lanceolate, acuminate, 4 - 4 iii. long, green, entire, moderately firm
in texture ; midrib distinct. Siiikea 1 -2 in. long, simple or forked ;
bracts dense, ovate, lower aouminate, twice as long as the
sporangia, upper shorter, acute.
Hab. Illieos, Brazil, Wcmra di Maly 339.
65. L. coRALiuJi Spring PI. Junghuhn, 2 7 3 .—Stem pendulous,
slender, dichotomously forked, a foot long. Leaves moderately
close, lanceolate, erecto-patent, 4 “ 4 iw- long, -J iu. broad, flat,
green, entire ; midrib distinct. Spikes slender, flexuose, l-1 2 tli iu.
diam. 2 -4 in. long, once or twice forked ; bracts imbricated, ovate,
acute, l-1 2 th in. long,
Hab. Malacca, Java, New Guinea. Very near L . Phlegmaria.
60. L. APicuLATUM Spring PL Jmigliulin, 272. L . pliyUocarpon
Hook et Grev.— Stem pendulous, 1 -2 ft. long, 2 -3 times dichotomously
forked. Leaves moderately dense, lanceolate, acumhiate,
moderately firm in texture, bright green, entire, 4 “4 in- long,
l-1 2 th in. broad; midrib distinct. Spikes 2 -6 in. long, dicho-
toinoiisly forked, 4 hi. d iam .; bracts ovate, acuminate, moderately
dense, ascending, 4 - 4 in. long.
Hab. Polynesia and Malay Isles. Nearly allied to L . Phlegmaria.
67. L. P h l e g m a r ia Liiiii. Sp. Plant, edit. ii. 1564 (Dill. Muse,
t. 61). L. mirahile and aiistrale Willd. L. ericafolium Presl. —
Stem pendulous, 4~2 ft. long, 2 -4 times dichotomously forked,
always stramineous. Leaves moderately close, spreading or
ascending, ovate or ovate-lanceolate f - f in- long, firm or moderately
firm in texture, always green, rounded or cordate at the
base, flat, entire ; midrib distinct. Spikes copious, flaccid, 3 -6 in.,
rarely a foot long, usually forked both at and above the base,
1-12th in. d iam .; bracts ovate, green, wrinkled on the back, not
cuspidate, as loug as or a little longer than the sporangia.
Hab. Common throughout the Tropics of the Old World, extending to the
Eastern Himalayas, Queensland, and New Zealand. L . australe is a form with
cordate-ovate leaves and L . mirahile a form with narrower leaves th an the type
and more slender spikes.
68. L. FILIFORME Pioxb. FI. Ind. edit. Clarke 741. L . riiscifolium
Lowe. L. amboineme E. Br. L. Phlegmaria var. fiircatum Spring.
— Stems very slender, 1 -2 ft. long, several times dichotomously
forked from the base. Leaves lax, ovate, acute, spreading, moderately
firm in texture, dark green, entire, 4~4 1
broadly rounded or cordate ; midrib distinct. Spikes very slender,
2 -6 in. long, dichotomously forked, under a line iu diameter;
bracts lax, ovate, asoendiiig, dark green, scarcely exceeding the
Hab. Ganges delta, Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Amboyna
and Philippines. Scarcely more th a n a small slender variety of L . Phlegmaria.
69. L . PHYLLANTHUM Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. 103. L . macro-
stacliys Hook. L. puchystachyon Spring.— Stem stout, stramineous,
suberect or pendulous, I - I 4 ft. long, once or twice dichotomously
forked. Leaves moderately dense, spreading, ovate-lanceolate,
in. loug, bright green, very firm in texture, with revolute
edges and a distinct midrib. Spikes 3 -9 in. long, 2 -8 times
dichotomously forked, 4 -4 in. d iam .; bracts broad ovate, acute,
imbricated, distinctly keeled, a little longer than the sporangia.
Var. L . nutans Bracken. F il. Wilkes Expedit. 327, t. 4 6 .—
Leaves narrower, denser and more acuminate than in the type.
Spikes short, usually simple, erect, 4 -4 hi. diam. ; bracts leaf-like,
lanceolate, J - 4 in. long.
Hab. Neilgherries, Ceylon, Borneo, Samoa and Sandwich Islands. Var.
nutans, Madagascar, New Caledonia, and Sandwich Isles.
7 0 . L. MEGASTAOHYUM Baker in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxi. 4 5 4 .—
Stem stout, suberect, once forked, under a foot long. Loaves
dense, reflexed, ovate-lanceolate, aouminate, 4 - 4 in. long, firm in
texture, green, entire, with rovolute edges and a distinct midrib.
Spikes pendulous, cylindrical, forked, 4 -6 in. long, 4 in. d iam .;
bracts dense, ovate, acute, rugose on the back, not distinctly
keeled, 2 -3 times the length of the sporangia.
Hab. Forests of Central Madagascar, Baron 2840 !
71. L. ROBUSTDM Klotzsch in Linmea xviii. 518. — Stem stout,
suberect, stramineous, 1 | ft. long, 2 -3 times dichotomously forked.
Leaves moderately dense, spreading, lanceolate, 4 - f in. long, firm
in texture, with revolute edges and a distinct midrib. Spikes
stout, 3 -4 in. long, 2 -3 times forked; bracts ovate, acute, 4 Li.
Hab. Demerara, Richd. Schomburgk 1209.
Group of L. cernuum.
7 2 . L . CERNUUM, Linn. Sp. Plant, edit. ii. 1566 (Dill. Muse,
tab. 63, fig. 10). Tj. Boryanum A. Eich. L . capillaceum Willd.—
Stems stiffly erect, sometimes 3 -4 ft. long, simple towards the
base, copiously branched upwards ; lower branchlets copiously
compound, short, divaricate, ascending or pendulous. Leaves
crowded, linear, subulate with revolute edges, 4 in. long, pale
green, with a midrib prominently raised beneath, lower spreading,
upper arcuate-ascending. Spikes sessile at the end of the
branchlets, many to a branch, cylindrical, 4 - f in. long ; bracts
broad ovate, with a large cusp, ascending, densely ciliated.
Var. L . marianum Willd. Sp. P lant. L. ericinum Cesati.— Leafy
branchlets not much thicker and denser than in type, but leaves
longer and more rigid, conspicuously curved.
Var. L . curvatnm Sw. Syn. 178, 402. L . vulcaiiicum Blume.
L. oonvolutum D e sv .— Scaly branclilets stouter and more crowded
than ill tlie type. Ijeaves longer, very rigid, conspicuously curved.
Var. L. pendulum Hook. Ic . t. 90. L. FAchleri Fée Fil. Bras, t.
106, fig. 4 .— Leaves as in the last but final branches long and
Hab. Cosmopolitan in the Tropics of both hemispheres and extending
beyond them to Japan, the Azores, Cape Colony, New Zealand, and St. P au l’s
Island in the South Indian Ocean. Karl Muller in Bot. Zeit. 1861, p. 161,
divides this into seven species, cernuum, Heeschii, secundum, sikkimense,
Moritzii, Hupeanum, and marianum.