & Grev. L . suhdiaphanum AVall. •— Stems densely
tufted, slender, erect, bright yellow, 4 -1 ft- long, copiously pinnate,
the short erecto-patent branches copiously compound. Leaves of
the lower plane spaced even on the branchlets, more or less
ascending, oblique ovate, acute, f - 1 lin. long, bright green, membranous,
very unequal-sided, broadly rounded, serrulate, and a little
imbricated over the stem on the npper side at the b a s e ; leaves of
the upper plane a third to half as long, ovate, distinctly cuspidate.
Spikes copious, short, resupinate, 1 lin. d iam .; bracts very dimorphous,
those of the upper plane crowded, erecto-patent ovate-
lanceolate ; of the lower plane shorter, paler, ascending, broad
ovate, with a large cusp.