
trifidis, capitulo termiuali globoso, squamis late ovato-oblougis acuminatis iuferne sericeo-lanatis, perianthio
glabro laciniis apice bai-bellatis, stigmate ten u i subarticulato infra medium puberulo.— B r . in L in n . Trans.
X. 7 2 ; Meisn. in DC. B ro d r . x iv . 2 8 0 . {Gunn, 8 9 8 .)
H a b . Islan d s in Bass’ Straits, B yn o e ; Minders’ Islan d , Gunn.— (M. N o v .)
D i s t r i b . Victoria aud S o u tli Australia. (Cultivated in E ngland.)
Gen. I I I . A G A ST A C H Y S , B r .
M o re s spicati. P e r ia n tk ium r egulate, tetraphyllum ; /o / î o / î s basi cohærentibus, medio staminiferis.
i distincta. G la n d u la hypogynæ 0. Ovarium sessile, trigonum, I-locu lare , 1 -o vu la tum ; s ty lo
elongato, stigm ate uuilaterali. Fru c tu s ig n o tu s.— E rutex gla b e rrim u s ; fo liis sp a rsis, in teg e rrim is, p la n is ;
spicis n um ero sis; floribus altei-nis, sessilibus, 1 -b r a c te a tis ; TpQTianthio f a v o , deciduo.
The only known species is a beautiful bush. 5 -9 feet high, turning black in drying, with robust branches, and
very numerous, erect, long spikes of white, sweet-scented flowers.— Branches glabrous, somewhat angled. Leaves
1 -2 inches long, erect, extremely coriaceous, glahrous and shining, linear-ohlong, blunt or emarginate, shortly
petioled, with an obscure midr-ib. Spikes erect, stout, 3 - 6 inches long, bearing flowers throughout their length.
Bracts cui-ving outwards, linear, blunt. Perianth about 4 inch across, of fom' linear spreading pieces united at the
base. Stamens with short filaments mserted on the segments o f the perianth, and long linear anthers. Ovary threeangled,
one-celled, with one ovule. Fruit unknown. (Name from ayacrros, conspicuous, and 0Ta;^s, a spike.)
1 . A g a s t a c h y s o d o r a t a (Br. Prodr. 8 1 l ) .— L in n . Trans, x . 1 5 8 ; M e isn . in B C . Prod)-, xiv. 3 2 8 .
{Gunn, 1 2 8 6 .)
H a b . Sou th and W e s t c o a sts; Recherche B a y ; country S ou th -w e st o f L ak e St. Clair, towards Mac-
quarrie Harbour, Gunn, M illig a n , etc.— (F l. Jan.) (Introduced into England.)
Gen. IV . C E N A R R H E N E S , L a b .
Flores spicati. P e ria n th ium tetraphyllum, regulare, deciduum, fo lio lis apice angustatis. S tam in a
b asi perianthii inserta. G la n d u la h yp o g yn a 4 , staminiformes. Ovarium sessile, 1-ovulatum. S ty lu s
filiformis, deciduus. S tigm a simplex. B m p a baccata, compressa, putamine osseo.— Arbor glaln-a, sicco
nigrescens, f a t i d a ; ramis an g u la tis ; foliis p e tio la tis , obovato- v . elongato-lanceolatis, obtusis, grosse s e n a tis ,
coriaceis, n itid is fsicco opacis), p en n in e r v iis ; spic is f o l i i s brevioribus, ra ch i orassa.
1 . C e n a r r h e n e s n i t id a (Lab. N o v . H oll. i. 3 6 * . t . 5 0 ) .— D r . P ro d r . 3 7 1 ; L in n . Soc. T rans, x . 1 5 8 ;
L am k. B lu s tr . t. 9 1 4 . / . 1 ; M e isn . in B C . P ro d r. x iv. 3 2 8 . {Gunn, 5 5 6 .)
H a b . Shaded woods, etc. : Recherche Bay and Maequarrie Harbour; also in the mountains o f the
interior ; Hampshire H ills , Arthur’s Lakes, Lake St. Clair, e tc ., A . Cunningham, Gunn, e f o .~ (F \. Oct.)
(Colonial name, “ N a tiv e P lum .” )
A very fine, glabrous, bright-green tree, the only species o f the genus, 15 feet high, fetid when bruised, and
turning black in drying, very similar when growing to Anopterus glandulosus (Gunn).— Leaves 3 -5 inches long, petioled,
lanceolate, coarsely toothed. Flowers in short axillary spikes. Perianth regular, deciduous, o f four leaflets,
with the stamens inserted at their base, Ovary one-celled, with one ovule and four staminodia at its base. Fi-uU
a small Plum-like drupe, uneatable. (Name from kcvos, empty, and àpp-qv, masculine ; in allusion to the stameii-
like glands.)
Gen. V . P E R SO O N IA , 5m.
F lores sæpissime solitarii, axiilares. P e rian th ium deciduum, tetraphyllum v. quadripartitum, r egulare;
f o l io l i s medio staminiferis, demum recurvis. S tam in a exserta. G la n d u la 4 , hypogynæ. Ovarium pedicellatum,
1-locularc, 1-2 -o vu Ia tum ; ®?y?o filiformi ; stigm a te ohiMso. Dra /ja baccata, putamine 1 -2 -Io c u -
lari. Fru tic e s v . arbusculæ, cortioe in te rdum scarioso-lamelloso ; foliis sp a rsis, coriaceis, p la n is a cerosisve ;
f l o n b u s a x illa rib u s, breve p e d u n cu la tis, p le r isq u e so lita r iis , \-h ra c te a tis ; fructu in te rdum cum s tip ite
suo a rticu la to ; embryone sa p e Z -5-eotyledoneo.
A large Australian genus, containing upwards of seventy species, o f which t!ie majority inhabit the Southeastern
quarter of Tasmania, and there is also a New Zealand species.— Shrubs or smaU much-branched trees, with
often scaly bark. Leaves alternate, flat, or acerose and pungent, entire, with stomata on both surfaces. Flowers
axillary, generaUy solitary, one-bracteate, yellow, Perianth regular, of four leaflets, that are patent or recurved.
Stamens on the middle of the corolla, exserted. Ovary pediceUed, with four hypogynous glands, one- or two-ceiled,
with one or two ovules. Style slender, with a blunt stigma. Drupe with a bony one- ov two-ceUed nut. (Named
in honoui- o f C. H . Persoon, a botanist of Dutcli origin.)
1. Persoonia juniperina (Lab. N o v . HoU. i. 3 5 * . t. 4 5 ) ; ramulis patentibus appresse pu b esc en tibus,
foliis confertis patulis lineari-subulatis str ie tis rigidis pungenti-mucronatis se riceo-pubescentibus g la bratisve
floralibus conformibus, pedicellis subsolitariis periantliiisque pubescentibus, segmentis subattenuatis,
ovario stipitato glabro, stylo recto, stigmate subcapitato {M e isn .).— B r . P ro d r. 3 7 2 ; L in n . Trans, x. 1 6 0 ;
M e isn . in B C . P ro d r . xiv. 3 3 6 . {Gunn, 1 2 3 8 .)
Var. f l. u lic in a (Meisn. 1. c.) ; ramulis glabrescentibus, foliis semierectis subpollicaribus glabris subtus
b isulcis.— ilf«®». {Gunn, 5 3 7 ex p a r te , 8 6 9 .)
Var. y . b re vifo lia (Meisn. 1. c.) ; fo liis patentibus 4-pollicaribus ramulisque densius cano-pubescentibus.—
M e isn . {Gunn, 5 8 1 ex p a r t e )
H a b. Very common, asc ending to 3 2 0 0 fe e t.— (Fl. F eb .) {v. v )
D i s t r i b . S ou th Australia aud Victoria. (Cultivated in England.)
Apparently a veiy variable plant, growing fi-om 1-6 feet liigh. Gunn distinguishes several varieties, but they
do not seem well marked to me. I have adopted those which Meisner, who has examined them all, has made.—
Branches generally pubescent. Leaves 4 - 1 4 inch long, spreading or suberect, rigid, linear-subulate, aud pungent,
süky or glabrous, usually plane above and semiterete below. F lo w m solitaiy or few together, about 4 inch Tong!
on short, stout pedicels. Perianth süky.
2. Persoonia Gnnnii (N ob . in Lond. Jonrn. B o t. vi. 2 8 3 ) ; foliis rigidis spathulatis linearibusve
planis subenerviis junioribus ramulisqne tomentosis, pedieeUis crassiusculis periantlnoque clavato pnberulis,
perianthii foliolis acuminatis margine undulatis, p istillo glabro, drupa biioculari.— J f c i « . in B C . P ro d r
xiv. 3 4 0 .
Var. a . d ila ta ta ; foliis obovato-spathulatis cnneatis ( 8 - 1 2 lin. lon g is, 3 - 4 lin. latis) apice rotundatis
retusisve, perianthio glabrato laciniis apice ovali-lanceolatis.— I. e. [O m ii, 8 7 0 .)
Var. a lp in a (N o b . 1. c.) ; foliis lineari-spathulatis ( l - l j po ll, lon g is, l i - 2 i lin. latis) obtusis v.
subacutis, periantlho eauo-tomentoso laciniis apice an gu ste lauceolatis.— M e isn . I .e . {C u u n , 1 2 3 7 .)
H a b. Mountain regions : Lake S t. Clair, IXaj-day P lains, aud St. Patrick’s Eiver, Cium, M iU ia an .—
(Fl. Feb.)
An erect, woody bush, 5 -1 0 feet Mgh, growing in thickets o f Atlirotaxis, e tc.— Branches robust, pubescent.
Leaves - | - l i incli long, narrow, linear-spathulate. obtuse or subacute, very thick and coriaceous, nerveless. PediceU
stout, axillary, short. Perianth yellow, odorous, club-shaped, pubescent. Drupe black-purple, glaucous, about a
inch long.
Gen. V I. B E L L B N D E N A , B r .
Flores ad apicem pedunculi elongati nudi racemosi. P e ria n th im n tetraphyllum,