length, pinnate, the branolies erecto-patent, the lower copiously
compound. Leaves of the lower plaue spaced below the tip of the
branchlets, spreading, ovate-obloug, subobtuse, 4 iu. loug, very
unequal-sided, cordate and conspicuously ciliated, and imbricated
over the stem 011 the upper side at the 'base ; leaves of the upper
plane muoh smaller, cordate-ovate, aristate. Spikes short, not
resupiiiate ; bracts of both planes resembling the leaves in shape
and arraiigemeut.
Hab. Ceylon, Lainif,. I have not found this amongst our large set of
Ceylon specunens Of the synonyms cited by Spring, Lamarck’s plant is our
S. promfloru, and Hooker & Greville’s is S. tenera.
270. S. PALLiDissiiiA Spring ilo n . ii. 284.— Stems 8-6 iu. long,
much intermatted, forked low down aud pinnate, tlie branches
simple or sparingly compound. Leaves of the lower plaue spaced
below the tip of the branches, spreading, ovate, acute, a line long,
pale greeu, membranous, very uiiequal-sided, very cordate on the
upper side at the base, shortly oiliatod, muoh imbricated over the
stem ; leaves of the upper plane h a lf as long, ovate, shortly
cuspidate Spikes not resupiiiate, 4- I iu. long, J in. broad, some-
times iorked ; bracts of the lower plane ovate, acute, ereoto-pateut,
slighly imbr icated; of the upper plaue little smaller, suberect,
much imbricated.
to 8000-90OT region of the Central Himalayas, ascending in Kumaon
Suhgenus IV. H e t e r o s t a o h y s .
Group 1.— Bisulcatm.
271. S. Burbidgei Baker iu Journ. Bot. 1885, 154. — Stems
slender trailing, strammeous, intermatted, angled on the face
copiously pinnate, tlie distant erecto-patent branches sparino-ly
compound. Leaves of the lower plane spaced even on the branches,
rather ascending on the branches, spreading on the main stem,
broad cordate-ovate, subacute, bright green, rather firm iu texture,
f r r ' strongly ciliated and muoh imbricated over
the stem on the upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane
half .as long, oordatemvate, with a short cusp. Spikes resupiiiate,
4 -4 m. long, 1 hu. d iam .; bracts of the upper plaue nearly patent,
obhque lanceolate, acute ; those of the lower plaue very different
ovate-lanceolate, with a long cusp, ascending, strongly keeled, and
strongly ciliated.
Hab. Landakan, Borneo, Burhidge ! A very well-marked species.
272. S. B e c c a r i a n a Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 154.— Stems
slender, trailing, 4 ft. long, forked and copiously pinnate, rounded
on the back, sulcate upwards 011 the face. Leaves of the lower
plane spaced on the main stem, rather ascending, oblique ovate,
acute, 6--.^ 111. long, dark greeu, moderately firm in texture, muoh
inore produced ou the upper side of the midrib, broadly rounded,
shortly ciliated, and a little imbricated over the stem on the uppei’
side ai the b a s e ; leaves of the upper plaue very small, ovate or
ovate-lanceolate, acute. Spikes resupiiiate, J - 4 iu. long, 1 lin.
diam. ; bracts of the upper plane crowded, ovate-navicular, dark
green, e r e c to-patent; of the lower plaue smaller, ascending, broad
ovate-cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Mount Singalan, West Sumatra, 5000—6000 ft., Beccari! Habit
and branching ol the small forms of radicata.
273. S. BISULOATA Spring Mon. ii. 2 59.— Stems slender, trailing,
except towards the tip, a foot long, flat or bisulcate down the face,
copiously pinnate, the branches short, deltoid and flabellately compound.
Leaves of the lower plane contiguous on the hrauchlets,
spaced ou the main stem, spreading, the lower slightly squarrose,
oblong-rhomboid, subaoute, 4 -4 in. loug, bright green, moderately
firm iu texture, rounded and slightly ciliated on the upper side at
the base, hardly at all imbricated over the stem; leaves of the
upper plane half as long, obovate or oblong, with a large cusp.
Spikes short, resupinate, 4 ki. diam. ; bracts very dimoiqihous,
those of the uqiper plane lanceolate-rhomboid, the lower ones
p a te n t ; those of the lower plane suborbicular, with a large strongly-
keeled cusp.
Hab. Himalayas of Nepaul and Assam.
274. S. GORVALENSIS Spring Mon. ii. 256. — Stems slender,
trailing, above a foot long, with root-fibres extending to the top,
dichotomously forked at the base and upwards, distantly bipinnate,
with short ascending slightly compound branches. Leaves of the
lower qdane slightly spaced exoeqit on the brauohlets, ascending,
ovate-oblong, subobtuse 4~4 in. long, dark green, firm in texture,
very unequal-sided, very cordate, and much imbricated over the
stem oil the upper side at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper plaue half
as long, ovate-cuspidate. Spikes short, resupinate, 1 lin. diam. ;
bracts obscurely dimorphic, those of the upper plane ovate-lanoeo-
late, rigidly e r e c to-patent; of the lower plane rather shorter, paler,
more ventricose, and more ascending.
Hab. Himalayas ; Gurwhal, Grijfith !
Group 2.— ProniflorcB.
275. S. iNTEBTEXTA Spring Mon. il. 237. — Stems very slender,
trailing, intermatted, 1 -2 iu. long, pimiate, the branches erecto-
patent, the lower slightly compound. Leaves of the lower qilane
spaced 011 the main stem, erecto-patent, suborbioular, subobtuse,
4 lin. loug, convex on the face, firmer in texture than in 8 . integerrima,
nearly equal-sided, broadly rounded and strongly ciliated on
the uqiper side at the base, aud a little imbricated over the stem ;
leaves of the upper plane not much smaller, oblique ovate, cuspidate.
Spikes very short, resupinate, 4 lin. diam. ; bracts of the
upper plane ovate, acute, ere c to -p a ten t; of the lower plane ovate,
Hab. Philiiipines, Cuming 2015 ! A very distinct species.
276. S. K irk ii Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 176. — Stems continuous,
trailing, 6-9 in. long, with rootlets from nearly all the
n o d e s ; branches short, ascending, with a few short branchlets.