
H ab. Arthur’s Lake, elev. 3 0 0 0 feet, amongst moss, Gunn.— (FI. Oct.)
-ft 7 « = P ltot, whose geeus must lemnm doubtftil till ripe frail is examined. Ammal. erect. 3 -6
mehes^hyh. sM . glabrous or hirsute with lax h a i r s , - f c sometimes brauehed. stiff and ilexuose. Itadical
eaves . i m c i ong. lanceolate, spalhniate, petiolate; cauline linear-oblong, with sagittate bases. Mmvei, while
Twmeh broad. Sgpoi. glabrans or hairy. o f unripe frait spreading, stiff, 1 inch lorrg. t o * about S. ’
Gen. V I I . D R A B A , L .
S epala erecta. F e ta la 4 , limbo explanato. S tam in a edentula. S ilieu la snbelliptica v. elliptieo-
ob lo iig a com pre ssa; valvis convexis planiusoulisve, 1-nerviis. Semina plurima, 2-seriata, fu n icu lis eapil-
laribus irbens. Cotyledanes accumbente s.— Herbar, fobis in te g e r r im k i floribus f la v is v . a liis .
- i large European genns, most abrmdant on the Alps and rnormtrins of Seandiuavia, Greece, and Asia Minor
« s o e x t e n in g into the northern regions o f America. Very many species are natives of the Andes, and a few aré
ound nr Fnegnr, bnt none in New Zealand, or elsewhere in the sontliem regions o f the Old World excenl
the a nm o ra lw o f Tasmama. Most of the species are tufted alpine herbs, but not the present, which i¡ a lax-
growmg p l a n t . - t o n e , entire or toothed; radical petiolate; cardine sessüe or amplexicanl. E W s white or
jrenow, corymbose or racemose. S y » * fonr. suberect. with an expanded Hmb, not bilobed. P od short
eürpüoal-oblong or obovate, rarely Imear ; valves flat, or sBglrtly convex ; septum entrée, membrarroas. Seeds
inerous, with slender fumculi. Cotyledmis accumbent. (Name from axrid.)
(ft''“ “ - ft”'- '■ P- 8 4 3 ) ; pubescens, caubbus gracüibus parce ramosis, foliis
radicahbus oblongis spatlmlatisve integerrimis d enfatisve caulinis sessüibus latioribus dentatis floribus albis
sepabs püosis, silicu lis suberectis obovatis v . e lliptico-oblongis pedicello graoib divergente, valéis planiusculié
membranaceis puberubs, septo eiiepvi, seminibus late ovato-oblongis. _ D C Fro ,tv . i. 1 7 1 ; & « . B o t.
t. 9 1 2 . {Gunn, 1 0 2 5 .)
H a s . D ry places near Hobarton, and on th e banks o f the D erwen t at tbe Cataracts, B a cU a u s e Gunn
— (PI. Oct.) {v. V.) ’
Distm b . Middle and Southern Europe, A sia Minor, Soorigaria; also found in Sweden, and the
jS or th em U n ited States.
This is undoubtedly the Enropean D. nemoralü, and apparently perfectly wüd in Tasmania. The specimens
are sman and simple, with shorter pods than in many northern forms, bnt quite similar to others Anmial pubes
cent or püose, 1 - 6 inches high, simple or b r a n o h ed .-Pm iie« leaves oblong or spathidate, entire or toothed 4 - 1
mch lon g ; eaulme sessüe, broader-toothed. Pío,c m minute, white. Sepals oblong, pflose. Petals spathidate
Stmucæ nearly equal. Ovary broadly oblong, pubescent, with a short stout style. Pods on slender spreading
pedicels, 4 meh long, erect, obovate or effiptieal-oblong ; valves flat, membranous, pubescent, with a sdrirtly-raised
mesial line. Seeds about twelve in each valve, on long slender funieles, broad], obovate-oblong. nerveless.
Gen. V I I I . L E P ID IU M , I .
S epala suberecta v. pateutia. F e taU 4 , integra, v. 0 . Stamima 6 v. pandora. S ilk u la latere com
., ovabs, aproe integra v . biloba, valvis oarinato-apteris alatisve, septo augusto. Semina locu b s soli-
tan a , e apree septi pendula, rarius gemina. C o tyk d en e s in c um b en te s .-H e rb r e , f o l i i s « , - racemis lem um
e lo n g a tis ; floribus p a r v is , alb is, in te rdum imperfectis.
A large genns, chiefly o f natives o f the north temperate zone, with some southern ones, most o f which arc
maritime p hm ts .-P fe r f,, with often snffraticose stems. Leave, entire, toothed, or sinuate, rarely pinnatrlid. Flower,
white, smad, racemose, often imperfeot ; racemes elongated in frniting. Sepal, spreading or suberect. F e ta l, four
or none, limb entire. P o i laterally compressed, ov.Tle or oblong, with a very narrow septum, entire, emarginate, or
bdobed at the top. Valve, keeled, often winged at the back. Seed, sodtaiy, rarely in pairs in each cell, pendulous
from the apex of the cavity. Cotyledon, incmnbenl or acciimbenl. (Name from Xeww, a seule ,- in aUnsion to tire
form of tlie pods.)
1. Lepidium cuueifolium (DC. Sy st. Veg. ii. 5 4 5 ) ; robusta, glaberriraa, divaricatim ramosa, foliis
cuueato-oblongis subspathulatis basi lata sensim angustata insertis ( ^ - 1 u n c . longis) apicem versus grosse
dentatis, racemis brevibus fructiferis 1 - 8 -uncialibus, pedic ellis divaricatis i-u r ic ., siliculis rhombeo-oblongis
rotundatisve emarginatis pedicello paullo brevioribus.— DC. Frodg-. i. 2 0 6 ; H o o h Journ. B ot. ii. 4 0 6 .
{Gunn, 6 4 5 .)
I Ia b . Coasts o f various parts o f th e Islan d : Maequarrie Harbour, A . Cunningham ; Bass Straits ;
Circular Head and W oolnor th, D a « « .— (FI. Jan.) { v . v . )
Dis t b ib . N ew South Wale s and South-eastern Australia.
A spreading, robust, perennial plant, 3 feet and more high, gi-owing in the wash of the sea, where ndtli a few
other plants it forms the boundary of phænogamic vegetation.— Dra«c/iei as thick as a quill, horizontal. lea ve s
cuneate-ohlong or spathulate, fleshy, toothed towards the top only, | - 1 incli long, inch broad. Racemes 1 -3
inches long. Flowers and fruit numerous. Fruit flat, nearly i üieh long, rhomboid-ohlong or broader, notched at
the tip. Valves not winged, but fiat and keeled. Slyle very short, included in the notch— This approaches veiy
closely to Z . piscidium, Forst. (Oahuense, Cham, e t S ch l), o f Austraha (Flinders’ Bay, Collie) and the Pacific
Islands, hut has shorter, smaller leaves, of a different form.
2 . Lepidium ruderale (L. Sp. PI. 9 0 0 ) ; caule g la b em m o v. apice puberulo basi lig n o so valde
ramose, ramis gracilibus e longatis, foliis linearibus integr is v. varie in c isis pinnatisectisve plerumque serratis
glaberrimis puberulisve, silicu lis parvis oblongis emarginatis pedicello multo brevioribus, floribns im p e t-
fe ctis apetalis diarrdris.— E n y l. B o t. t. 1 5 9 5 . {Gunn, 1 0 2 6 .)
Var. B . r o b u s ta ; ramis robustioribus divaricatim ramosis, racemis brevioribus.
H a b . Common on waysides and by th e sea-shore in many situations. X'ar. ;3. D ’Entrecasteaux
Channel, / . D . i f .— (El. Sept. Oct.) {v. v.)
Distm b . S outh-eastern and Weste rn A ustralia, extratropical S ou th America, South Africa, and thronglr-
ou t temperate Europe and Nor th e rn Asia. »
This common aird widoly-diffased plant is probably described under many names, bnt it is quite impossible to
identify its numerous forms satisfnctoi-ily by tlreir published descriptions. Sir. Gnnn at one time thonabl that it
might possibly be an introduced rveed, and, from its localities at Hobarton, I was drcKircd to coincide J ilh him ;
but ri-e changed our opinions independently, on iiiiding the plant to be abrmdant along ad the coasts. .As m iA
be expected, the Tasmanian specimens, especially those that inhabit the moist atmosphere near the sea, are frequeritly
mueh more Inxm-iarrt than the Enropean ones. I partieidar-lj paid attention to this point in Tasmania, where I
found small specimens growing hy the roadsides to be allogellrer like European, brrt gradnally on approaclrdrv
the sea-coast the plants became stonter and more hranched, stiffer, and with larger foKage. In shaded spots A
stems lengthen very irruclr, and often lie prostrate, w-ith slender branches two feet long. I t also Tories extremely in
being smooth or pubescent, and in the size and cutting o f tbe leaves ; which in seedling plants are gener-'nUy
pirmaliirarlite, and also frcqnently so at tiro base of old stems ; at other- times they are lobed, entire, or°sciTaté.
I t is r-cnddy kiiorvn from Z . mneifoliam by its slender- habit, rran-ow leaves, and small pods. De Caridode (quoting
Dcsvaiix’ .Torn-iud) gives D ’Eiitrecastcaiix Clianncl as a habitat for L. fo lio s,m , a plant I do not know, but which ft
said to h.ave the pods almost twice as large as those ot L. plscldmm, and therefore Irvice os hn-ge as those of I .
cuneifolUm. I foiuul L. ruderale Jibimclantly in D ’Entrecasteaux Cliamiel.