or bilobed at the apex, rarely acute, membranous, glabrous above, covered beneath ivith mhiute appressed hairs,
which are mserted by their middle to the surface of the leaf. Racemes shorter than the leaves, erect, nodding.
Floicers nmnerous, bright pink, 4 hich long. Rods cyUndiical, 1 -2 inches long, strict, glabrous, acute, covered
internally with a mottled lining membrane. Seeds opaque, black, pitted on the surface.
G en. X V . SW A IN S O N IA , Salish.
C alyx urceolato-campanulatus, 5-dentatus. Vexillum amplum. S tam in a 1 0 , diadelpha. S ty lu s lo u -
gitudinaliter barbatus. Legumen ovatum, inflatum, polyspermum. Semina cordato-reniformia, estrophiolata.
— Suflxuticuh V. h e rbæ ; foliis a lte rn is, im p a r ip in n a tis ; stip u lis d e c id u is ; racemis a x illa r ih u s ; floribus
p u rp u r e is v. cocdneis.
A small Austraban genus, o f wliich about ten species are known, all confined to the eastern half of that continent
and to Tasmama.—S e rb s, sometimes with half-shrubby stems. Leaves alternate, impaiipinnate, with deciduous
stipules. Flowers, red or purple, in axillaiy racemes ; pedicels bracteate at the base. Calyx campanidate, five-toothed.
Corolla papilionaceous. Standard ample. Stamens 10, diadelphous. Ovaiy many-ovuled ; the style bearded along
the back. P o d oblong or ovoid, turgid, inflated. Seeds (in S. Ussertiafolia) numerous, cordate-reniform ; funiculus
slender, without a strophiolus. (Named after Mr. TV. Swainson, an eminent zoologist.)
1 . Swainsonia lessertiæfo lia (DC. An n . Sc. N a t. iv. 9 9 ) ; caule decumbente herbáceo ramoso,
ramis ascendentibus gracilibus glabris puberulisve, stip u lis ovato-oblongis obtusis, foliolis subremotis 6 - 1 0 -
ju g is sessilibus lineari-oblongis e lliptic is linearibusve obtusis subtus petioloque appresse pubescentibus,
pedúnculo gracili elongato superne subsericeo, racemo 8 -1 5 -f lo r o , bracteolis parvis, floribus breve ped ic e lla
tis, calycibus appresse pilosis, floribus roséis, legum ine oblongo-lauceolato utrinque acuminato.— DC.
P ro d r . ii. 2 7 1 . {G u n n , 4 6 6 .)
H a b . Common near Wo o ln o rth , and in t h e Islan d s o f Bass’ Straits, Gunn. (FI. N o v .)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia.
A stragghng, decumbent, herbaceous plant, sometimes woody at the verj' base. S tem slender, terete, branching.
Branches ascending, 8—12 incbes long, glabrous or witb appressed pubescence. Stipules oblong-lanceolate, blunt.
Leaves 3 -5 inches lon g ; petiole slender, covered with minute sRvery appressed hairs, as are the leaflets beneath.
Leaflets o f six to ten pairs, sessRe, inch long, varjring in shape from broadly-oblong to linear- or lanceolate-
oblong, blunt, sometimes retuse, membranous or herbaceous. Peduncles axülary, 6 -1 0 inches long, above pubescent
or süky. Raceme many-flowered. Flowers pedieelled, f inch long. Calyx covered w ith black appressed hah-s.
P ods large for the size o f the plant, black, lanceolate-oblong, acuminate at both ends, inflated. Seeds numerous,
black, cordate ; testa opaque, covered with large, shallow, scattered pits.— Mr. Guim remarks that cattle wRl not
eat this species.
Gen. X V I . D E SM O D IUM , DC.
C a lyx bilabiatus, labio superiore bifido, inferiore tripartito. V ex illum rotundatum. S tam in a 10,
diadelpha (rarius monadelpha). Ovarium sessRe, multi-ovulatum. Legumen mu lti-articu latum ; articuiis
se cedentibus, compressis, 1-spermis, indehiscentibus. Semina reniformia.— Herbæ v . suffrutices; foliis
p in n a tim tr ifo lio la tis v . u n ifo lio la tis ; racemis term in a libu s ; ple risejue pu rpu ré is.
A very large genus of tropical shrubs and weeds, o f which remarkably few (only six) species have hitherto been
discovered in Australia ; o f these most are tropical, and several are also natives o f India.— Herbs or shrubs. Leaves
alternate, stipulate, generally trifoliolate. Flowers in terminal racemes. Calyx usuaUy with deciduous bracts, twolipped;
upper lip bifid, lower three-parted. Corolla papiUonaceous. Stamens 10, diadelphous (or monadelphous).
Om ry m any-oraled. P o d of m any joints. wMcli separate from one anotlier ; joints one-seeded, indeliiscent. (Named
from he<rpo%, a chain, which the joiuted pod resembles.)
1 . Desmodium Gunnii (B en th . M S S .) ; pnsillum, eaule basi lignoso, ramis gracilibus teretibus
glabris Ï . pilosiusoulis, stipulis majusculis ovatis acuminatis striatis, foliolis obovato-cimeatis obcordatisve
sessilibns glabris pilosiuscuKsve, stipe llis subulatis, racemis 2 -3 -ü o r is , pediceUis puberulis basi bracteatis,
bracteis ovatis aeutis, calyce pube scente breviter campanulato, stamine vexfflari libero, legum in is 4 - 6 -arti-
culati dense pubesccntis sutura utraque sinuata, articuiis elliptico-oblongis, {Gunn, 2 4 8 .)
H a b . Northe rn co a st; Em u Bay, Circular Head, e tc ., M ilU g an , Gunn. (El. F eb . March.)
D i s t r i b . N ew S ou th ’
Veiy nearly allied to D. varians, Lab., which is th eD . Tasmanicum, F. MiiRer, a species however not found in
Tasmania, and which has differently-foimed joints to the pod, aud the upper suture quite straight,—A small, wiry,
straggling plant, 8 -1 2 inches long. S tan woody, and prostrate at the base, Bm n c im ascending, sparingly leaf).
Siifuleo ov.ito-acummate. striate, inch long. Pelioho slender, i inch long. Leaflet» three, nearly sessile! as long
•as tho petioles, broadly obovate-cuneate or obcordate, glabrous or pilose. Koioers smah, pedieelled. solitary or two
together, forming a few-flowered irregular raceme at the apex o f the branehes, | hich long, rose-colonred; p edh e t
sometimes an mch long, very slender, pubescent. Calyx broadly campamdate, narrow at tbe base, pubescent; lohe»
short, broad. Stamm» diadelphous. Po d nearly 1 inch long, straight, sinuate along both sutures, o t four to six
ehiptical-oblong joints, covered with short hooked hairs, causing the joints to adhere to paper iu diydng, etc.— This
curious little species is one ot the most southern o f the genus, and referable to the section Be te ro tom l'o l Bentham
(Plant. Junglmlm. p. 224), characterized by the free upper stamen, and to the subsection LaxißoTre, with trifoKolate
leaves and subpaniculate infloresceuee; it however differs from its near affies o f that sectiou iu the upper suture ot
the pod being almost as sinuate as the lower, whence the joints are uot oblique, but abuost exactly oblong.
Gen. X V I I . K E N N B D X A , Tent.
C alyx bilabiatus, labio superiore bidentato, inferiore trifido. r e x U h m obovato-oblongum, reflexum,
alis mquilongum. C b r i« elongata, alas sq u a n s v. superans. diadelpha. O m n 'a » p luri-ovulatumé
Legumen oblongo-lmeare, compressum, in tu s septis cellulosis plurilooulare. Setnina strophiolata.— F rútices
V. suffruticuli m luU le s v . p r o s t r a i i ; foliis a ltem u , ȟ pm M u , tn /o l io la t i s ; pedcmcuHs a xU la r iim , p a u c i-
flo r is , b ra c te a tis ; floribus rubris.
About seven species o f this genus are known, all natives ot Australia, and scattered over various parts o f that
continent.— ffliwis or halt-herbaceous twining or prostrate plants, with alternate stipulate trifoholate leaves, and
axfflary peduncles, bearing a tew red lai-ge flowers. Calyx two-lipped. Standard short, reflexed. Carina nan-ow,
as long as or longer than the wings. Stamen» diadelplious. Ovary many-ovuled. P o d linear, turgid, straight,
divided into many transverse one-sccded lociiH by ceflnlar septa, (Named in bonom- o f Mr. Kennedy, an eminent
London niu-seryiuan.)
1 . Kennedya prostrata (Br. Hor t. K ew. ed, 2 . iv. 2 9 9 ) ; pubescens v. villosa, caulibus vage ramosis
prostratis, stipulis bracteisque late ovato-cordatis, foliolis petiolulatis orbiculai-ibus obcuneatis obovatis obcordatisve,
pedunculis 2 -floris, carina recta vexillo longiore, legum ine tereti v, compresso liueaxi-acmninato
pubescente.— D C P ro d r . ii. 3 8 3 , Glycine cocemea. Curt. P o t. M a g . 2 7 0 . {Gunn, 2 6 .)
H a b . Abundant tlu-ongliout th e Island in dry and stony places, etc .— (Fi. Oct. N o v .) {v. v.)
D i s t r i b . N ew S ou tli Wale s and South-east Australia.
A very common and handsome pubescent or villous plant.— Stem» short, much branched; hranolm much
divided, 1 -2 feet long, prostrate, slender. Stipules and Iracts broadly cordate, acute. Petioles i - l inch long.
Leaßets very variable in shape, broadly obovate, obcordate or obeuneate. Peduncles shorter than the leaves, generaUy
two-flowered. P e d k eh slender, pubescent. Calyx villous, Plowers 1 iuob long, bright or dull red." Pod
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