
Gen. V . G LO S SO ST IGM A , A m .
^ C alyx campanulatus, obtuse 3 -4 -l„ b u s . CoroUa m in im a; labio superiore bilobo, inferiore paulo ma-
L „ V l o“ ' ™>locularibns. Sty lu o apice spatbulatus. Capoula subglobosa.
Cl e .-v a lv is ; valvis medio septiferis, columnam placentiferam integram nudantibus.— Ilc rbæ p e rp u -
m tx, repente s, musconleee; fo liis oppositis, sp a th u la tis, in te g e r r im is ; peduncubs a x illa rih u s, s o lita r iis 1-
J to n s ; n o n b u s min im is, erectis.
or „ ' ' 7 " ‘“ ft- moss-like herbs, natives of tropical India anti Asia, also o f Australia, the Cane
o f Good Hope, and New Zealancl. G. etatinoAes has stems 1 - 2 inehes long, smooth or slightly hairy. Z e a l
Z r t e P '‘'“>“‘e. spetbelate, q,ble entire, blnnt, 2 -4 lines long. P eA n e le . avfflary, solitary, one-fl„,vered, erect,
b ? loh 7 ? " / “ ■ '■"« ft* »ell-sl.»Ped, with five short,
“ w fl,r ! 1 ' ““ P“m>lo‘e, t,v„.Bpped, rather compressed verticahy; lips spreading; upper two-,
W e a hr e-lobed; lobes rounded, blnnt. f„m, « „ « » .» peltate, exserted; oebs didymous, confinent.
V t J L T ‘ “ ft'“ ' im W o fo i stigma. (Name from yW n « , a tongue, and
ft- elatinoides (Bentb. in H . N . Zeal. i. 1 8 8 ) ; minima, glabra, ad nodos radicans,
o il IS petiolatis spathulatis im ean -sp ath u latisve obtusis integerrimis, stamimbus 4 .— G. Drummondii e t Tri-
choloma elatinoides, B en th . in B C . F r o ir . x . 4 3 6 . [Gunn, 3 0 0 5 .)
H a b . Ban k s o f the South Esk , near Launc eston, where it is submerged during a part o t the year
G unn.— (F l. all summer.)
D i s t m b . South-eastern and S outh-we stern Australia ; N ew Zealand.
Gen. ¥ 1 . L IM O S E L L A , Z .
C a lyx campanulatus, 5-dentatus. Corolla! tubus brevis, subiotato-cam p an u latu s; limbo subregnlari
o-fido S tam in a 4 , antherarum locu b s eonfluentibns. S ty lu s b r evis; stigmate incrassato, breviter bifido.
Capsula 2-(raro 3 -) v a lv is; valvis mtegris, septo tenuissimo incompleto placentitero libero p a r a lle lis .-H e r b æ
p im llæ , a qu atleo!v. uliginosa!, cæspitosa! v . rep tan tes, glaherrimo! ; oaubbus p r o s tr a tis , a i n o ie s r a iie a n tib u s :
ramis flo r ife r is b revu sim is, f o l i i s p e iu n eu lisq u e 3 m , e f a s e ie u la ti, ; fobis p e tio la tis , a lte rn is (oppositisqnæ >!
elongatV!, in teg e r r im is ; peduncubs unifloris, so lita r iis , e b ra c te a tis ; f i o r ib u s j i , « « , .
A genns o f v e ij smaU, delicate, fiacdd plants, growing in marshes, sometimes under water, generally in temperate
e W e s . The only Tasmanian species is also fonnd in Em-ope. New Zealand, Australia, the Talkland
Islands, Kergnelen-s Land, thronghont North aud South America, and is a native o f England; it is thus eharae-
ten z ed ;— Everywhere qnite smooth. Stems none or creeping, throwing out white fibrous roots and fascicles of
leaves. Leaves i - l * mch long, Hnear or subulate, blunt or dilated above the m iddle. l e iu n c le . sohtarv or several
from the roots, short. E W . very minute, white. bell-shaped, five-toothed. Coroiin obseurely'¡wo-hpped
between rotate and hell-shaped; limb five-toothed or -lobed. Stamms fonr; anther-eells confluent. Style short!
Stigma thickened. Capsule rounded, often on a cuiwed pedicel, two-valved, partiaUy two-ceDed ; valves entire!
parallel to the dissepiment. (Name from limus, a marsh ; in allusion to the place o f growth.)
1. LimoseUa aquatica (Linn. Sp. H. 8 8 1 ) , var. te n u ifo lia ; fobis linearibns bneari-snbulatisve
obtusis dilatatisve, corollæ lob is ovali-oblongis tubo calycis multoties longioribus.— A?. A n t. ii. 3 3 4 ; P l
N . Z ea l. i. 1 9 0 . L . tenuifolia, N u lt. Gen. F l. N . Am . ii. 4 3 ; B en th . in B C . P r o i r . x. 4 2 7 . L . Australis'
B r . P ro d r . 4 4 3 . {Gunn, 1 9 9 6 .) "
I Ia b . Probably common in marshy situations, th o u g h frequently overlooked ; Penquite and Formosa
Gunn.— m . N o v .) {v. v.) '
D i s t r i b . Extratropical Australia; N ew Zealand; temperate N o r th aud Sou th America ; Kerguelen’s
L a n d ; South Africa, (Often scarcely to be d istinguished from th e European form.)
Gen. V IL ' V E R O N IC A , X.
C alyx 3 -5 -p a r titu s . Corolla rotata v. breviter carapanulata, 4 -lo b a ; laciniis patentibus, lateralibus
sæpe angustioribus. S tam m a 2, ad latera laciniæ superioris inserta. S ty lu s elongatus ; stigmate subcapitato.
Capsula compressa, bisu lca ta ; carpellis dorso loculicide dehiscentibus, marginibus inflexis columnæ
placentiferæ adhærentibus v. ab ea septicide so lu tis; y. capsula septicida cum columna placentifera bipar-
tib ilis. {Benth. in D C . P r o d r .)— Herbæ, frutices, v. ra riu s arbores ; foliis oppositis, ra riu s sp a rsis v e r tic illa
tis v e , f lo r a lilu s a lte rn is hracteæformibus; floribus sæpius speciosis, rac emosis; racemis sæpe corymbiformi-
bus, a x illa rih u s terminalibusve.
Tins, which is one o f the largest and most conspicuous genera of New Zealand, is comparatively scarce in
Austraha and Tasmama, where however upwards o f eighteen species iiave been discovered, all o f them extratropical,
and the majonty natives of the south-east quarter o f the continent and Tasmania, aud none of them are found in
any other part o f the world.— Small trees, shrubs, or creeping herbs, with opposite, exstipulate leaves, and racemose,
often blue fiowers. Calyx generally quadripartite. Corolla rotate or campanulate, with a verj' short tube,
deeply foiu--lobed ; lateral lohes generally smaller than tlie others, sometimes with the lower lobe smallest. Stamens
two ; filaments slender ; anthers two-celled. Style slender, with a small, capitate stigma. (Name from iepa «kwv,
the sacred picture ; because the flowers of a European species were said to hear a representation o f our Saviour.)
§ 1 . Capsule turgid ; dehiscence septicidal. Valves often hifid, separating from a placentiferous column.
1 . V e r o n i c a f o rm o s a (Br. Prodr. 4 3 4 ) ; fruticosa, ramis bifariam pilosulis, foliis ( |—| unc. longis)
confertis brevissime petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis eUipticisve acutis acuminatisve integerrimis l-n e r v iis g la bris,
racemis in apicibus ramulorum paucifloris laxe subcorymbosis, sepalis anguste lanceolatis acutisve
cihatis glabratisve, capsula calyce duplo longiore valvis a columna centrali v ix se cedentibus.— D « í?/í. in
D C . P ro d r. X. 4 8 2 . {Gunn, 5 2 7 )
I I a b . Common on rocky hills in various parts o f the Colony, ascending to 3 5 0 0 fe e t.— (Fl. O c t .-
D e c .) {v. V.)
A remarkably heautifiü evergreen shrub, covered at the flowering season with lovely lilac flowers.— t a ® fastigiately
branched, 2 feet high; branches with two hnes of pubescence. Leaves close-set, ofteu recurved or reflexed,
smah, i - f inch long, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or elliptical, quite enthe and smooth, acute or acummate. Fkncer.s
111 subterminal racemes, inch across. Sepals often fringed with glandular hahs,
2 . V e r o n i c a l a b i a t a (Br. Prodr. 4 3 4 ) ; erecta, glaberrima v. m inute puberula, foliis subsessilibus
lanceolatis v. ovato-lanceolatis longe acumiuatis caudatisve argute serratis su b -3 -5 -n e rv iis, racemis in axillis
superioribus e longatis multifloris, sepalis lanceolato-subulatis corollæ tubum superantibus, capsula ovata
obtusiuscula valvis a columna centrali secedentibus.— Do?. M a g . ?. 3 4 6 1 ; B en th . in D C . P ro d r. x . 4 6 3 .
Y .D e w v c n in , A n d r. B o t. R ep . t. 5 8 1 . {Gunn, 2 )
I I a b . Abundant in many places, especially on the northern and central parts o f the I r ia n d ?FI
D e c .) (y. v ) R . t .
DiSTiiiB. N ew Sonth YVales, Ytictoria, and islands o f B a ss’ Straits. (Cultivated in England.)
This agaiu is a very bcautifid, half-shriihby. erect species, about 3 feet high, sparingly brauehed, almost glabrous.
Slems and branches robust. Leaves 2 -5 inches long, subsessile, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, or with long,
eanclatc apices, sharply serrated, Racemes læry ahundantlv produced, solitary iu the axils of the upper leaves
4 b ’