oil the iippor side shortly ciliated, not d ila ted ; leaves of upper
plane ovate cuspidate, one-fourth as long. Spikes very short,
square ; bracts ovate-lanceolate, crowded, strongly keeled.
Hab. Pliilippines, Oomiiterson.
05. S. I’LUMOSA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 144. S. radicata
Spring Mon. ii, 114. S'. Itoxhun/hU Spring Mon. ii. 208. 8 .
prd'lonijii, tctriiijimostdclii/a, and pi/rrliopus Spring. S. stolonifeni
J. Scott, cx parto, non Spring, iji/copodium plumosiini. Liiiii. herb.
L. tctriiiionostacliiiiiiii Wall. L. radiciituiii, prieluniiiiin, and lioiv-
hiiiyliii Hook, & Grev.; Dill. Muse. tab. GO, lig. 10. — Stems pale,
trailing, 4 -1 ft. long, often forked low down, copiously pinnately
branched, the branches copiously compound, the faces generally
Hat, the root-fibres extending to the upper nodes. Leaves of the
lower plane contiguous on the branches, spreading or rather
ascending, bright green, moderately iiriii in texture, oblong- or
ovate-lanceolate, acute, l-1 2 th to l-8 th in. long, mudh more
produced on the upper side of the distinct midrib, ciliated on both
sides at the base, cordate on the upper side and much imbricated
over the s t em ; leaves of the upper plane half as loug, ovate,
cuspidate, muoli imbricated. Spikes copious, square, 4 -4 in. loug,
4 -4 huDu-; bracts ovate-lanceolate, acute, strongly keeled.
Yar. S’, monospora Spring Mon. ii. 135. S’, ruijulosa Cesati ;
Dill. Muse. t. 66, fig. 8 .—Habit more robust, the branches more
compouud, the upper part of the stem assurgeut, the root-fibres
usually confined to the nodes of the lower half. Leaves bright
green, 4- I iu. long.
Var. S’, pallida Spring Mon. ii. 116. Lyeopodinm pallidum
H. & G.—Leaves shorter, more ovate, pale green.
Hab. Eastern Himalayas, and Mountains of the Indian Peninsula and
Ceylon; Birma aud the Malay I s le s ; aud extending to South China, San
Cristoval, J . G. Veitch! and Vanecolla, C. Moore ! I cannot separate by any
definite character S. biformis A. Br. (Philippines, Cuming 201C !). L.prcelongum
H. ct G. is a form with long flaccid trailing stems, flagellate a t the end, and all
the branches s h o r t; L . tetragonostaclnjum Wall., a dwarf suberect form with
leaves between those of the type and var. pallida. Spring’s Bonin plant, mentioned
under pmllida, is S. boninensis Baker. Var. Ilamiltoiii Baker (.S', sc»«-
cordata J. Scott, Calo. List G3, non Spring) is a form of monospora with slightly
dimorphous bracts, included by Wallich under the same number as Spring’s
plant. S. Jlagellifera Hort. Bull., recently introduced from Fiji, is, I think, a
form of this species.
66. S. AzoRioA Baker in Journ. Bot. 1883, 213. — Stems
trailing, rooting nearly up to the tip, continuous, 2 -3 in. long, with
several short slightly compound branches. Leaves of the lower
ilaiie contiguous on the branches, oblique oblong, nearly equi-
ateral, acute, 4 in. loug, rounded at the base, serrulate from base
to apex along both margins, moderately firm iu texture, bright
g r e en ; leaves of the upper plane much imbricated, more than half
as long as the others, oblique ohloug-lanceolate, cordate on the
outer side at the base. Spikes not yet seen.
Hab. Mountains of the Azores, Arruda I ’urtado ! Lately received a t Kew
in a living state.
67. S. DEPRESSA A. Br. in Ind. Sem. Hort. Berol. 1859, 21.
S. dentmdata Spring, ex parte. Ijtjcopodium dejiressum Sw.— Stems
matted, trailing, 2 -3 iu. long, with a few mostly simple branches.
Leaves of the lower plane spaced, spreading, oblong-lanceolate,
snbacute, Hat, moderately firm in texture, l-1 2 th iu. loug, more
produced on the upper side of the distinct midrib, very cordate,
strongly ciliated and much imbricated over the stem on the upper
side at the base ; leaves of the upper plane a third as long, ovate,
little imbricated. Spikes 4—4 in. loug, 1 lin. diam., not regularly
square ; bracts lauoeolate-doltoid, a line long.
Hab. Cape, Thunberg, Menziesl Orange Free State, Cooperi Natal,
McKeui This is quite distinct from the European H. denticulata, with which
Sjjring combines it.
6 8 . S. Goudotana Spring Mon. ii. 9 1 .— Stems trailing, ctespitose,
3 -0 in. long, pale straw-coloured, terete below, flat on the faces
upwards, distichously branched, the flabellately compound branches
under an inch long. Leaves of the lower plane ovate, acute, a
line loug, 4 - i lin. broad, light green, rather rigid and glossy, flat,
erecto-patent, spaced except at the top of the branches, serrulate,
much dilated on the upper side at the base ; leaves of the upper
plane oiie-fourth as long, ovate aouminate, straight, divergent.
Spikes unknown.
Hab. Central Madagascar, near Antananarivo, Goudot. This has not been
found yet by our English collectors, who have gathered about 200 vascular
cryptogams in Central Madagascar.
69. S. pissiDENToiDES Spring Mon. ii. 111. l/ycofjodium fissi-
dentoides Hook. & Grev. — Stems slender, trailing, pale straw-
coloured, flat on the faces, copiously pinnately branched, the
branches copiously flabellately compound. Leaves of lower plane
ascending, crowded, lanceolate, acute, l - 12th to l - 8 th iu. long,
moderately firm in texture, bright green, more produced on the
upper side of the distinct midrib, shortly ciliated near the base on
the upper side, where it is cordate and so much imbricated over
the branch that the latter is quite covered ; leaves of the upper plane
a third as long, 4 - f lin. diam. ; bracts crowded, ovate-lanceolate,
strongly keeled.
Hab. Seychelles, Madagascar, Johanna Island, and Guinea. S. amphi-
rhizos A. Br., from Johanna Island, ilildebrandt 1808, seems to be a luxuriant
form of this species. The Seychelles plant has shorter, paler, less lanceolate
leaves than the Madagascar type.
70. S. SURCULOSA Spring Mon. ii. 147. — Stems wide-trailing,
pale straw-coloured, irregularly angled, a foot long, copiously
pinnately branched, the short cuneate branches copiously flabellately
compound. Leaves of the lower plane crowded, lanceolate,
very acute, l - 12th to l - 8th in. long, firm in texture, bright green,
nearly equal on both sides of the distinct midrib, shortly ciliated
through the lower half of the upper edge, which is a little produced
at the base, aud imbricated over the branch ; leaves of upper plane
a third as long, oblique oblong, with a long cusp, much imbricated.
Spikes unknown.
Hab. Mountains of Bourbon, Dr. I. B. Balfour ! May be a variety of S'.
concinna, from which it differs by its narrower, acute, nearly equilateral leaves.