
floribus pedicellatis, calycis tubo brevi lob is elongatis liueari-subulatis patentim pilosis, bracteolis basi calycis
insertis anguste linearibus pilosis. {Gunn, 6 7 1 .)
Hab. E p p in g E orest, near Campbell-town, and Suake Ban k s, twenty-five m ile s from Launc eston, on
the road to Hobarton, in sandy soil, Gunn.— (El. N o v .)
A very distinct species, short and robust for the size of the leaves and flowers.— Stem very short, woody.
Branches 6 -1 0 inches high, stout, erect or ascending, covered with spreading or subimbricated leaves, villous at
the tips. Stipules conspicuous, lanceolate-subulate, acuminate, red-broivn, furrowed. Leaves narrowed into very
short petioles, 4 - 4 inch long, generally elliptic-oblong, sometimes linear, or ovate, blunt, concave, with incmwed
margins, silky on the convex back. Flotcers large, deep orange-yellow, almost hidden by the leaves, collected into
heads. Bracts numerous, like the stipules. Pedicels tomentose, short. Calyx with a short conical tube, aud long,
spreading, very narrow lobes, covered with soft, spreading hairs. Bracteoles like tbe calyx-lobes, and as long as
tbe calyx.— This diflers considerably from any other Tasmanian species, and is more nearly allied to the Austraban
P . elliptica and P . villifera.
1 5 . Pultenæa tenuifolia (Br. in B o t. Mag. t. 2 0 8 6 ) ; fruticulus prostratus bumilis sericeus diffuse
ramosus, ramis brevibus e longatisve v elutino-pube sc entibus viUosisve, stipulis ovato-lauceolatis, foliis fasciculatis
sericeo-pilosis lineari-subulatis obtusis supra concavis canaliculatisve subtus convexis, floribus lateralibus
V. ad apices ramulorum brevissimorum terminalibus sobtariis parvis sessilibus, bracteis parvis lanceolatis,
bracteobs basi calycis in ser tis calyce æquilongis anguste lineari-lanceolatis, leguminibus parvis calycem
paulo exc edentibus late obbque o v a tis • a cuminatis subturgidis villosis.— B C . F ro d r. ii. 1 1 3 ; B en th . Ann.
M u s. Fin d . b . 8 2 . P . Candida, Lo d d . B o t. Cab. t. 1 2 3 6 . {Gunn, 1 0 5 5 , 3 0 8 ? )
H ab. On sandy lands near th e sea : Cfrculax Head, Woolnorth, and Georgetown, Gunn.— (El. Sept.)
Dist r ib . South-eastern Austraba. (Cultivated in En g lan d .)
A smaU decumbent or prostrate plant, resembling F. p ro stra ta and P . fasciculata to a certain degree in foliage,
etc.— Branches woody, ascending or prostrate ; branchlets densely viRous witb white süky hairs. Stipules conspicuous,
ovate-lanceolate, with subidate tips, membranous. Leaves very shortly petioled, 4 - 4 inch long, spreading,
often fascicled on short lateral branchlets, narrow, acicular, soft, blunt, grooved above, concave on the back,
covered with soft silky hairs. Flowers smaR, sessRe, sunk amongst the leaves. Bracts smaR, similar to the stipules,
Calyx-lobes acute, rather long ; bracteoles inserted at its base and as long as itself, linear-lanceolate. Corolla 4 inch
long.— This species should perhaps be referred to the section with P . prostrata, the flowers being terminal on
very sbort lateral branches, but tbe fruit is evidently lateral.
1 6 . Pultenæa fasciculata (Ben th . in An n . Mus. V in d . ii. 8 2 ) ; fruticulus dffiuse ramosus erectus
V. ramis ascendentibus, ramubs argenteo-sericeis glabratisve, stip u lis setaceis conspicuis, fobis acieularibus
teretibus pongenti-muc ronulatis antice canabculatis appresse sericeis glabratisve, floribus axibaribus s e s s il i.
bus, bracteis paucis stipulæformibus v. nubis, calyce campanulato sericeo, lob is brevibus, bracteobs basi
tubo in ser tis tubo multo brevioribus, legum ine obbque ovato acuminato pubescente. {Gunn, 3 0 8 .)
Hab. Summit o f tb e We stern Mountains, and Arthur’s L ak e, elevation 2-3000 fe et, 1
— {El. Jan. Eeb.)
Dist r ib . Cobboras Mountain, South-east Austraba, ^
A remarkably distinct Rttle species, with the habit of P . tenuifolia, but differing widely in the rough leaves
with pungent apices, and in the bracteoles of the calyx being very short, as also in the more lateral flowers and
fewer braets.— Stems prostrate, glabrous or more or less sRvery with süky appressed hairs. Stipules conspicuous,
lanceolate-subulate, sometimes squarrose. Leaves 4 ineb long, acicular, terete, grooved down the front, glabrous or
covered with appressed sflky haiis. Calyx campanidate, very sflky and shining.
Ous. F u ltem a Bxchwides in Aim. Viemi. Mils. ii. 83), said to be foimd in Van Diemen’s Land, ia
unknown to me.
Gen. V I I I . H O V E A , B r .
C alyx bilabiatus, labio superiore lato, retuso, inferiore minore, tripartito. Vexillum explanatum.
S tam in a 1 0 , monadelpha, filamento vexillari p lu s minus libero. Ovarium 2 -3 -o v u la tum . S ty lu s glaber.
Legumen snhioimuiw-ai, veiitricosum. Semina strophiolata.— Erutices « .fr u t ic u li; fobis a lte rn is, s im p l l
cibus, s tip u la tis ; floribus a x illa rib u s, p u rp u r e is v . v io la c e is ; pedicellis s o lita r iis v . geminis, unifloris v.
An Australian genus o f about twenty known species, more tban balf o f which are confined to the soutb-westeni
part o f that continent; the remauider are South-east Austraban, except one or two tropical species.— or veiy
smaU subherbaceous plants, witli alternate, stipulate, sunple leaves, and axiRaiy blue flowers. Calyx two-bpped';
upper bp lobed or retuse. Corolla papilionaceous. Ovary two- or three-oruled. Stamens ten, monadelphous,
the upper more or less free. P o d orbicular or neaiiy so, tuigid, one- to three-seeded. (Named in honour o f A . P.
ffove, a Polish botanist.)
1 . H o v ea purpurea (Sweet, Flora Australasica, 1 . 1 3 ) ; frutex erectus, ramis incano-pubescentibus,
foliis lineari-oblongis obtusis mucronatis subtus incano-tomentosis, floribus solitariis binisve, calyce tomen-
toso, legum ine orbiculari turgido ferrugineo-tomentoso.— .So?. B eg . t. 1 4 2 3 . {Gunn, 6 7 4 , 1 3 8 .)
Var. ¡3. m o n ta n a ; minor, glabrata v. ramubs fobis subtus legumiuibusque dense ferrugineo-tomentosis.
{Gunn, 8 0 0 .)
Hab. A bundant th roughout tbe Island, in many soils and s itu a tio n s; var. /3, on tb e mountains.—
(El. Sept. D e c .) {v. v.)
Dis t e ib . N ew South W a le s and South-east Australia. (Cultivated in England.)
This is one o f tbe most common aud variable plants in East Australia, being found from lat. 30° to the south
extreme of Tasmania, vaiying extremely m stature, habit, pubescence, and tiie length and breadth o f the leaves. It
forms an erect or prostrate shi-ub, sometimes attaining a height o f 6 -8 feet, at others not above a foot. Mi’. Gunn
has endeavoiu-ed in vain to estabbsh some differences amongst its varieties, and I am quite unable to find the smaUest
specific cliai-acter amongst these.— ArawcAes covered with a hoary or feiTuginoiis pubescence. Leaves 4 - 1 4 inch
long, narrow, hnear-oblong, bhmt or mucronate; margins recmrved, veiy eoriaceous; upper sinface g lo ssy ; under
densely tomentose. Flowers bright blue, generally iu pairs in the axils of tbe leaves, sometimes sobtari-, sliortly
pediceRed, Pods extremely variable in size. Seed generaUy solitary, dark brown.— I have uot united the H.
purpurea with H. lanceolata, though quite unable to trace any character by which the originaUy described and figured
specimens may (without fruit) be distinguished. There is however reason to beheve that the tnie H. lanceolata
has longer pods, and the flowers spuriously racemose from growing ou sbort lateral branches. Mr. Smith, o f the
Royal Gardens, Kew, assures me that the original H. lanceolata o f the ‘ Botanical Magazine ’ was cultivated at Kew,
and had a pod in no way different from the Tasmanian one, whicb bas also been in cultivation at Kew.
2 . H ovea heterophylla (A. Cunn. MSS. in Herb. H o o k .) ; procumbeus, ramis ramubsque gracilibus
prostratis appresse pilosis, foliis (eodem ramuloj polymorphis breviter late eUiptieis eUiptico-oblongis
lanceolatis v. anguste linearibus acutis mucronatisve marginibus r e c u n is subtus appresse p ilo sis glabratisve,
calycibus pedicellisque tomentosis, leguminibus late oblongis pubescentibus glabratisve. {Gunn 1 3 9 )
(Tab. X V .)
Hab. A bundant in dry and stony places iu various parts o f the Islan d , Lawrence, Gunn, i i c .— (FI.
Oct. N o v .) {v. V.)
Dist r ib . N ew South Wale s aud South-east Australia.
VOL. 1. 0 „