
branches tomentose. Capitula small, about ten-flowered, with long, white, spreading inner involucral scales ; the
outer pubescent, with broad, membranous margins.
1 6 . Ozothamuus ferrugineus (Brown in L inn. Soc. Trans, xii. 1 2 5 ) ; frutex erectus, ramosus,
ramis sulcatis, ramulis subaraneo-tomentosis glabratisve, foliis patulis anguste lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis
planis supra glaberrimis viscosisve subtus appresse cano-tomentosis marginibus tenuiter recurvis, corymbis
densis ramosissimis subglobosis poiycephalis ramulis gracilibus tomentosis, capitulis parvis auguste oblongis
p a u c i-(6 -8 )-flo r is, involucri squamis externis pallidis late scariosis interioribus lon g e albo-radiantibus, acheniis
puberulis.— DG. P r o d r . vi. 1 6 5 . Eupatorium ferrugiiieum, L a b . Nov. H o ll. ii. 3 8 . t. 1 8 0 . Petalolepis
ferruginea, Cass. D ie t. Sc. N a t. x x x ix . 1 9 5 . Chrysocoma ferruginea, Spr. Sj/sf. iii. 4 2 4 . {Gunn, 4 9 4 , 7 0 2 .)
H a b . N o t uncommon in various parts o f the Colony, as at N ew No r fo lk , Grindelwald, Hobarton,
e tc ., A . Cunningham, etc.— (F l. N o v .) («. v.)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia : V ictoria and N ew Sou th Wales.
De Candolle describes this as very nearly allied to 0 . rosmarinifolius, from which it may be readily d istinguished
by the flat, less rigid leaves, not rough on the upper surface, and very different capitula ; it is much more nearly allied
to 0 . thyrsoideus, but distinguished by the tomentose branclúets, much longer, broader leaves, much larger, more
branched, rounded, terminal corj'mbs, aud smaUer capitula. Some o f the Australian specimens have much broader
leaves than auy Tasmanian.— A beautiful shrub, 6 -9 feet high. Leaves 1 4 -3 inches long, sometimes 4 inch broad,
covered with appressed white tomentum beneath, Capitida very small, with few (six to eight) flowers, narrow
involucre, and comparatively long white rays.
Gen. X X L R A O U L IA , D b a L /? .
Capitulum multiflorum, heterogamum, discoideum. Involucrum o b lo n g um ; squamis scariosis, 1 - 2 -
seriatis, intim is erectis, disco æquilongis v . longioribus, radiantibus, albis. Reeeptaculum angustissimum,
alveolatum v . firabrilliferum, rarius pilosum. Flores r a d ii ? , 1-seriales, angustissimi, tubulosi, 3 -4 -d e n -
ta t i; d i s d 5 -d en ta ti; antheræ bicaudatæ. P a p p u s pilis sericeis tenuissimis 1-seriatis barbellatis floribus
longioribus.— Herbæ p e r p u s illa Novæ-Zelandiæ e l Tasmaniæ, sim p lic iu scu la v . ramosa, f o l io s a ; foliis
im b rica tis ; capitulis sessilibus, so lita r iis , tem iin a libm .
Very curious, and generaUy minute, alpine, simple or branching herbs, of which there are several New Zealand
species ; the genus is best distinguished from Ozothamnus and Gnaphalium by the extremely naiTOw receptacle. The
species are often tufted and moss-hke, with very smaU, smooth or woolly, loosely or densely imbricated leaves, and
solitary terminal capitula sunk amongst the leaves at the ends o f the branches.— Heads many-flowered ; outer flowers
in one row, female, slender, tubular, three- to four-toothed ; inner hermaphrodite, tubular, campanulate, five-toothed.
Involucre of several rows of .erect scales, coriaceous or searious, often spreading outwards when (hy ; inner scales as
long as the florets, like the outer, or in some species radiating, with long or short wliite ligulæ. Receptacle extremely
narrow, convex, alveolate or fimbrillate or hairy, hidden (even after the flowers have faUcn away) by tlie
involucral scales, which always eormive at the base. Stamens o f the disc-flowers five; anthers with two (sometimes
fimbriated) tails ; arms of the styles generaUy protruded, truncated, hispid at the points. Achenia smooth, glandular,
or pubescent.—As a genns, this is not easily defined, except by its size and habit ; it differs from Ozothamnus
in the regular series o f female fiowers ; from Helichrysum by its habit, and very narrow receptacle ; from Gnaphalium
by the same characters. (Named in honour o f tbe late M. M. E. Raoul, surgeon in the French navy, author of the
excellent ‘ Choix de Plantes de la Nouvelle-Zélande.’)
1 . Raoulia catipes (H o ok , fil.) ; humilis, ramosa, foliosa, tomento subargenteo appresso candi-
cans, foliis confertis sessilibus obovatis spathulatisve obtusis retusisve, involucri squamis obloiigis obtusis
apice albis breviter radiantibus.— Gnaphalium catipes, DG. P ro d r . vi. 2 3 6 . Antennaria nubigena, F.
M u e lle r. {Gunn, 8 2 2 .) (Tab. L X I .r t .)
H a b . Bare rocks on th e summits o f the lo ftiest mountains, Gunn.— (F l. Feb.)
D i s t r ib . Cobboras Mountain, Victoria, elev. 6 0 0 0 feet; Mu e lle r.
A very remarkable little plant, fonning large tufts o f a silvery white colour, the foliage, which deusely covers
the whole plant, being uniformly clothed w ith an appressed tomentum.— Stems 2 -6 inches long, very much branciied.
Leaves spreading and recurved, sessile or contracted into a broad petiole, obovate or spathulate, blunt or re tuse;
theii- margins flat. Capitula sessile. Involucral scales blunt; outer tipped with white; inner longer, white from
below the middle to the apex.— The leaves o f MueUer’s specimens are longer, and sometimes subacute.— P l a t e
LX I.« i. Pig. 1, flower o f the circumference; 2, the same, with the pappus removed; 3, flower o f disc; 4, hair of
pappus; 5, arms of its style :— all -r,
Gen. X X I I . P T E R Y G O P A P P U S , / ? .
Capitulum ^hh-8 -^ om m ; flo ribu s exterioribus i(£m\n.t\a, anguste tubulosis, inæqualiter 3 -d en ta tis ; styli
ramis brevibus, inæ qualibus; in te rio ribu s masculis, obtuse 5 -d en ta tis; a n th eris basi biar istatis; sty lo apice
d iscoideo, bilobo. In vo lu c ri squamæ v ix 2-seriatæ, oblongæ, valde coriaceæ. Re eeptaculum angustum,
planum, nudum. Achenium obconico-oblongum, obscure 4 -g on um , superne ciliatum. P a p p i setæ su b -6 ,
planæ, lineari-spathulatæ, d istiche plumosæ.— Herba a lp in a , musciformis, pe ren n is, densissime ca sp ito sa ,
pulvinifoi-mis ; radicibus c rasse flb ro sis ; caulibus compactis, densissime fo lio s is , cum f o l i i s obscure an gu la tis ;
foliis coriaceis, la tissim e spathulato-obovatis, abrupte acuminatis, concavis, basi va ginante submemhranacea
supra medium utrin qu e barbatis ; capitulis so lita r iis , terminalibus, p e d u n cu la tis ; pedúnculo brevissimo, p o s t
anthesin elongato, rig id o ; involucri squamis oblongis, d b tim s, flo n b u s brevioribus. {Gunn, 3 6 4 .)
1. P t e r y g o p a p p u s L a w r e n c i i (H o ok . fil. in Lond. Journ. B o t. v i. 120). (Tab. L X I . B .)
H a b . On th e summits o f all the mountains, forming large, pulvinate masses, similar to, and growing
along with, Seleroleima and Oreobolus, etc ., Lawrence, Gunn, etc .— (F l. De c ., Jan.) {v. v.)
An exceedingly curious, moss-like, tufted plant, very much resembling Seleroleima in habit, but recognized at
once by the shorter, broader leaves, n-ith viUous hairs on their surfaces.— S tem 1 inch long, excessively densely
compacted, emitting stout fibrous roots, closely covered with the imbricating leaves. Leaves obovate-spathulate,
4 inch long, consisting of a broad, membranous, sheatliing, lower portion, aud a broader, coriaceous, coucave lamina,
which is acuminated, and furnished at the base on both surfaces w'ith a transverse belt of shaggy hairs. Capitida
solitary, terminal, shortly peduncled, very inconspicuous. Involucral scales about six, obloug, blimt, glabrous,
shorter than the flowers. Receptacle naked. Flowers about six ; outer vei-y slender, unequaUy three-toothed ; inner
male, tubular, five-toothed. Achenia compressed or obscurely foui'-angled, ciliated above the middle. Fappus of
four to six flat-feathered scales, as long as the coroUa, gradually dilated from the base upwards. (Name from
TTTipv^, a wing, and TraTm-os, down; in aUusion to the broad pappus.)— P l a t e LXI. A. Fig. 1, upper part o f branch,
peduncle, and capitulum ; 2 and 3, leaves ; 4 , receptacle ; 5, fiower o f circumference ; 6, its pappus ; 7, the flower,
with the pappus removed; 8, coroUa laid open; 9, achenium; 10, flower o f disc; 11, the same, with pappus removed;
12, pappus; 13, stamen; 14, apex of style :— all highly magnified.
Gen. X X I I I . L E P T O R H Y N C H U S , Less.
Capitulum multiflorum, homogamum. In v o lu c ii squamæ multiseriales, imbricatæ, appressæ, acuminatæ,
siccæ, scariosæ. R e c ep ta cu lim plauum, cbracteolatum. Corolla tubulosa, 5-dentata. S ty li rami a])ice
capitellati. compressum, gracile, brevissime v . ion g iu s rostratum. P a p p i setæ 10-12, basi subconcretæ,
scabræ.— Iie rbæ gra c ile s ; ramis ascendentibus, apice n udis, a p h y llis, scarioso-bracteolatis, \-c eph a -