
antliers. Ovary with four hypogynous glands, one ceU, two ovules, aud a straight style. Fruit a follicle, with two
ereet seeds, which are winged at the top, or both at the top and base. (Name from opos, a mountain.)
1. Orites diversifolia (Br. Prodr. 3 S 8 ) ; frutex rigidus erectus, ramulis tomentosis, foliis breve
petiolatis lanceolatis acumiuatis integerrimis v . apice v. supra medium grosse dentatis venis obscuris subtus
pubescentibus glabratisve, spic is axillaribus terminalibusque foliis brevioribus puberulis, floribus sessilibus
glaberrimis.— B r . in L in n . Trans, x . 1 9 0 ; M e isn . in B C . B ro d r. x iv. 4 2 4 . {Gunn, 7 3 8 .)
H a b . N ea r the summit o f Mount YYelHugtoiij rare.— (PI. Jau.) (i>. v.)
Tills is one o f the few Tasmanian alpine plants that has hitherto been found iu one confined locality only. It
forms a small, erect, rigid shrub, with stout, pubescent or almost tomentose branches, and rigid, erect, lanceolate
leaves, 2 - 3 inches long, which are glabrous on both sui-faces, or pubescent below, and entire or toothed at the apex,
or coarsely serrate from above the middle upwards. Flowers small, glabrous, spiked, the spikes axillaiy and terminal,
strict, erect, shorter than the leaves.
2 . O rites Milligani (Meisn . in H o ok . B o t. J o um . iv . 2 0 9 , aim. 1 8 5 2 ) j frutex r igidus glaber, ramulis
brevibus crassis, foliis breve petiolatis ovalibus ovato-rotundatisve grosse dentatis crasse coriaceis, spicis solitariis
terminalibus erectis densifloris foliis longioribus, pedúnculo floribusque sessilibus glaberrimis, ovario
d en se sericeo, bracteis ovatis acuminatis, capsula compressa ovata rostrata.— Me isn . in B C . P r o d r . xiv. 4 2 4 .
{Gunn, 2 0 5 2 .)
Hab. Mou n t Sorrell, Maequarrie Harbour, elev. 4-5000 feet, M illig a n .— (F l. De c .)
A ve iy remarkable and distinct species, fonning a small, rigid, v e iy woody busli, 1 -3 feet high, with stout
branehes and glabrous branchlets.— Leaves very thick and coriaceous, about 1 inch long, petiolate, oblong or
rounded, coai-sely toothed. Spikes 2 - 3 inches lo n g ; young ones densely clothed with imbricatmg, concave, rigid,
ovate, acummate bracts; older elongated; peduncle glabrous. Flowei-s sessile, glabrous. Capsule about I 4 inch
3 . Orites revoluta (Br. Prodr. 3 8 8 ) ; frutex, ramis ascendentibus, ramuhs sericeo-tomentosis, foliis
hneari-teretibus muticis integerrimis margine ad costam revolutis subtus incano-tomentosis, spicis axillaribus
terminalibusque fo liis longioribus, pedúnculo ovarioque dense lanuginoso, perianthiis glabris, bracteis sericeis,
capsula elliptica utrinque angustata compressa dense sericeo-tomentosa.— B r . in L in n . Trans, x. 1 9 0 ;
A . R ic k . Sert. A stro l. 7 0 . t. 2 5 . / . 1 ; M e isn . in B C . P r o d r . x iv. 4 2 4 . {Gunn, 2 8 6 .)
Hab. On ail the mountaiu-ranges above 3000 feet elevation, abundant.— (F l. Feb.) {v. v.)
A shmb, 4 - 6 feet high, with ascending or suberect, tomentose branches, Leaves less than 1 inch long, suberect,
very thick and coriaceous, linear and terete, from tbe margins being rolled back to the midi'ib, tomentose
beneath. Spikes twice as long as the leaves, terminal and lateral, rigid, erect, lanuginose witb brown tomentum, as
are the ovaries. Feriantk glabrous. Capsules about as long as the leaves, densely pubescent, obliquely elliptical,
4 . Orites a cicularis (Br. Prodr. Suppl. 3 2 ) ; frutex n itidus erectus, foliis petiolatis erectis teretibus
p u n genti-acuminatis superne sulcatis, spicis axillaribus terminalibusque foliis brevioribus, rachi flexuosa
ovarioque sericeo-pubescentibus, bracteis perianthiisque glabris, capsula glabra compressa obovato-elliptica
abrupte incurvo-rostrata, semine atrinque alato.— B r . in L in n . Trans, x. 2 2 4 ; Me isn . in B C . P ro d r . xiv.
4 2 4 . {Gunn, 2 6 5 .)
H a s . Abundant on all the mountains, especially by streams, elev. 3 - 4 0 0 0 fee t.— (Fl. D e c .) (t>. v.)
An erect bush, 4 - 5 feet high, of a singularly pale yellowish hue, and so common along the banks o f alpine
streams that Gunn says theh course may be traced fi-om a distance by it.— Leaves 1 inch long, erect, terete, glabrous,
petioled, pungent. Spikes short, silky, axillary and terminal, flexuose. Flowers small. Brac ts broadly ovate, with
long, acuminate points, glabrous. Follicle compressed, glabrous, with suddenly upturned, acummate beaks.
Gen. X . T E L O P E A , Dr.
3 2 7
Flores dense corymbosi, involucrati. P e ria n th ium irreguläre, h in c longitudinaliter flssum, unilabiatura,
labio 4-fldo lob is concavis antheriferis. Antheræ sessiles. G lan du la hypogyna subannularis. Ovarium
stipitatum, m u lti-ovulatum ; sty lo filiformi, per sisten te ; stigmate obliquo, convexo, clavato. F ollicu lu s
cylindraeeus, l-lo cu la r is , pellicula seminibus interposita. Semina apice alata, truncata v. rotundata, hinc
immarginata, raphe bicruri.— F ru tic e s; ramis su b v e rtic illa tis ; foliis sp a rsis, coriaceis, p en n in e r v iis , in tegerrim
is d en ta tisv e ; racemis te rm in alibu s ; floribus gem in a tis, p e r p a r ia vmihracteatis, cocdneis.
The only two known species are very conspicuous and singularly beautiful plants, known as Wan-atau; one
inhabits the mountains near Port Jackson, and the other those of Tasmania. The Tasmanian T. truncata is a
shrub, 6 -1 0 feet high, with robust, pubescent branches. Leaves verj- coriaceous, spreading, naiTow-, linear-obovate
or obovate-lanceolate, acute or obtuse, pubescent beneath, nan-owed into a short petiole, 2 -3 inches long. Heads
of blossoms 2 - 3 incbes across, crimson, loaded with honey. Flowers densely corymbose, with numerous imbricating,
acuminate, silky bracts at the base o f the peduncles. Perianth about 1 inch long, irregular, one-lipped, lip
quadrifld, Capsule woody, 1 ? inch long, linear-obovate, curved, terete, minutely pubescent, terminated with the
persistent, woody style. Seeds numerous, winged. (Name from tï^Xomtoç, seen a t a distance ; ft-om theh- conspicuous
1. Telopea tnuica ta (Br. Prodr. 3 8 8 ) ; ramulis pubescentibus, foliis an gu ste lineari-obovatis ob-
ovato-lanceolatisve subacutis integerrimis v. rarius paucidentatis subtus pubescentibus demum glabratis,
coryrabo depresso, bracteis brevibus acuminatis.— M e isn e r in B C . P ro d r. x iv. 4 4 6 . Embothrium trunca-
tum. L a b . N o v . H o ll. i. 3 2 . {Gunn, 1 7 5 .)
H a b . Abundant in cool, humid, mountainous regions, elev. 2 - 4 0 0 0 fe e t.— (FI. D e c ., Jan.) {v. v.)
(Colonial name, “ Warratau.” )
Gen. X I . LOM A T IA , B r .
Flores racemosi. P e rian th ium 4-phyllum, unüabiatum, irreguläre, foliolis distinctis secundis. Antheræ
subsessiles. Glandulæ hypogynæ 3 , secundæ. Ovarium stipitatum, multi-ovulatum ; s ty lo persistente, filiform
i; s tigm ate obliquo, dilatato, planiusculo. Do/Jzca/a® o vali-oblongus, teres v. compressus, bivalvis, polyspermus,
pellicula seminibus interposita. Semina apice v. utrinque alata; raphe margiuali, alam cingente.
— Frutices v . arbusculæ; foliis a lte rn is, p le risq u e p in n a tim la e in ia tis, interdum in eodem f r u t i c e v a r iis ; racemis
te rminalibus a xillaribusque ; floribus ochroleucis, geminis, p e d ic e llis p e r p a r ia u n ih racteatis ; seminis
nucleo f a r in a sulphurea consperso.
A small genus o f about seven species, confined to South-eastern Australia. Tasmania, and south temperate
America.— Small or large shrubs or small trees, with alternate leaves, varying extremely in form, being sometimes
simple and entire aud laciniated or pinnatifid 011 the same plant. Flowers racemose. Perianth o f four leaflets,
all turned in one dh-ection, with concave tips, each bearing a sessile anther. Ovary stalked, ndtb three hypogynous
glands on one side, a straight style, aud an oblique, flat, dilated stigma, many-ovuled. Follicle with many,
winged seeds. (Name from Xw/na, a border ; iu allusion to the winged seeds.)
1. Lomatia polymorpha (Br. Prodr. 3 8 9 ) ; frutex, ramulis pubescenti-tomentosis, foliis proteis
lineari-lanceolatis obtusis acutisve integerrimis dentatisve ovato-lanceolatisve sinuato-lobatis pinnatifidisve
junioribus utrinque senioribus subtus rufo- v. griseo-tomentosis demum glabratis, racemis brevibus terminalibus
tomentosis, pedicellis periaiithiura subæquautibus.— B r . L in n . Trans, x. 2 0 0 ; M d sn e r in B C .
P ro d r. xiv. 4 4 8 . Embothrium tinctorium, L a b . F l. Nov. H o ll. i, 3 1 . t. 4 2 . {Gunn, 1 2 4 1 .)
I ' l