long, with a very distinct midrib ; the others ascending, ovate with
a large cusp, strongly ciliated.
al1 ip ? tn 'v ^kuuinir, Jl’aii (5(170! A very membranous and fugacious species,
allied to S. invmfiora and S. hptoqthylla.
28-h S. h e t e r o s t a o h y s Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 177.— Stems
vei7 slender, trailing, 2 -4 in. long, pinnate, the branches erecto-
patent, the central and lower sometimes considerably compound.
Leaves oi the lower plane slightly spaced ou the branches, very
much so ou the main stem, spreading, oblique ovate, acute, a line
ong, pale green, membranous, dilated on the upper side at the base,
slightly cordate, serrulate, and a little imbricated over the stem ;
leaves of the upper plaue half as long, broad ovate, with a distinct
cusp. Spikes 4 - f ni. loug, resupinate, f -1 hn. d iam .; bracts not
always distinctly dimorphous, those of the upper plaue usually
ovate-lanceolate aud ereoto-pateut; of the lower qilane ovate, acute,
ascending. ’
Hab. Hong-kong, C. W r iyh t! Northern China, Dr. Ranee 7491!
286. S. s a m o e n s is Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 1 7 7 .— Stems
trailing, slender, 3 -6 in. long, copiously pinnate, the branches
erecto-patent, the lower often copiously compound. Leaves of the
lower plane spaced even on the branches, spreading, oblique
oblong, obtuse, a line long, bright green, membranous, firmer in
texture than m pronifora, more produced on the upper side of the
midrib, broadly rounded, serrulate and slightly imbricated over the
stem on the upper side at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper plane a
third as long ovate, not cuspidate. Spikes copious, resupinate,
f , ni. long, 1 hu. diam. ; bracts very dimorphous, those of the
upper plane ovate-laiiceolate, spreading or erecto-patent, slightly
squarrose ; those of the lower plane ascending, ovate, cuspidate.
Hab. Samoa, Powell! J . G. Veitch! IVhitniee !
2 8 6 . S. v iT iEN s is Baker in Journ. Bot. 1 8 8 5 , 1 7 7 . — Stems
slender, trailing, 4 - 6 in long, copiously pinnate, the lower branches
elongated and copiously compound. Leaves of the lower plane
spaced even on the branchlets, spreading, oblong, obtuse, mem-
branous y- 1 hn. long more produced ou the upper side of the
midnb, broadly rounded and shortly ciliated on the upper side at
the base, and very slightly imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the
upper plane a third as loug, oblong, not cuspidate. Spikes short,
resupina,te, ^ - f hu. diam. ; bracts of the upper plane ovate-
lanceolate, erec to-patent; of the lower plane little shorter, ovate,
acute, asoendmg, strongly keeled.
Hab. Fiji Islands, Daemel!
287. S. ALUTACEA Spring Mon. ii. 237. — Stems very slender,
trailing forked low down, copiously pinnate, the branches erecto-
patent, the lower copiously compouud. Leaves of the lower plane
spaced ou the mam stem, spreading, ovate, subaoute, f -1 lin .lo n g ,
bright green, firmer m texture than in S. pronijiora, very unequal-
sided, very cordate, strongly ciliated, and muoh imbricated over
the stem ou the upper side at the b a s e ; leaves of the upper plane
a third to one-fourth as long, cordate-ovate, cuspidate. Spikes
copious, resupinate, 4 -1 hi. long, 1 lin. diam., sometimes forked;
bracts of the upper qilane ovate-lanoeolate, acute, very crowded,
e r e c to-patent; bracts of the lower plane ovate-cuspidate, pale,
much imbricated.
Var. sphiErophylla Baker.— Leaves of the lower plane smaller,
crowded, suborbicular, firmer in texture, concave on the face.
Spikes narrower, with less dimorphic bracts.
Hab. Damp banks on Penang Hill, Ib'jiioii/! Mainyay Sir W. Norris'.
288. S. B b a c k e n r id g e i Baker iu Journ. Bot. 1 8 8 5 ,1 7 8 . /S', ciliaris
Bracken., non Spring. — Stems decumbent, slender, terete,
8 - 4 in. long, bisulcate down the face, copiously pinnate, the
ascending branches considerably compound. Leaves of the lower
plane contiguous on the branches, spaced ou the main stem,
spreading, oblique oblong, obtuse, f - 1 liu. long, pale green,
membranous in texture but firmer than in S. pronijiora, unequalsided,
cordate, shortly ciliated, aud much imbricated over the stem
on the upper side at the b a s e ; leaves of the uqiper plane half as
long, ovate, shortly cuspidate. Spikes copious, resuqfinate, f in.
long, f liu. d iam .; bracts of the uqiper plane erecto-patent, oblique
ovate-lanoeolate; of the lower qdane shorter, ovate, acute, pale,
asoendmg, strongly keeled.
Hab. Fiji, behind the town of JIuthuata, Brackenridye! Daemel 191!
Intermediate in habit between serpens and pronijiora.
289. s . BONiNENSis Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 178. — Stems
trailing, very slender, 2 -8 in. long, copiously pinnate, all the
branches short and simple. Leaves of the lower qilane slightly
spaced on the stem, spreading, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, acute,
a line long, pale green, membranous, unequal-sided, denticulate,
not distinctly ciliated ou the uqiper edge, cordate on the upper side
at the base, and imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the upper
plane half as long, ovate-laiiceolate, cusqfidate. Spikes short,
resupinate, 4 ki. diam. ; bracts of the upper plane crowded,
lanceolate, erecto-patent, a line lo u g ; of the lower plane ovate-
lanceolate, ascending.
Hab. Bonin Islands, Wright 371! Eesenibles S. integerrima in its habit
and leaves. I t is the Bonin jilant referred by Spring to S. pallida.
290. S. zEYLANicA Baker iu Journ. Bot. 1885, 178.— Habit of 8.
inteijerrima. Stems slender, trailing, intermatted, 2 -3 iu. long,
forked low down, sparingly pinnate. Leaves of the lower plane
spaced ou the main stem, spreading, oblique ovate, acute, a line
long, pale green, membranous, very unequal-sided, very cordate,
minutely ciliated, and imbricated over the stem ou the upper side
at the base ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long, cordate-
ovate, distinctly cuspidate. Sqfikes resupinate, f - 4 in. loug, 1 lin.
d iam .; bracts of the upper plane ovate, imbricated, e r e c to-patent;
of the lower plane ovate-cuspidate, ascending, yellowish.
Hab. Ceylon, Gardner'. Differs from S. integerrima by its distinctly
dimoi'phous bracts and cuspidate leaves of the upper plane.
291. S. O t t o n is Baker iu Journ. Bot. 1885, 179. — Stems