215, S. AVa l l io h i i Spring Mon. ii. 143. S. stipulata Spring
Mon. ii. 144. S. (faiuUehiiuiUano Spring Mon. ii. 149. S. ci/atlie-
oides, canalicidata, aud amboinensis Spring. S. relutina Cesati.
Li/copodiiiiii ]]\d/irhii Hook & Grev. L. mi numides Eoxb. L.
eleijans Wall. A. stipidatum lilu in e .— Stems sarmentóse, suberect,
2 -3 ft. long ; pimiæ lanceolate, 6 -9 iu. long, the invariably simple
crowded erecto-patent pinnules 1- l J in. long, the end one sometimes
3 -4 iu. Leaves of the lower plane crowded, obloug-lanoeolate,
slightly falcate, pointed at the upper comer, equal-sided, the lower
ones of the pimiules l - 8th to l - 12th iu. long, the upper growing
gradually smaller, dark bright green, firm iu texture, obscurely
petiolulate, not ciliated, truncate or slightly cordate on both sides
at the base, not at all imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the
upper plane oue-fourth as long, oblique oblong, shortly cuspidate,
much imbricated. Spikes square, terminal ou the pinnules, J--1 in.
long, 1 hn. diam. ; bracts ovate, cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. East Himalayas, Malay Peuiusula, Pliilipiiines, Malay Islands, and
New tnunea. Common in cultivation, and one of the most ornamental of all
tiie garden species.
216. S. GRACILIS Moore hi Gard. Chron. 1886, i. 752. — Stem
suberect, subasperoiis, 2 -3 ft. long, copiously pinnately branched ;
pinme hiiiceolate, 4 -5 iu. long ; branchlets erecto-patent, simple,
the lower an inch long. _ Leaves green on both sides, moderately
farm ill texture ; those of the lower plaue ovate-faloate, not so close
as 111 S. WaHichii, produced ou the upper side of the midrib aud
loiiuded at the base, adnate to the stem ou the lower side ; leaves
of the upper plane ovate-laiioeolate, slightly incurved, cuspiidate.
Spikes slender, square, f - l in. loug ; bracts crowded, ovate
cuspidate, distinctly keeled.
Hab. Polynesia. Introduced lately into cultivation by Messrs. Veitch.
217. S. L o b b i i Moore. S. co,jmna Hort.— Stems suberect, sarmentóse,
reaching a length of 8 -4 ft. ; pinnæ regular, lanceolate-
deltoid, about half a foot long, cuueate at the base, the pinnules
ooiitigiious, ereoto-pateiit, the upper ones simple, the lower forked.
Leaves of the lower plaue contiguous, oblong-lanoeolate, falcate,
acute, i m. long on the pinnules, l - 6 th to l - 6th in. on the pinnæ,
bright green, moderately firm iu texture, truncate and rather
dilated on both sides at the base, not imbricated over the stem ;
leaves of the upper plane a third as long, oblique ovate, cuspidate.
Spikes square, terminal ou the branchlets, f - J in. louo', J lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Hab. Borneo, Lohb ! West Sumatra, Beccari 578 ! Bare in cultivation.
218. S. V ic t o r ia s Moore in Gard. Ohroii. 1879, 7 4 . V. a tiv-
virulis Bracken., non Spring.— Stems suberect, sarmentóse, 8 -4 ft.
long > pinnæ lanceolate-deltoid, usually G-9 iu. long, caudate, the
upper pinnules erecto-patent and simple, contiguous, the lower
iorked or slightly pinnate. Leaves of the lower plaue crowded
oblong-lanceolate, falcate, acute, l - 12th in. long, dark hriofat green
farm 111 textnre, equal-sided, obscurely petioled, truncate on both
sides at the base, not ciliated, not imbricated over the stem ; leaves
the upper plane one-fourth as long, oblique oblong, shortly
spidate, much imbricated. Spikes square, 1 - 2 iu. long, f - 1 lin.
diam. ; bracts ovate cuspidate, acutely keeled.
Hab. Borneo, Low'. Gilloio, C. Smith'. San Cristovai, ■/. G. Veitch'.
Fiji, Brackeiiridge ! Laeme) 18G ! Milne 201 ! Intermediate between Wallichii
and canalieulata, but nearer the former. Rare in cultivation.
219. S. MEGASTACHYA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1885, 20.— Stems
suberect, sarmentóse, 2 -3 ft. lon g ; pinnæ ascending, oblong-
lanoeolate, caudate, 6 -9 iu. long, the distant ascending pinnules
with a few distant ascending tertiary hranolilets. Leaves of the
lower plane nearly contiguous ou the branchlets, ohloug-lanceolate,
very falcate, acute, l-1 2 th to l-8 th iu. long, bright, green, moderately
firm in texture, equal-sided, not ciliated, truncate on both
sides at the base, not at all imbricated over the stem ; leaves of the
upper plane one-fourth as long, oblique oblong, acute, not cuspidate.
Spikes 4 -1 in, long, square, l-1 2 th to l-8 th iu. diam. ;
bracts ovate cuspidate, stramineous, f in. long, acutely keeled.
Hab. New Caledonia, in damp woods a t Balade andWagap, Vieillard ! A
near ally of S. Victoria.
220. S. INÆQUALIFOLIA Spring Mon. ii. IdS. Lycopoditm
inaiqucdifoliiim Hook. & Grev. — Stems suberect, sarmentóse,
reaching a length of 8 -4 ft. ; pinnæ oblong-lanceolate, about 4 ft.
long, tiie erecto-patent branchlets considerably compouud with
asoendiiig contiguous tertiary divisions. Leaves oi the lower plane
contiguous, oblong-rhomboid, subaoute, those of the branches J-in.,
of the branchlets l-1 2 th to l-8 th iu. long, bright green, moderately
firm in texture, not ciliated, dilated and rounded on the upper side
at the base, not at all imbricated over the stem ;' leaves of the
upper plane half as long, oblique ovate-laiioeolate, shortly cuspidate.
Spikes square, 4—J in. long, f lin. diam. ; bracts ovate
cuspidate, strongly keeled.
Var. S. jjereLeijans Moore. S. bellida Moore iu Gard. Chron. 1879,
178, fig. 25, non C e sa ti.— Stems dwarfy, not more than a foot
lon g ; pinnæ shorter, more deltoid, with more compound lower
branches. Spikes copious, often an inch long.
Hab. Ea s t Himalayas and mountains of Birma and Peninsular India.
Spring’s Javan plant must, I think, be referred to S. canaliculata. A frequent
species in cultivation, but scarcely more than a variety of S. canaliculata in a
broad sense.
221. S. CANALICULATA Baker iu Journ. Bot. 1885, 21. S. caiidata
Spring Mon. ii. 189. 8. Pouzohiienu Spring Mon. ii. 142. S.
DurriUei A. Br. ; Kuhn. Kil. Nov. Hebrid. 17. S. confería Moore.
S. inuricata Cesati. S. sinensis Hort. Lycoqsodium canedioidatum
Linn. (Dill. Muse. tab. 65, fig. 6). A. Durvillei Bory Voy. Coquille
Crypt, t. 25. A. caudatum, jilanum, and nemorum D e s v .— Stems
suberect, sarmentóse, reaching a length of 3 -4 ft. ; pinnæ deltoid,
usually 4 -6 in. long, sometimes flexuose and more elongated ;
lower branchlets copiously compound, the tertiary divisions more
erecto-patent and not so close as inecqiudifoHa. Leaves of the
lower plane crowded, oblong-rhomboid, pointed at the upper corner,
l-1 2 th to l-8 th in. long ou the branchlets, bright green, moderately