Group 2 .—Atrovirides.
162. S. MicKocLADA BalvOi' ill Jourii. Bot. 1884, 2 4 6 .— Stems
suberect, 4 -6 in. long, witli root-fibres only from the lower part,
flat on the back, bisulcate tlowii the face, flabellately cleoompound,
the leaflets of all the branchlets very much smaller than those of
the stem. Leaves of the lower plane spaced even ou the branchlets,
spreading or ascending, oblique ovate, subacute, -J- iu. long, pale
green, moderately firm in texture, very unequal-sided, not all
ciliated, broadly rounded and much imbricated over the stem on
the ujiper side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane ha lf as long,
ovate, shortly cuspidate. Spikes not seen.
Hab. Chong-tong, Sikkim, alt. 4000 ft., Dr. Anderson 1404!
163 S. P lum ea Spring Mon. ii. 136. — Stems suberect, 4 -1 ft.
long, the root-fihres confined to the base, bisulcate on the face, flat
on the back, decompound, the branehiug between pimiate and
flabellate. Leaves of the lower plane crowded on the branchlets,
rather spaced on the main stem, oblong-lanceolate, acute, -J-4 in.
long, bright green, not very firm in texture, very cordate, shortly
ciliated and much imbricated over the stem on the upper side at
the base ; leaves of the upper plane small, obovate, imbricated, with
a cusp as loug as the blade. Spikes copious -J—J in . long, 1 lin.
d iam .; bracts ovate acuminate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Malay Peninsula, Griffith ! Lady Dalhousie! Maingay 1832 !
164. S. t b io h o b a s is Baker in Journ. Bot. 1884, 275. — S tems
suberect, 4 -1 ft- long, angled on the face, fiat on the back, the root-
fibres confined to the base, densely decompound, the crowded
ascending branches elongated aud copiously pinnate, the branchlets
subflabellate. Leaves of the lower plane crowded, except in the
lower part of the main stem, ovate-lanceolate, acute, spreading,
4 -J in. long, bright green, moderately firm iu texture, very
unequal-sided, with a large cordate strongly ciliated auricle on the
upper side at the base, which is much imbricated over the stem ;
leaves of the upper plaue small, obovate, much imbricated, with a
cusp as long as the blade. Spikes copious, J - 4 in. long. 1 lin.
d iam .; bracts ovate-lanceolate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Penang, Wallich! (included iu Herb. Ind.Junder No. 120); Singaiiore,
S ir W. Norris ! A near ally of S. Plumea.
165. S. c o c h l b a t a Spring Mon. ii. 121. Lycopodium cocldeatiim
Hook. & Grev. — Stems suberect, tetragonous, about a foot long,
decompound, the braiiohing midway between pinnate and flabellate.
Leaves of the lower plaue crowded, spreading, obloiig-rhomboid,
obtuse, 4 in. long, bright green, rigid in texture, unequal-sided,
dilated, broadly rounded aud serrulate on the upper side at the
b a s e ; leaves of the upper plane half as long, ovate, with a long
cusp, much imbricated. Spikes square, 4 -4 in. long, 1 lin. diam. ;
bracts ovate, with a long cusp, strongly keeled.
Hab. Adam’s Peak, Ceylon, Moon! I have seen only Hooker and Greville’s
single type-specimen, which is in the herbarium of the British Museum.
166. S. ATKOviEiDis Spring Mon. ii. 124. ¡S. trinervia, intermedin,
and Bhimei Spring Mon. ii. 125-128. Lycopiodium atroviride
Wall. Cat. No. 120; Hook. & Grev. Ic. F il. t. 89. L. furcatum
Eoxb. L. intermedium Blume. — Stems suberect, J - l ft. long,
bisuloate down the face, flat on the back, the root-fibres confined to
the lower part, decompound, the branching between dichotomous
and pimiate. Leaves of the lower plane close both on the stem
and branches, spreading or rather ascending, oblong-rhomboid,
subobtuse, l-5 th to l-4 th in. long, spuriously 3-nerved, bright
green, rather firm in texture, unequal-sided, broadly rounded,
obscurely or distinctly ciliated and imbricated over the stem on the
upper side at the base; leaves of the upper plane half as long,
oblong, with a long cusp, much imbricated. Spikes square, J—1 iu.
long, 1 liu. diam. ; bracts ovate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Madras, Malay Peninsula and Islands, South China, Hong-Kong
and Formosa. Well known in cultivation.
167. S. ALOPEOUROIDES Baker in Trimen’s Journ. 1881, p. 868.
— Stems ascending, above a foot long, with several ascending
simple or 2 -8 furcate branches. Leaves of the lower plane crowded,
oblique lanceolate, 3 J -4 lin. long, produced ou the upper side at
the base, with a large cordate auricle imbricated over the stem,
moderately firm in texture, bright green, not ciliated ; leaves of the
upper plane ovate, ascending, much imbricated, J in. long, not
cuspidate. Spikes square, 4 -1 hi. long, J in. diam., 2-8 -n a te from
the tip of the b ran ch e s; bracts rigid, uniform, ovate acuminate,
erecto-patent, strongly keeled.
Hab. Borneo, Curtis 83! The finest of the Old World Ascendentes,
rivalling articulata in the breadth of its leafy stems.
168. S. CuMiNGiANA Spring Mon. ii. 126. — Stems suberect, a
foot or more long, flat on the back, bisuloate down the face,
copiously pinnate, the ascending branches again copiously pin nately
compound. Leaves of the lower plane crowded on the
branches, spaced on the lower part of the main stem, spreading or
rather ascending, oblong-rhomboid, obtuse, spuriously 3-nerved,
bright green, moderately firm in texture, nearly equal-sided,
rounded and shortly ciliated on both sides at the base, laterally
attached and not imbricated on the upper side over the back of the
stem ; leaves of the upper plaue oblique obovate, much imbricated,
not at all cuspidate. Spikes square, 1 -2 in. long, 1 lin. diam.;
bracts ovate acuminate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Philiijpines, Cuming 2011! 2012 ! A jilant from Borneo, Motley 829 !,
differs by having cusps to its leaves of the upper plane.
162. S. K a l b e e y e e i Baker in Journ. Bot. 1884, 276. — Stems
I - I 4 ft. long, ascending from a decumbent base, the root-fibres
confined to the base, the face angled, the few ascending pinnie
elongated, lanceolate, 2-S-pinnate, sometimes whip-like at the tip,
the final branohiug subflabellate, the ultimate divisions 4 - i hi.
long, i in. broad. Leaves of the lower plane contiguous 011 the
final branches, spaced on the pinuie and main stem, oblong-
lanceolate, acute, asoendiiig, falcate, l - 12th to l - 8th in. long, bright