28. I. VELATA A. Br. Exqil. Sc. Alg. tab. 37, fig. 1. I. decipims
and loni/issima Bory & Durieu in Flora, 1846, 7 1 9 .—Eootstock
deeply 3-lobed. Habit of I. setacea. Leaves 2 0 -5 0 , reaoliing a
foot or more in length, J lin. diam. at the middle, moderately firm
in texture, pale greeu, opaque, tapering to the point, furnished with
copious stomata aud accessory bast-bundles, a distinct m em branous
border deourrent from the dilated base for 2 -8 in. Sporange
middle-sized, subglobose ; veil nearly or quite oomqilete ; lip very
short; tongue lanceolate. Maorospores middle-sized, minutely
tubercled between the ribs, more prominently tubercled on the
lower half. Microspores spinulose.
Hab. Jlediterrauean region, from Spain to Asia Minor. See Dr. Pranehet’s
remarks on this species and its allies in Bull. Soc. Bot. Prance, xxxi. 349.
29. I. P e r a l d e e ia n a Durieu & Letoiirn. in KralikPl. Alg. Exsio.
157.— Eootstock 3-lobed. Leaves 1 2 -2 0 , i - 1 ft. long, 4 lin. diam.
at the middle, opaque, pale green, moderately firm in texture,
furnished with copious stomata and accessory bast-bundles, the
membranous border towards tbe base less distinct than iu velata.
Sporange pale, globose, 4 iu. long ; veil nearly or quite complete ;
lip truncate ; tongue lanceolate. Maorospores middle-sized,
• minutely tubercled. Microsqiores densely spinulose.
Hab. Algeria, K m lik , 157 ! Very near velata.
30. 1. DDiiiA Genuari Comment, ii. 104. — Rootstock 3-lobed.
Leaves about a dozen, very slender, 6 -8 iu. long, J - J lin. diam. at
the middle, opaque, pale green, with stomata and a few obscure
accessory bast-bundles, the border decurrent from the base short
and narrow. Sporange small, pale, globose ; veil com p le te ; liqi
truncate ; tongue short, broad ovate. Maorospores like those of
velata. Microspores dimorphous, some spinulose, some crested.
Hab. Island of Magdalena, oft Sardinia, Gennari. Very near velata.
31. 1. t e g u l e n s i s Gennari Comment, ii. 106.— Eootstock 8-lobed.
Leaves 1 0 -2 0 , very slender, 4 -1 ft. long, rl-J- liu. diam. at the
middle, opaque, pale green, furnished with stomata aud a few weak
a,coessoiy bast-bundles, the border deourrent from the base short
and narrow. Sqiorange small, pale, globose ; veil nearly or quite
comqilete ; tongue and lip both short. Maorospores middle-sized,
minutely tubercled. Microspores dimorphous, some sqiiuulose, some
Hab. Sardinia. Very near velata. The Spanish I. bmtlca Willk. A Lange
Prodr. FI. Hisp. i. 15, is either the same or a close ally.
32. I. B o ey an a Durieu in Bull. Bot. Soo. France, viii. (1861),
164.—Eootstock 8-lobed. Habit stouter than in velata. Leaves
1 0 -3 0 or more, 4 -8 iu. long, J lin . diam. at the middle, qiale green,
oqiaque, tapering gradually to the qioint, furnished with abundant
stomata aud accessory bast-bundles, with a broad membranous
border shortly deourrent from the dilated base. Sporange oblong
or subglobose, p a le ; veil comqilete ; tongue aud lip both short.
Macrospores middle-sized, with minute tubercles between the ribs
and la rg e r ones over the lower half. Microsqiores dimorphous,
some crested, some spinulose.
Hab. Marshes of the Landes, Gay ! D u rieu ! Very near velata.
38. I. TENUISSIMA Boreau in Bull. Angers, 1850, 259. — Root-
stock small, usually 3-lobed, rarely 4-lobed. Leaves 1 2 -2 0 , very
slender, 8 -4 in. long, 4 -4 liu. diam. at the middle, opaque, pale
green, tapering gradually to the qioint, furnished with stomata and
usually a few weak accessory bast-bundles, with a short broad
membranous border decurrent from the dilated base. Sqiorange
small, pale, globose; veil complete. Macrospores middle-sized,
furnished with large scattered tubercles. Microspores densely
Hab. Marshes of Central France, Boreau ! Franchet! Very near velata.
34. I. OLYMPICA A. Br. in Milde F il. Eur. 285.— Eootstock 3-lobed.
Habit of I. tenuissima, but leaves more numerous, 1 4 -2 in. long,
opaque, pale green, furnished with stomata, and a few weak
accessory bast-buudles. Sqiorange small, globose, unspotted ; veil
partial or nearly complete. Maorospores small, furnished with
small tubercles between the ridges and stronger ones over the lower-
half. Microspores spinulose.
Hab. Bithyniaii Olympus, in swamps of the granitic plain, a t 0000 ft.
above sea-level, Dr. 0. von Fritsch.
85. 1. W e l w it s o h i i A. Br. in Kuhn F il. Afric. 196. — Eootstock
3-lobed. Leaves 6 -1 5 , as firm in texture as iu I. Durimi, 2 -3 in.
long, very slender, pale green, 4 liu. diam., furnished with stomata
and accessory bast-buudles. Sporange small, pale, globose; veil
very narrow. Maorospores small, greyish, with small tubercles
between the prominent ribs and larger ones over the lower half.
Microspores granulated.
Hab. Angola, in high spongy pastures ol the Province of Huilla, at
3800—5500 ft., Welwitsch, 166 !
36. I. NiGBiTiANA A. Bi’. Ill Kuliu F il. Afric. 196. — Eootstock
8-lobed. Habit of I. setacea. Leaves 1 2 -1 5 , very slender, firm in
texture, 6 -8 in. long, 4 lin. diam. at the middle, pale green, oqiaque,
furnished with stomata and a few weak accessory bast-buudles.
Sporange pale, globose, 4 ui. long ; veil very narrow. Maorospores
small, greyish, with a single tubercle between each ridge and
several over the lower hemisphere.
Hab. In the Niger Country a t Nupe, Barter 1020 !
37. 1. ScHWEiNFURTHii A. Br. M S S .— Eootstock 3-lobed. Habit
of I. setacea. Leaves 1 2 -3 0 , about a foot long, moderately flrm in
texture, oqiaque, tapering to the qioint, ¿—4 lin. diam. at the middle,
furnished with stomata and accessory bast-bundles. Sqiorange
small, globose; veil none. Macrosqiores small, chalk-white with
high ridges and strongly honeycombed all over.
Hab. Central Africa, in the Kingdom of Djur, Sclmeinfurtli, 1962 !
38. 1. AiQuiNocTiALis Welw. ; A. Br. in Kuhn F il. Afric. 195. —
Eootstock 3-lobed. Habit of I . setacea . Leaves 6 -1 2 , very slender,
a foot or more long, 4 hn. diam. at the middle, opaque, pale greeu.