branches, witli contiguous simple erecto-patent branchlets. Leaves
of the lower plane close both on branches and branchlets, more or
less ascending, lanceolate or obloiig-laiioeolate, acute, l-1 2 th to
l-8 th iu. long, moderately firm in texture, more produced ou the
upper side of the midrib, where they are rounded and shortly
ciliated, slightly imbricated over the stem, auricled at the base on
the lower side ; leaves of the upper plane half to oiie-third as long,
oblique ovate, acute, much imbricated. Spikes not seen.
Hab. British Guiana, Appan 802 ! Well-marked from stolonifera and
marginata by its plan of branching.
109. S. PoEPPiGiANA Spring Mon. ii. 217, ex parte. S. dlartensii
Metten. in Lechler, F il. Peruv. No. 2015, non Spring. Lyoopoilium
Poe/ipit/iiiniim, Hook. & Grev., ex parte.— Stems trailing, 1 -2 ft.
long, forked at the base, jointed at the nodes, flat on the back,
bisulcate ou the face, copiously pinnate, with copiously compouud
erecto patent branchlets. Leaves of the lower plane spaced except
towards the tip of the branchlets, very much spaced on the main
stem, spreading or rather ascending, oblong-lanoeolate, subaoute or
subobtuse, 4—4 in. loug, bright green and moderately firm in
texture, more produced on the upper side of the midrib, broadly
rounded on the upper side at the base, scarcely at all imbricated
over the stem and not distinctly ciliated, not distinctly auricled on
the lower side ; leaves of the upper plane one-third as long, oblique
oblong, with a distinct cusp. Spikes square, 4 - | in. long, 1 lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate, sharply keeled.
Hab. Andes, from New Granada to Peru.
110. S. K u n z e a n a a . Br. in Crypt. Nov, Gran. 380. S. suavis £
Poeppujiana Spring, ex parte. Lycopodium radiculosum Kunze.—
Stems trailing, a foot or more long, jointed at the nodes, flat on
the back, bisulcate on the face, copiously pinnate, with copiously
compound short erecto-patent branches. Leaves of the lower
plane spaced even on the branchlets, ascending, lanceolate, acute,
4 - 4 in. long, bright green, moderately firm iu texture, a little more
produced on the upper side of the midrib, obscurely ciliated,
rounded but not imbricated over the stem on the upper side at the
base, distinctly auricled on the lower ; leaves of the upper plane
one-third as long, oblique ovate, cuspidate, imbricated. Spikes
in. long, f lin. diam., square; bracts ovate-lanceolate, strongly
Hab. Andes, from New Granada to Peru. Very near S. Poeppigiana, from
which it differs by its less unequal-sided leaves, distinctly auricled on the lower
side a t the base.
111. S. CANESCENS Fée F il. Bras. 99. t. 108, fig. 2. — Stems
trailing, 4 ft. long, flat on both back and face, pubescent, jointed
at the nodes, copiously pinnate, with short flabellately compound
cuneate branches. Leaves of the lower plane close on the
branchlets, spaced on the main stem, oblong-lanceolate, acute,
l-1 2 th to l-8 th in. long, more produced on the upper side of the
midrib, broadly rounded, ciliated aud imbricated over the rachis on
the upper side at the base, not auricled on the lower ; leaves of the
upper plane half as long, ovate-lanceolate, minute, much imbricated.
Spikes not seen.
Hab. Eio Janeiro, Olaziou 4489 !
112. S. SUAVIS Spring Mon. 216, ex parte ; A. Br. in Crypt.
Nov. Gran. 3 81.— S. Giaziovn Fée Fil. Bras. 282, tab. 75, fig. 4 .—
Stems trailing a foot or more long, flat on the back, bisuloate on
the face, jointed at the nodes, copiously pinnate, with copiously
compound short cuneate branches. Leaves of the lower plane
close oil the branchlets, spaced on the main stem, oblong-lanceolate,
acute, 4 - 4 in. long, bright green and iqioderately firm in texture,
more produced on the upper side of the midrib, broadly rounded
and a little imbricated over the stem and shortly ciliated on the
upper side at the base, distinctly auricled on the lower side ; leaves
of the upper pilanc a third as loug, oblique ovate, with a long cusp,
much imbricated. Spikes 4—i in- long, square, -J-1 liu. diam. ;
bracts ovate-lanceolate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Eio Janeiro, Glaziou 4482 ! 4502 !
113. S. SULCATA Spring Mon. ii. 214. Lycopodium sulcatum,
Desv. h. maryùiatum Gaudich. L. plumosum Vellozo FI. Flum.
xi. t. 113. — Stems trailing iu the lower half, usually assurgent in
the upper half, flat on the back, deeply bisulcate down the face,
jointed at the nodes, copiously flabellato-pinnate, the final branchlets
contiguous. Leaves of the lower plane close on the branchlets,
spaced on the stem, ohlong-lanceolate, acute or subacute, 4 -o in-
long, bright green, moderately firm in texture, rather more produced
oil the upper side of the midrib, auricled on both sides at the base,
obscurely ciliated on the upper side, not distinctly imbricated over
the stem ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long, oblique-ovate,
with a long cusp. Spikes J - 4 in. long, square, 4 - f lin. diam. ;
bracts ovate, acute, strongly keeled.
Var. cruenta Spring (8 . erythropus Fée F il. Bras. 280, non
Spring) is a form with bright red stem and root-fibres. S. lliim -
holdtiana A. Br, in F il. Nov. Gran. 877, from the banks of the
Orinoco, is said to differ from sulcata by its more flaccid texture,
shorter base on the upper side of the leaves of the lower plane, and
lower side with a longer auricle.
Hab. Common in South Brazil.
114. S. A P P iN is A. Br. in Crypt. Nov. Gran. 880. S. Poeppigiana
var. (jmjanensis Spring Mon. 218. S. riyida Hort. — Stems a foot
or more long, trailing, flat on the back, bisulcate on the face, jointed
at the nodes, forked low down and copiously pinnate, with erecto-
patent copiously compound branches. Leaves of the lower plane
close on the branchlets, ascending, ohlong-lanceolate, acute, 4 -4
iu. long, bright green, moderately firm in texture, a little more
produced on the upper side of the midrib, hardly at all imbricated
over the stem, not ciliated and not distinctly auricled on either
side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long, oblique-
oblong, cuspidate, imbricated. Spikes f - 4 in. long, square, 1 lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate-cuspidate, strongly keeled.