ovato, always very obtuse. Maorospore like that of A. filiculoides.
Massulæ covered with coqiious septate glochidiate qirocesses.
Hab. Australia and New Zealand.
■ e r a Willd. Sp. P lant, v. 541 ; Kuhn in FI. Bras.
1 6o9 hrb. 82, figs. 1-C. A. microphfila Kaulf. ; Mart. Ic. Crypt,
t. i4 7o. A. densa Desv. A . mexicana Schleoht. A . porto,-icensis
bqireng. A. bona,iensis Bortol. — Fronds not more than i - 1 in.
long, more deltoid and less copiously bipinnate than in A. fili-
cuhndes the branching less racemose. Leaves of softer texture
generally pale greeu, smaller, the large lobes more rhomboid-
oblong always obtuse. Maorospore with 3 iloat-corqiusoles, its
cuticle Imely granulated. Massulæ of the microspores with copious
septate rigid qirocesses, with a glochidiate tip.
Buenos'Ayrer'**'®^’^ United States and California, through Tropical America to
4. A. PINNATA R. Br. in Flinch Voy. ii. G li, t. 10.— Eoot-fibres
lasciolecl and conspicuously feathered. Fronds oblong or deltoid,
numerous crowded primary branches, all simple
or the longest with a few crowded branches towards the tip. Leaf-
lobes firm in textnre, red-brown, broad ovate. Macrospore crowned
with numerous float-corpuscles, its cuticle finely granular, armed
with a few d a v a te qiapillrc. Massulæ of microspores with only a few
weak processes on one side.
Var. A. africana D e s v . A . guineensis Schuin. A . decomposita
Zoll. A. japónica Franch. & Savat. Salvinia im h ica ta Eoxb.—
Fronds smaller, deltoid, with fewer more distant, more compound
Hab. The type in Australia; the variety, whieh approximates in habit
towards A. cavolintana, widely spread in Tropical Asia and Africa.
5. A. NILOTICA Deoaisne ; Metteu. in P lant. Tinn. 51, t. 2 5 .—
Decompound deltoid leafy fronds placed on a branched wide-
trailmg leafless stem, with dense fascicles of root-fibres from its
nodes. Leai-lobes ovate, often acute, conspicuously qiilose. Macro-
sqiore crovyied with many float-corpuscles, its cuticle finely granulated
aud beset with a few davate paqiillæ. Massulæ like those of
A. pinnata, but only two, not many, in a miorosqiorange.
Suborder 2 .— Marsilieæ.
Conceptacles always double, the outer coriaceous and dehiscent,
the uuier membranous aud indebiscent, containing sqiorau"ia of
botli kmds. o i o
3. Marsilea L in n .’''
Conceptacles oblong or globose, coriaceous in texture, placed in
the axils of the leaves or rarely on their petiole, dehiscing finally
along the ventral suture into two valves aud emitting a mucilaginous
- fo®tb; " as cited under the genus Pilularia, and a later
is“ a ; Monatsbericht for 1872, pp. 668 -6 7 9 ,paper reprinted in Journ.
Bot. 1873, p. 55.
qdaoental cord, upon whioh are spaced out numerous olilong-oylin-
drical sori with a membranous coat, ca d i sorus containing numerous
miorosporangia holding numerous microsqiores, and few macro-
sporangia holding solitary macrospores. — Aquatic or subaquatic,
with a slender wide-creeping rhizome, the leaves produced singly or
iu tufts from its nodes, each consisting of a qietiole aud four sessile
equal sqireading deltoid-cuueate or oblanceolate leaflets with flabellate
anastomosing veins.
Pedicels many, short, springing from the petiole one
above another . . . • " • ■ Sp. 1.
Pedicels 2 -4 -n a te , rarely solitary, adnate to the base
of the p e t i o l e s ........................................................ Sp. 2 -5 .
Pedicels 2-G-uate, rarely solitary, slightly connate at
the base, quite free from the petiole . . Sqi. G-9.
Pedicels single.
Pedicels very short.
Leaflets oblanceolate . . . . . Sp. 10, 11.
Leaflets deltoid . . . . . . Sp. 1 2 -2 1 .
Pedicels at least as long as the conoeptade.
Leaflets without pellucid streaks. Conceptacles
mostly horizontal, adnate to the tip of the
. pedicel . . . . . . . Sp. 2 2 -3 6 .
Leaflets with pellucid streaks. Conceptacles
mostly erect, not adnate to the tip of the
pedicel .........................................................Sp. 3 7 -4 0 .
1. M. POLYCARPA Hook. & Gi'ev. Ic . F il. t. 160. 21. brasiliensis
Mart. Ic. Cryqit. 122, t. 7 3 .—Large, aquatic, glabrous, wide-creeping.
Petiole 1 -1 f t.; leaflets thin, deltoid, 4 -1 in. long and broad;
outer border rounded and entire. Conceptacles 1 0 -2 0 , placed on
short curved pedicels arising from the petiole one above another
some distance from its base, nearly globose, l-1 2 th in. long, not
comqiressed, glabrescent, without border or basal teeth, its veins
anastomosing midway between the sutures. Sori about 10.
Hab. Tropical America and Society Islands. Var. mexicaiia A. Br. is a
form witli fewer conceptacles, beginning lower down on the petiole ; il/. picta
Feé a variety with the leaves marked with conspicuous brown streaks in the
areoliE formed by the veinlets; and il/. suhangidata A. Br., a small variety with
fewer rather angular tomentose conceptacles. il/. Stratiotes A. Br., gathered by
Spruce on the Lower Amazon, is perhaps a robust variety of polijcarpa with an
unusually stout rhizome and pietiole, but the fruit is entirely unknown.
2. M. QUADEiFOLiATA Liuii. Sp. 1563 ; Schk. Cryqit. t. 173.—
Large, aquatic, wide-creeqiing. Petiole 8 -6 iu. ; leaflets deltoid,
glabrous, 4 - f in. lon g ; outer edge rounded and entire. Pedicels
2 -4 -n a te , 4 -1 in. long, erect, connate with each other, and adnate
to the base of the petiole ' and uqiper part of the base of the
conceqitacle. Conceptacles round-oblong, in. long, usually
glabrescent when mature, not bordered ; basal teeth minute. Sori
1 6 -2 0 .
Hab. Central Europe to Japan and the North of India. Hare in the
United States (New England).