opposite, a span and more long, very many-flowered. Flowers about i inch in diameter,
of the corolla
Vahes f n n h j adhering to the central placentiferous column.
3. Veronica nivea (L in d i. B o t. R eg . M isc . 1 8 4 2 . p . 4 2 ) ; perennis ?, erecta, robusta, ramosa, ramis
str ie tis erectis glaberrimis v . bifariam puberulis, foliis pinnatisectis segmentis anguste linearibus, racemis
erectis multifloris terminalibus, bracteis parvis linearibus, sepalis lineari-oblongis, corollæ tubo brevi, capsula
emarginata biloba calyce plus duplo longiore lateraliter compressa, valvis columnæ placentiferæ arçtc adlioe-
rentibus.— B en ih . in B C . B ro d r. x . 4 7 1 . {G m m , 2 6 9 .)
îI a b . A lp in e situations, rather local : Hampshire H ills , Lake Arthur, Lawrenc e (in one spot only) ;
M ou n t YVellington, Gunn.— (F l. F eb ., March.)
D is t iu b . Ytictoria, Mou n t Latrobe, Muellei'.
A very remarkable and beautiful species, at once recognized by its pinnatisect leaves.— Steins numerous from
the root, 1 2 -2 4 inches high, sparingly branched, robust. Leaves 1 iuch long. Racemes terminal, often long and
juany-fiowered. Calyx small, its segments verj- imequal. Corolla pure white or lilac.
4 . Veronica calycina (Br. Prodr. 4 3 5 ) ; herbácea, caule prostrato basi reptante dein ramisque ascendentibus
pilis lon g is hirsuto, foliis p e tiolatis late ovatis basi truncatis cordatisve inæqualiter dentatis
hirsutis, pedunculis axillaribus brevibus 1 -4 -flo r is , pedice llis e longatis, calycis segm en tis late ob lon g is ob.-
ovatisve ciliatis capsulam obcordato-orbiculatam superantibus.
Var. a ; fo liis basi truncatis, sepalis ob lon g is.— V . calycina, B en th . in B C . P ro d r. x . 4 7 7 . {Gunn,
5 2 6 .)
Var. f l. G u nnii ; foliis basi cordatis, sepalis obovatis.— V . Gunnii, B en tli. I. c. {Gunn, 7 2 3 .)
Y^'ar. y . p a r v iflo ra (Benth. 1. c.) ; fioribus minoribus. {Gunn, 1 2 1 8 .)
H a b . Y^^ar. a and fl. Very common in rich so ü th roughout th e Colony. Y^ar. y . In dense forests at
Circular Head.— (F l. all Summer.) {v. w.)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia.
A slender species, 1 - 1 4 foot long, with very pUose, graceful, creeping stem and ascending branches.— Leaves
petiolate, about 4 - 1 inch long, broadly ovate or ovate-cordate, coarsely crenate or toothed, veiy variable in breadth,
sometimes cuueate at the insertion of the petiole. Peduncles solitary, axiUaiy, slender, longer than tlie leaves, two-
to five-flowered; pedicels slender. Flowers variable in size. Bracts two to three lines long. Sepah broadly
oblong or obovate.
5 . Veronica distans (Br. Prodr. 4 3 5 ) ; herbácea, humilis, caule gracili br eviusculo basi repente,
ramis ascendentibus erectisve bifariam pubescentibus, foliis (4 -uucialibus) breviter petiolatis ovatis grosse
crenato-serratis basi cuneatis glabris v. parce hirsutis, racemis axillaribus paucifloris, floribus subcorymbosis,
sepalis ov a li-ob lon g is obtusis capsula leviter emarginata longior ibus.— B en th . in B C . P ro d r. x . 4 7 9 .
{Gunn, 8 6 2 .)
H a b . Common on the sand-hills at Circular Head, also found at Recherche Bay, L a b illa rd ie re , Gunn.
— (Fl. N o v .)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern a n d South-western Australia, from P ort P h illip to t h e Swan River.
A small species, with creeping, short stems, and erect, slender branches, about 6 -8 inches high,— t a w bifaii-
ously pilose or pubescent. Leaves 4 inch long, petiolate, ovate, subacute, very coarsely serrate, glabi-ous or piloso,
ospeciaUy on the petiole. Peduncles axillary, erect, stout, 1 inch long. Flowers coiymbose, rarely racemose, few,
large; pedicels bracteate at the base, pubescent. -Sg/a?« obovate-oblong. Corolla large, pale pink or blue.— The
smaller size, narrower leaves, and shorter petioles, distinguish this from V . calycina.
6 . Veronica arguta (Br. Prodr. 4 3 5 ) ; caule e longato basi repente procumbente ramisque ascendentibus
bifariam pilosis, foliis (1 - 1 4 -pollicaribus) lon g iu scu le petiolatis ovato-lanceolatis iuciso-serratis
glabris p ilo sisv e , racemis axillaribus elongatis laxis pauci- v . multi-floris, pedicellis patentibus, bracteis lineari-
obovatis, sepalis ovali-oblongis capsulam latam levite r emarginatam superautibus, capsula lateraliter compressa,
valvis columnæ placentiferæ ad hæ ren tib u s.-D ® » ? /i. B C . P ro d r. x . 4 7 6 . V . Brownii, Roem. et
Schultes, S y st. i. 1 1 8 ? {Gunn, 1 7 4 .)
H a b . Subalpine situations, iu forests, e t c .; Hampshire H ills and St. Patrick’s River, Gunn.— {Y \.
F e b ., March.)
D i s t r i b . N ew South YYales, Cunningham; Victoria, M u e lle r.
A vcrj variable plaiit, usually about tbe size o f tbe ordmary state o f F. ea ly dm , but sometimes very much
larger, aud Gunn's St. Patrick's Kiver specimens ore 2 feet long.— A lox, branehing, more or less pilose, slender,
deeumbent speeies, witli the stems creeping at the hose. Lmv e, 1 -3 inehes long, rather long-petioled, ovate-lanceolate,
coorscly serrate. Maamm in the larger specimens a foot long, very slender and many-Sowered; in the
smaller specimens much reduced and coiymbose, then qnite like those of F. calycina, as are the bracts, pedicels,
calj-x, corolla, and fruit.
7 . Veronica gracilis {Br. Prodr. 4 3 5 ) ; humilis, glaberrima, ramis erectis, foliis snbsessilibns lanceolatis
lineari-lanceolatisve acutis acuminatisve integerrimis v. serratis basi angustatis, racemis axillaribus
pedunculatis corymbosis paueiiloris, sepalis lanceolatis acutis, capsula late obcordata lateraliter compressa,
valvis septo placentifero adhærentibus.— B en th . in DC. B ro d r. x . 4 7 9 . (Gunn, 6 5 .)
I - I a b . Moist places, common in many pacts o f the Colony.— (Pi. N o v .-J a n .) (i;. v. )
D i s t e i b . South-eastern Australia, from P o r t Jackson to South Australia.
A very variable plant, best distinguished by its creeping stems, tufted, glabrons habit, erect, slender branches.
3 - 6 inches’tan, narrow, ovate-lanceolate or hnear-lanceolate, entire or few-toothed, acuminate leaves, and the small
racemes or corymbs of large, lilac or pale bine flowers, with lanceolate, acuminate calyx-lobes.— Gunn sends a very
small alpine state, not an inch high, with one-flowered peduncles, from St. Patrick's Biver.
Gen. V I I I . O U R IS IA , Comm.
Calyx 6 -lobus v . -partitus. CorolU infundibuliformis, incurva v. obliqua; limbi 5 -fidi laciniis obtusis
planis. Stam in a didynama, inclusa ; antherie snbreniformes, loculis divaricatis oonfluentibus. S ty lu ,
apice capitato-stigmatosus. Ca pm la lo culicide b iv a lv is; valvis medio septiferis, placentas aufcrentibus.
Semina plurima; te sta laxa, reticulata. (B en th . in B C . B r o d r .)— l i e r h x ; foliis oppoeitie, om n iltu confor-
mihm V. ra d ica libu s p e tio la tis , can lin is n u llis v. bracteceformibus oppositis v e r tie illa tis r e ; fioribus a x illa r i.
bus, so lita r iis , x e r tic illa tis V. ad. apicem p e iu n c u li seapi/orm is so lita r iis , racemosis V. subumbellatis.
Erect or creeping herbs, natives of the moimtains o f New Zealand, where several species are fonnd. and of
South America; oidy one species is Tasmanian, and it has not hitherto been found in Australia.— opposite,
radical or caldine, or both, the latter sometimes whorled. Flcma-s axillaiy and solitary, or racemose, or subnmbel-
latc. Calyx iive-lohed or -ported. CoroUa fnimcl-sliopcd, with an oblique or incurved tube, and five bhmt lobes.
Stamens fonr, didynamous. Anthers reniform, two-celled; cells divaricating, confluent at top. Style capitate.
CapsuU two-valved, locidicidah— The Tasmanian 0 . inteyrifiUa is a small, glabrons herb, with a short, creeping
rhiaomc, coriaceous, spntlinlale, petiolate radical leaves, less than 1 inch long, and a bracteate scape, hearing one
(rarely branching, nnd then two-flowered) large, hhie-pnrple flower. {Named in honour ot -1/. Ouns, Governor oi
llie Falkland Islands, ivlio procured the first described species from Euegia.)
1. Ourisia integrifolia (Br. Prodr. 4 8 9 ) ; hnrailis, snbciespitosa, glaberrimo, rhizomate repente.