1-6th 111. long, dai-k green, moderately firm iu texture, dilated,
broadly rounded, not ciliated, imbricated over the stem ou the
upqier side at the base ; leaves of the upjier plane a third as long,
oblong, shortly cuspidate. Spikes short, square, 4 lin. diam. ;
bracts ovate-cuspidate, strongly keeled.
r i tlie Pi'ovinoe of Oaxaca, Galeoiti 6808 his. Chiapas,
GheishrcclU 60-2 ! A near ally oî S. Jiahellata.
204 S. ANCEPS A. Br. iu. Fil. Nov. Gran. 362. S. Spnioei
A. h r , loc. ctt. S. fldhellata Spring, ex parfce. Tjijcopodium anceps
1 --70161118 1-2 it. long, erect, stramineous, simqile in the lower
iiall, with entirely adpressed leaves, deltoid and 2-3-piniiate iu the
upper half, the contiguous erecto-qiatent ultimate segments reaching
2 -3 111. long, 4-4 ill. broad. Leaves of the lower plane crowded,
ascending, lanceolate-rhomboid, acute, 4-4 in. long, bright green,
moderate y firm 111 texture, dilated, cordate, shortly ciliated, aud
much nnbncated over the stem 011 the upper side at the base ;
Laves of the ujiper plaue a third as long, oblique ovate, acute.
Spikes square, reaching I-I4 in. long, 1 lin. diam. ; bracts ovate-
ianoeolate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Andes of Venezuela, New Granada, Ecuador, and Peru. Habit less
compound than m Jiahellata^ and leaves much larger.
Group 2.—Genicidatæ.
265. S. P a b k e b i Spring Mon. ii. 226. S. hicidmervia Spriim.
Lycopodium P ark e ,i Hook. & Grev. L . plumosum Aublet !—Stems
1-14 ft. long, simple iu the lower half or two-thirds, articulated,
strammeous, distinctly articulated, deltoid and decompound in the
upper part, with petioled bipinnate deltoid lower pinnæ, long Ian-
ceolate penultimafce divisions with a flexuose rachis, and contiguous
erecto-patent final divisions 4-I in. long, 4-4 in. broad. Leaves
ot tfie lower plane contiguous, lanceolate-rhomboid, asceiidiii"
pointed at the upper corner, 4-4 in. long, bright green, moderaterÿ
farm in textiu'e, auricled on both sides of the narrow base, unequal-
sided, broadly rounded on the upper side at the base, and a little
imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper plane a third to one-
fourth as long, lanceolate, acute. Spikes short, 1 lin. diam •
bracts ovate-cuspidate, acutely keeled.
Var. S. pedata Klotzsch in Linnæa xviii. 521. S . nodosa Kunze.
—Branched portion of the stem more compound, with narrower
divisions, shorter leaves of the lower plaue, and longer more
slender spikes. °
Var N. stdhita Spring Mou. ii. 228. S. calcarata A. Br. in
Ciyqit. Nov. Gran. 889.—Uqiper part of stem copiously compound
lengthened out, and taking root at the tip.
p . Spring. S. f,-ayilis A. Br. iu Crypt. Nov.
Giaii. 389. Stems slender and trailing, bipinnate above the
simple base, gradually lengthened out upwards with a Ion" whip-
like i-adicaut end. °
Hab. Guiana aud tbe Amazon Valley. This is iirobably the “ nlanta
museosa et plumosa gnayanensis perelegans m in o r” of Breynius Ic. t 101
cited by Lmuæus under bis L . plumosum. ’
266. S. ASPERULA Spring Mon. ii. 225. Tjycopodiwn asperulum
Mart. — Stems about a foot long, erect, articulated, stramineous,
simqile in the lower half with adpressed leaves, compound in the
upper half with broad erecto-patent pinnæ 2 -4 in. long, with
distant sparingly subflabellately compound erecto-patent pinnules,
the final divisions 4- I in. long, l-1 2 th in. diam. Leaves of the
lower plane crowded, ascending, ovate, acute, 4- I lin. long, bright
green, firm in texture, broadly rounded and shortly rigidly ciliated
on the upper side at the base, and a little imbricated over the stem ;
leaves of the upper plane a third as long, oblique ovate, acute.
Spikes short, square, f - 1 liu. diam, ; bracts ovate-euspidate,
sharply keeled.
Hab. Amazon Valley, Spruce 1317 ! Traill 1420 ! 1421 ! Ceara, Gardner !
Bahia, Martius !
267. S. GENicuLATA Spring Mon. ii. 227. S. fermininata and
conduplicata Spring Mon. ii. 2 2 9 -2 3 0 . S. elonyata Klotzsch. l.yco-
podiuin yenicidatum P resl.— Stems 2 -3 ft. long, simple, stramineous
and very distiuotly jointed in lower two-thirds or three-quarters,
deltoid and decompound uqiwards, with 3-pinnate lower pinnæ, all
the divisions ascending and piunately arranged, the final ones contiguous,
1 -2 in. long, 4-4 in. broad, their rachis also, like the main
stem, conspicuously articulated. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous,
ascending, ovate, or ovate-lanceolate, acute, l-1 2 th to
1-Gth in. long, bright green, moderately firm in texture, truncate at
the base, not at all imbricated over the stem, entire or obscurely
serrulate ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long, ovate-
laiioeolate. Spikes square, 4 - f lin. diam. ; bracts ovate-cuspidate,
strongly keeled.
Var. S. tomentosa Spring Mon. ii. 231. — Branches pubescent,
divisions 4“4 hi- broad.
Hab. Costa Eica and Nicaragua to the Amazon Valley and Peru.
268. S. SUBARBORESCENS Hook. 2 Cent. Ferns, t. 84. S. eury-
clada A. Br. in Crypt. Nov. Gran. 388. — Stems reaching a height
of 4 -5 ft., simqile and unbranched in the lower three-quarters,
stramineous, distinctly articulated, deltoid and frond-like at the
top, with long-stalked ascending lower bipinnate pinnæ, with the
branohing midway between flabellate and pinnate, the final
divisions reaching 4 -6 in. long, 4 in. broad. Leaves of the lower
plaue contiguous, lanceolate-rhomboid, patent with a falcate acute
tip^ i _4 in. long, bright green, moderately firm iu texture, nearly
equal-sided, not imbricated over the stem at the base, cut away on
the upper, piroduoed and square on the lower side ; leaves of the
upper pilaiie one-fourth as long, lanceolate, acute, much imbricated.
Spikes short, square, 1 liu. diam. ; bracts ovate-cuspidate, acutely
Hab. Amazon Valley, in forests of the Eio Uapes, Spruce 2540 !
Suhgenus I I I .— H o m o s t a c h y s .
269. S. ciLiARis Spring Mon. ii. 233, excl. syn. Lycopodium
ciliare Ketz.— Habit of S. serpens. Stems trailing, reaching 4 ft. iu