suborbicular, densely silky, nnbordered, 4 in. long ; basal teeth
none or very obscure. Sori about 10.
Hab. Sciiule, Herb. D a lzell!
32. M. q u a d b a t a A. Br. in Berl. Monatber. 1870, 745.— Small,
terrestrial, densely tufted. Petiole 1 -2 in. lon g ; leaflets deltoid,
rather silky, i - J in. long, crenate on the slightly rounded outer
edge. Pedicels solitary, erect, f —J iu. long, adnate to the whole
base of the conceptacle. Ooiioeptacle nearly square, glabrescent,
horizontal, nnbordered, l-1 2 th iu. lo u g ; basal teeth distinct.
Sori 5-G.
Hab. Borneo, Low ! Very near il/. cegyqitiaca.
33. j\I. D r u m m o n d i i A. Br. iu Linmea, XXV. 721, M. »¡(iG)'opus
Hook. Ic. t. 909; Gard. Ferns, t. 63. M. Ilowittiana, sericea,
Yai-du, macra, oxaloides, aud hirsutissima A. Br. in Berl. Monatber.
1870, 7 3 4 -7 8 9 .—Large, subterrestrial or aquatic. Petiole often
4 It. or more loug in subterrestrial forms ; leaflets deltoid, usually
silky, 4 -;‘ iu. long ; outer edge rounded, entire or crenate. Pedicels
1 -2 in. long, stiffly erect, adnate to the uqiper part of the base of
tlie conceptacle. Conceptacles oblique oblong, not bordered, with
the dorsal suture nearly straight, f - f in. loug, obliquely ascending,
cuspidate, with a pair of small teeth at the upper corner of the
base. Sori 1 5 -2 0 .
Var. M. Muelleyi A. Br. in Linmea, xxv. 721. Ai. salvatrix
Hanstein.— Conceptacle more regularly oblong, the dorsal suture
more rounded.
Var. M. d a ta A. Br. in Ind. Sem. Hort. Bsrol. 1867, App. 3.—
Conceptacle erect, with a pedicel 2 4 -3 iu. loug.
Hab. Central and Southern Australia.
84. M. B e r t e r o i a . Br. in Berl. Monatber. 1870, 747. — Very
near M.vuxicana. Leaflets smaller and glabrous. Pedicels longer,
curved, decumbent, sometimes twice as loug as the conceptacle,
adnate to the npper part of its base. Conceptacle oblong, persistently
tomentose, l-5 th in. lo n g ; basal teeth obscure. Sori
about 23.
Hab. St. Domingo, gathered by Bertero.
35. M. MUTicA Mett. in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. 4, xv. 88 .—Aquatic,
middle-sized, wide-creeping. Petiole 6 -8 iu. long ; leaflets deltoid,
glabrous 4 in. long ; outer edge rounded, entire. Pedicels solitary,
ascending, f - i in. long, scarcely at all adnate to the base of the
conceptacle, inserted at its lower comer. Conceptacle horizontal,
nnbordered, glabrescent, f - 4 in. long, obovoid-oblong ; basal teeth
obsolete. Sori about 15.
Hab. New Caledonia, VieiUard 1G98 ! We have aquatic forms of similar
habit, but without fruit, from Tahiti and Fiji, and another from New Caledonia
with entire leaflets I J—I J in. long and broad.
36. M.^ ANOYLOPODA A. Br. iu Berl. Monatber. 1863, 4 84.—
■\Vide-trailing, middle-sized or large, aquatic or subterrestrial, the
latter with leaves rather silky. Petiole 1 -4 in. ; leaflets deltoid,
reaching 4 - | in. long and broad; outer border rounded and entire.
Pedicels solitary, abruptly deflexed, l-6 th to l-5 th in. long, adnate
to the middle of the base of the conceptacle. Conceptacle obovoid-
globose, unhordered, tomentose, l-5 th in. lon g ; basal teeth none
or very indistinct. Sori about 20.
Hab. Marshes in Ecuador, near Guayaquil, Jameson 394 ! Spruce 6550 !
37. M. coROMANDELioA B um i. FI. Ind. tab. 62, fig. 3. M.
coromandeliana Willd. Sp. Plant, v. 539. M. minuta var. coroman-
deliana Linn. Maiit. 308. — Small, aquatic or subterrestrial,
glabrous in all its parts. Petiole 4 -3 in. long; leaflets deltoid,
l-1 2 th to l-3 rd in. long ; outer edge rounded, entire. Pedicels
4 - f in. long, free, filiform, erect, inserted iu the middle of the base
of the conceptacle. Conceptacle oblong, erect, f i n . long, distinctly
bordered and grooved down the face ; basal teeth distinct.
Sori 1 0 -1 2 .
Hab. Plains of Peninsular India, and discovered recently by Dr. I. B.
Balfour in Socotra. Species 37—40 differ from all the other species by having
pellucid streaks in the areolæ of the leaflets running down their long diameter.
38. M. TEicHopoDA Leprieur ; A. Br. in Flora, 1839, 8 00.—
Small, subterrestrial, wide-trailing, glabrous. Petiole I - I 4 in.
lon g ; leaflets deltoid, about J i n. lon g ; outer edge rounded and
entire. Pedicels solitary, very slender, asoendmg, about 4 hi. long,
inserted into the middle of the base of the erect or sligh tly oblique
rouud-oblong distinctly-bordered conceptacle, whioh is l-1 2 th to
l-8 th in. long, distinctly grooved across the faces, and furnished
at the base with two obscure teeth. Sori 8 -1 0 .
Hab. Senegal, Heudelot 548 ! Very near the Asiatic M, coromandclica,
from which it differs by its smaller conceptacles, broader in proportion to their
length, and less distinct basal teeth.
39. M. MuscoiDES Leprieur; A. Br. in Flora, 1839, 300. M.
microphylla Welw. MSS. — Minute, subterrestrial, wide-trailing.
Petiole very slender, I - I 4 in. long ; leaflets deltoid, glabrous,
4 -4 in. long ; outer edge rounded, entire. Pedicels solitary, erect,
filiform, 4 ~ i ill- long, inserted into the middle of the base of the
distinctly-bordered erect round-oblong glabrous conceptacle, which
is distinctly grooved across the sides, and furnished at the base with
two minute teeth. Sori 4 -6 .
Hab. Senegal, Leprieur. Angola, Welwitsch 109 ! 175 1 Closely allied to
the two preceding species.
40. M. DISTORTA A. Br. in Berl. Monatber. 1863, 4 38.—Middle-
sized. Leaflets deltoid, glabrous, crenulate on the outer edge.
Pedicel 2 4 -3 times as long as the conceptacle, very shortly adnate
to its base, solitary, slender, spreading or deflexed, flexuose,
abruptly incurved at the tip. Conceptacle obovoid from a narrow
base, little compressed, not margined, about 4 in. long, half as long
again as broad, tomentose till maturity. Sori 1 2 -1 4 .
Hab. Senegal, Lelievre, Leprieur.