■ 7 ' CONCINNA B a k e r .— Subaquatic, wiile-trailiug, small or
muldle-sized. Petiole J - l f iu. ; leaflets deltoid, glabrous or slightly
silky, f - J i i i . long and broad ; outer edge rounded, entire. Pedicels
solitary, erect, ¿ -J iu. long, inserted iu the middle of the base of
the conceptacle. Conceptacle oblong, horizontal, 4 iu. loii", persistently
tomentose, nnbordered, without basal teeth. Sori about 10.
Hab. Paraguay, iu marshes near Assumiition, Balansa 1127 !
22. M. B u b o h e l l i i A. Br. in Berl. Monatber. 18G8, 429. i l l
pumiUi E . Meyer. 2f. pnsiUn A. Br. M. mimita and filifonnis
Burch. — Snbterrestnal or aquatic, wide-trailing, the former (21.
mmuta Biivah.) with petioles f - l in., and silky deltoid leaflets
l - 12 th in. long, of firm texture, entire or emargiiiate on the outer
edge ; the latter (2[. filiformis Burch.) with petioles 3 -4 in. Ion",
and entire glabrous leaflets f - i in. long aud broad. Pedicels
solitary, stiffly erect, f - J in. long, adnate to nearly the whole of
the base of the conceptacle. Conceptacle horizontal, nearly square,
l - 12th m. diam., persistently tomentose, nnbordered; upper basal
tooth d is tin c t; lower obsolete.
Hab. Cape Colony, as far north as the Transvaal.
23. M. BiLOBA Willd. Sp. Plant, v. 540. 21. g hm e ra ta Presl.
— Subterrestrial or aquatic, wide-trailing, the former minute, with
petioles 4 -1 iu. and silky leaflets 4 - 4 in. long ; the latter with
glabrous leaflets 4 in. long and broad ; the leaflets iu both states
deltoid, with a deeply-lobed outer edge. Pedicels solitary, erect,
about as long as tbe conceptacle, adnate to its base. Conceptacle
nearly square, horizontal, l - 12tb in . long, persistently silky; upper
basal tooth distinct, lower obscure. Sori 8 -1 0 .
Hab. Cape Colony.
24. M. CAPENSIS A. Br. iu Berl. Monatber. 1863, 428.— Middle-
sized, aquatic or subterrestrial. Petioles reach 4 ft. lo n g ; leaflets
deltoid, thinly silky or glabrous, J - 4 in. lo n g ; outer ed"e entire or
emargiiiate. Pedicels solitary, erect, 4 -4 in. long, adnate to the
base of tbe conceptacle. Conceptacle nearly square, horizontal
tomentose or glabrescent, unbordered, l - 12th to l - 8 th in. long;
upper basal tooth distinct, lower nearly or quite obsolete. Sori
10—1 2 .
Hab. Cape Colony. M. villosa Burchell MSS., of whioh the fruit is
unknown, differs by its densely silky leaves, and nodes furnished with large
buds densely coated with ferruginous shining subulate paleie.
25. M. MAOEOCAEPA Presl. in Abb. Bohn. Ges. Wiss. iii. 580 21
Dregeana A. Br. in Berl. Monatber. 1863, 4 2 8 .—Large wide-trailing,
aquatic, glabrous. Petiole 4 - I ft. ; leaflets deltoid, 4 - f in, long
aud b road; outer edge entire or creiiate. Pedicels solitary, erect,
4 -1 in. long, adnate to nearly the whole base of the conceptacle.
Conceptacle horizontal, oblong-quadrate, persistently tomentose,
f m. long, nnbordered; basal teeth obsolete. Sori about 20.
Hab. Cape Colony and Natal.
26. M. e o t u n d a t a A. Br. in. Kuhn. F il. Afric. 2 0 0 .— Aquatic,
glabrous, moderately wide-creeping. P etiole reaching 4 ft. ; leaflets
deltoid, 4—4 in- long ; outer edge rounded and entire. Pedicels
solitary, erect or spreading, about 4 in. long, adnate to the base of
the conceptacle. Conceptacle round-oblong, horizontal or obliquely
ascending, 4 iu- long, unbordered, glabrescent or slightly s ilk y ;
basal teeth very obscure. Sori about 15.
Hab. Angola, in the subtemperate region of the province of Huilla,
Welwitsch 171! Very near the Cape M. macrocarpa.
27. M. SUBTERRANEA Lcprieur ; A. Br. in. Flora, 1839, 3 01.—
Habit of 21. quadrifoliata ; leaflets large, with a rounded entire
outer edge. Pedicel solitary, deflexed, 2 -3 times as long as the
conceptacle, adnate to its base. Conceptacle forming an obtuse
angle with the pedicel, round-oblong, 4 in. long, compressed,
distinctly bordered ; basal teeth close, minute. Sori about 10.
Hab. Senegal, Perottet 996.
28. M. GiBBA A. Br. in Berl. Monat. 1870, 7 41.—Aquatic, wide-
trailing, glabrous, undistinguishable when sterile from 21. quadrifolia
ta . Petiole 4 -6 in. lo n g ; leaflets deltoid, 4 - 4 hi. long, with a
tubercled epidermis ; outer edge rounded, entire. Pedicels solitary,
arcuate from a decumbent base, 4 -5 times as long as the conceptacle,
adnate to its base. Conceptacle oblong, nnbordered, obhque,
ascending or deflexed, l - 6th to l-5 th in. long ; upper tooth distinct,
lower obscure. Sori about 15.
Hab. Central Africa, iu Bongo-land, Schweinfurth 2147 !
29. M. GYMNOCAEPA Lepi’ieui’ ; A. Br. in Flora, 1839, 300. 21.
leiocarpa Bory M S S .— Habit of 21. nubica. Leaflets narrowly
deltoid, nearly glabrous; outer edge rounded, entire. Pedicels
solitary, erect, brownish, rather longer than the conceptacle, adnate
to its base. Conceptacle nearly square, 4 iu- diam., muoh compressed,
unhordered, glabrous, bright black, with a loose outer
skin, placed rather obliquely (declínate) as regards the p ed ic e l;
basal teeth obscure. Sori 8 -1 0 .
Hab. Senegal, Leprieur, Perottet. Differs mainly from M. nubica by its
longer pedicel.
80. M. ^GYPTiAOA Willd. Sp. V. 540; Delile, FI. Egypt. 253, t. 50.
— Subterrestrial or aquatic, very variable iu size. Petiole in the
aquatic form 4 - I f t . ; leaflets deltoid, 4 - f in. long, entire : in the
subterrestrial form much shorter ; leaflets J - 4 in- long, often thinly
silky, deeply crenate on the outer edge. Pedicels solitary, erect,
f - 4 in. long, adnate to the whole base of the conceptacle, which is
horizontal, nearly square, l-1 2 th to 1-lOth in. long, usually silky,
not bordered, with the upper corner of the base produced into an
obscure tooth. Sori about 6 .
Hab. Lower Egypt and Astracán.
31. M. c o n d e n s a t a Baker.— Subterrestrial, middle-sized, densely
tufted. Petioles 4 -1 4 hi. long ; leaflets deltoid, firm in texture, thinly
silky, J - 4 in. long, crenate on the outer edge. Pedicels in a tuft
with the leaves, free to the base, 4- f hi. long, stiffly erect, adnate
to the whole base of the conceptacle. Conceptacle horizontal,