ascending, in. long, rigid, glossy, tliiok,^ red-green, entire,
concave on tlie face, rounded on the back; midrib hidden. Sporangia
in the axils of the unaltered leaves of the branches.
Hab. Mountain region of Central Brazil, Sello ! Glazioii 15801!
6. L. ERYTHRXUJI Spring, Mon. ii. 7 .— Stems stiffly erect from
a decumbent base, 4 -1 ft. long, 2 -3 -tim e s dichotomously fork ed ;
branchlets long, erect, cylindrical, J in . diam. including the leaves.
Leaves dense, adpressed, ascending, lanceolate, 4 - 4 in. long, thick
in texture, rigid, red-green, entire, concave on the face, rounded
on the back. Sporangia in the axils of unaltered leaves all down
the stem.
Hab. High Andes of Ecuador, from 10,000 ft. to the snow-line, Jameson !
llartwen 1472 ! Spruce 5609 ! Pearce ! Nearly allied to L. Saururus.
7. L. S aururus Lam. Encyc. ill. 653 ; Bory Voy, i. 344, tab. 16,
fig. 1, L. donijatniii S w . ; Hook, et Grev. Ic. t. 224- L . crassum
H. B. K. L. 'uxillare Eoxb.— Stems stiffly erect from a decumbent
base, varying from a few inches to a foot in length, less branched
than in L . Selago, and the branchlets longer, _ | in. in diam.
including the leaves. Leaves dense, linear, acuminate, ascending,
4 - 4 in. long, green or rarely tinged with red, thick and rigid in
texUire, entire or slightly denticulate, rounded on the back ; midrib
obscure. Sporangia hidden in the axils of unaltered leaves all
down the stem.
Hab. Temperate and alpine zones of the Andes, Argentine region,
Cameroons, Cape, Mascaren Isles, St. Helena, Tristan d ’Acunha, Juan
Fernandez, Marion Island and Kerguelen’s Land. L. axiUare Boxb., of St.
Helena, has the leaves sometimes sharply ciliated.
8. L. RUFESCENS Hook. Ic. t. 86 ; L . hrevifolium Hook, et Grev.
— Stems erect, stout, hidden, about | ft. long, 1 -4 -tin ie s dichotomously
fo rk ed ; branchlets erect, J - 4 in. diam. including the
leaves. Leaves crowded, oblong, obtuse, green or red. 4 iu. long,
very thick and rigid iu texture, entire; upper spreading; lower
reflexed; midrib obscure. Sporangia in the axils of unaltered
leaves all down the stem.
Hab. Alpine region of the Andes, of New Granada, Ecuador and Peru.
Most like L . compactum, from which it differs by its reflexed leaves.
9. L . H am il t o n ii Spreng. Syst. v . 429. L . ohtusifoliun Hamilt.
non Sw. L . alvifoliwn Wall. ; Hook, et Grev. Ic . t. 238. h . ver-
nicorum Hook, et Grev. L . empetrifolium D a lz e ll.— Stems densely
tufted, suberect or pendulous, varying from a few inches to a foot
in length, 2 -4 -tim e s dichotomously forked, 4- I in. diam. including
the leaves. Leaves linear or linear-oblong, obtuse, -4-4 in. long,
not very dense, spreading, light green, glossy, thin but firm in
te x tu r e ; midrib distinct. Sporaugia iu the axils of unaltered
leaves iu the upper part of the stem.
Var. petivlatiwi C. B. Clarke. L . taxlfulium Spring, as regards
W allicli’s Indian plant. Leaves narrower and thinner than in the
type, subacute, distinctly narrowed at the base.
Hab. Himalayas, ascending to 5000 ft. in Kumaon, Moulmein, Lofanschan,
Neilgherries, Concan, Ceylon. L . vernicosum H. & G. is a dwarf form, with
much reflexed leaves.
10. L. cRYPTOMERiNUM Maxiiii, Mel. Biol. vii. 340. — Stems
robust, suberect, reaching a foot in length, once or twice dichotomously
forked. Leaves linear, thick, rigid, acuminate, but not
pungent, 4 - 4 in. long, spreading or recurved in the mature plant.
Sporangia placed in the axils of unaltered or slightly shortened
Hab. Mountains of Jap&a, Muxlmoieiez; Savatier 152i. Named from its
resemblance in habit to a leafy branchlet of Cnjptomeria japónica.
11. L. EEFLExuM Laiii. Eiioyc. iii. 6 5 3 ; Kunze Earren, t. 90.
L. hifidum II. B. K. L . eversum Poir. L . rcversnm Presl. — Stems
erect or pendulous, 4 -2 ft. long, 1 -8 times dichotomously forked,
branchlets often long, J - 4 in. diam. including leaves. Leaves
crowded, linear, spreading or squarrose, 4 - 4 i^- long, thin but firm
iu texture, bright green, naked or minuteíy ciliated on the e d g e ;
midrib distinct. Sporangia iu the axils of unaltered leaves all
down the stem.
Var. densifolium Baker.— Stems erect. Leaves very dense,
4 -4 in. long, the lower spreading, not squarrose.
Var. L . intermedium Spring, M on .i. 27. L . commutatum Squliig.
■—Stems pendulous. Leaves laxer than in the type, very much
Hab. Mountains of Tropical America, from Cuba and Mexico to South
Peru and South Brazil. Central Madagascar, Ilildebrandt 4152 ! Mountains
of Sumatra, Beccari 413 ! Var. densifolium connects the type with L . rigidum,
llartweg 1480 ! Moritz 2266 ! Glaziou 15797 1 Var. intermedium is founded on
a plant of Central Brazil, gathered by Sello. We have it also from Glaziou
158001 Andes of Ecuador, Spruce 4793! and Demerara, Itichd. Schomburgk
12. L. MiNiATUM Spring Mon. i. 28. L . rigidum Blume non Gmel.
— Stems suberect or pendulous, bright red, 9 -1 2 in. long, siinjile
or once or twice dichotomously forked, 4 in- diam. including leaves.
Leaves linear, moderately dense, green, firm in texture, entire,
4 in. long, with a distinct midrib, the upper spreading, the lower
reflexed. Sporangia in the axils of unaltered leaves all down the
Mountains of Java, 4000—10,000 ft. Jiinghun 2721 Zollinger I Anderson'.
Beccari I Differs from lueidnlum by its red stem and equal leaves.
13. L. cEYLANicuM Spring Moii. Í. 37.— Stems suberect, slender,
4 -1 ft. long, green, 1 -3 times dichotomously forked 4 - 4 in. diam.
including leaves. Leaves moderately dense, lanceolate, entire,
equal, firm in texture, bright green, 4 -4 in. lo n g ; midrib d is tin c t;
upper spreading; lower reflexed. Sporangia in the axils of unaltered
leaves all down the stem.
Hab. Mountains of Ceylon, alt. 6000 ft., 0. P. 1415 ! Intermediate between
luciduium and Selago.
14. L. LuciDULUM Michx. El. Bor. Amer. ii. 284 (Dill. Muse,
tab. 56, fig. 2). L . reflexum Sw. ; Schk. Crypt, t. 159, non Lam.
—Stems suberect, 4^1 ft. long, 1 -3 times dieliotomously forked,
-4-f in. diam. including leaves. Leaves moderately crowded,
lanceolate, bright green, firm in texture, glossy, entire, -4-4 in.
long, u n eq u a l; upper sp r eadin g ; lower r e flex ed ; midrib distinct.