
The Tasmaiuau speehnens appear to be a small state o f a veiy much more robust plant whicli Mueller has
sent from Victona (as X . dissecta), and which has broader, wliite, membranous involucral scales.— Doo?« perennial.
Stems 3 -5 inches long, very numerous, slender, filiform, prostrate, sparingly branched. Leaves glabrous, both tlic
cauline and radical on slender petioles, tripartite, or twice or tluice cut into narrow, cuneate, sessile, or petiolulate,
entire or cut, acute lobes. Umbels very small, at the axils o f the leaves or ends o f the branches, three- to five-
flowered. Involucral scales very small, subulate or lanceolate, with membranous margins; flowers nearly sessile;
mencarps nine-ribbed. Gafya:-lobes ovate, deciduous.
3 . X an th o sia pusilla (B u n g e in P lant. P reiss. i. 2 9 0 ) ; parvula, pilosa, caulibus e radice plurimis
brevibus diffusis foliosis, foliis breve p e tiolatis trisectis, segmentis e llip ticis lanceolatisve in teg r is v. varie
bi-r tilobis subacutis, um b e llis axillaribus 1 -2 -flo r is breviter pedunculatis, floribus subsessilibus, involucri
fo lio lis 2 - 3 lanceolatis floribus æquilongis.
Yar. mericarpiis brevioribus latioribusque. {Gunn, 8 7 9 , 1 1 2 2 .)
H a b . Yar. D- North e rn shores o f the Colony, in sandy so il (sometimes g rowin g mixed with X . dds-
se cta) : Circular Head and Georgetown, Gunn.— [Y \. O c t.-D e c .)
D i s t r i b . S ou th -w este rn and South-eastern Australia.
This is so very similar to the X . pusilla, Bunge, of Swan River and King George’s Sound, that I can only
distinguish it by the broader mericarps ; it is also veiy near X glabrata, Bunge, of the same country, but is more
villous.— A small, annual?, tufted plant, more or less covered with long hairs. Stems many fi'om the root, 2 -3
inches long, prostrate, uot nearly so slender as in X. dissecta, leafy. Leaves shortly petioled, cut into three elliptical
oblong or lanceolate, entfte or toothed or cut, coriaceous segments, whose margins are flat or revolute, and
under surface pale.
Gen. IY . D IP L A S P 1 8 , H o o L jil.
Flores monoici v. dioici. Fru c tu s a dorso compressissimus, calycis margine valde contracto trnncato
coron atu s; mericarpiis parallèle b iscutatis, late ovatis, acutis, evittads, stylopodiis parvis stylisque brevibus
erectis te rm in atis; co stis 5 nerviformibus, 1 dorsali, 2 ángulos laterales acutissiraos mericarpii marginanti-
bus, 2 ad commissuram angustissimam valde contractam sitis. F e te la ovata, obtusa, apice n on inflexa.—
Ilerbre acaules, scapi/e rai, earmsulee : foliis omnibus ra d k a lU m s, p e tio la tis , ren ifo rm i-ro tu n d a tis j nmbelbs
s im p lic ib u s ; involucr i f o l io l i s lin e a r ib u s ; fructu Bolacis.
A curious genus, confined to the alps of South-eastern Australia and Tasmama ; only two species are known,
they are nearly allied to the Andean and Fuegian genus Htianaca.— lltx h s , with fibrous roots, radical, petiolate,
broad cordate, reniform leaves, and solitary scapes, bearing simple umbels o f many flowers, surrounded by linear
involucral leaves. Fruit o f two extremely compressed, ovate, acute mericarps, placed face to face, their backs quite
flat or concave, with one central ridge, the thin edges each with a pak of slender ridges, and another pair placed
near one another on the face of each mericarp, close to the much-contracted commissure. Gafyar-mavgin much contracted,
truncate. Petals ovate or obovate, entire. Stylopodia smaU, elongated. Styles rigid, erect. (Name from
8t?rA.oos, double, and oo-Trt?, a shield.)
1 . D ip la sp is Hydro co ty le (H o ok . fil. in Lond. Journ. B o t. vi. 4 6 9 ) ; glaberrima v. parce pilosa,
fo liis cordato-rotundatis, mericarpiis late ovatis. {Gunn, 1 1 2 0 , 1 2 5 3 .) (T a b . X X X IY .)
H a b . Marshes and wet sandy ground on the banks o f alpine lakes. Lak e S t. Clair, Arthur’s Lakes,
and summit o f tlie W e ste rn Mountains, Gunn.— (Fl. Jan.)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia (Mount H otham , elev. 6 0 0 0 feet, M u e lle r).
Very variable in size. Leaves spreading or recurved, quite glabrous, rounded, cordate. Scape 1 -4 inches tall,
stout, erect, slightly liaiiy below tbe umbels. Involucral leaves subulate-lanceolate. Fruit pedieelled, pedicels
2 lines lo n g ; mericarps broadly ovate, about | line long.— P l a t e XXXIY. Fig. 1, flower; 2, lateral view o f ovarium
; 3, transverse section of unripe mericarps; 4 , ripe fru it; 5, lateral view of d itto ; 6, transverse section of ripe
mericarp; 7, vertical section of seed :— all magnified.
2 . Diplaspis cordifolia (H o ok , f il.) ; petiolis scapisque patentim hirsutis, foliis rotundatis basi
cordatis subcrenatis marginibus recurvis, umbe llis multifloris, mericarpiis ob lon g is.— P ozoopsis cordifolia,
Hook. Ic . F l. t. 8 5 9 . {Gunn, 2 0 4 3 .)
H a b . Marshy places on Mount Sorrell, Maequarrie Harbour, Gunn.— (F l. D e c .)
Very similar to the last, but larger, with spreading hairs on the scapes and petioles, rounder, more coriaceous
leaves, with strongly recurved margins, many more flowers in the umbels, longer pedicels, and longer, oblong
Gen. V . D IC H O P E T A L UM , M u e ll.
Fru c tu s a dorso compressus, calycis limbi lob is 5 petaloideis deciduis coronatus ; mericarpiis parallele
biscutatis, evittatis, 5-ju gis, ju g is 1 dorsali, 2 ángulos obtusos mericarpii marginantibus, 2 com m issu re
valde contractaj approximatis. F e ta la 5 , lobos calycis eq u an tia , oblonga, concava, apice non inflexa. S ta m
in a 4 - 5 ; sty lo p o d ia crassa, sty lis 2 , subelongatis.— Herba strig o so -h irta , habitu Fragosiee; radice crassis-
s im a ; foliis coriaceis, omnibus rad ica libu s, p lu r im is , p a ten tib u s, longe p e tio la tis , reniformibus, p a lm a tim
5 - 1 -lobatis, lobis 8 - 5 - d e n ta tis ; scapis e longatis, p a u c iflo r is ; umbellis irre g u la rib u s; involucri foliolis
2 -4 -lo b a tis , herbaceis, h i r t i s ; radiis 2 - 3 incequilongis, longioribus umbellulam 8 -4 -r a d ia iam g e r en lib u s ;
in volu ce lli f o lio lis la n c e o la tis ; floribus p e d ic e lla tis , p e d ic e llis longe se tosis e i sparse ste lla tim p ilo s is .
1 . Dichopetaliun ranunculaceum (Mueller in Trans. Y ic t. In stit. 1 8 5 4 - 5 , p. 2 5 ; Ho ok . Journ.
B o t. vii. 3 7 8 . 1 8 5 5 , t. x i.).
Yar. T a sm an ica ; major, foliis superne setosis, floribus minoribus. (T a b . X X X Y .)
H a b . Yar. fl. Mount Sorrell, Maequarrie Harbour, M illig a n , Gunn.— (Fl. Jan.)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia. (Summit o f Munyang Mountains, elev. 5 - 7 0 0 0 feet, Muellei-.)
An exceedingly cmious plant, easily recognized by the five large calyx-lobes equalling the petals, and exactly
like them. Whole plant hispid with stiff long set®.— Root as thick as tbe thumb, fleshy. Leaves very numerous,
3 -5 inches long, on long erect or spreading petioles; blade about 1 inch across, broader than long, renifonn, but
hardly notched at the base, palmately five- to seven-lobed, lobes three-toothed, nerves radiating from the petiole.
Scapes long, slender, inclined or prostrate, bearing few flowers, dispersed in an irregidar, sparingly-branched umbel,
Involucral leaves few, linear, herbaceous, lobed or cu t; o f the partial involucres smaller, narrower, more membranous.
Pedicels setose. Calyx-tube with a few stellate hairs, that faU away fr-om the ripe fruit. Mericarps o f the
same form and character as those of Diplaspis, but not so compressed. Calyx-lobes and p e tals veiy deciduous.
Stamens four or five. Stylopodia large. Styles diverging. (Name from double, and veraXov, a p e ta l; in
allusion to the large petaloid calyx-lobes.)— P l a t e XXXV. Fig. 1, flower; 2, stellate pedieelled hairs; 3, petal;
4, flower, with petals removed; 5, immature fruit; 6, the same cut transversely
Gen. Y I . H EM IP H U E S , Hook. f il.
Fructus Qvaiws., obliquus, turgidus, l-lo cu la r is ! mericarpiis conferruminatis v. unico omnino evanido,
calycis limbi lobis 5 inæqualibus deciduis coronatus, evittatus, 5-costatus, costis calycis lob is oppositis
inconspicuis. F e ta la 5, linearia, interdum n u lla ? S tam in a 5 . Sty lo p o d ia connata, iu stylos 2 breves
erectos fissa.— Herbæ a lp ico la , dense c a sp ito sa , scapigera, p lu s minusve p ilo s a v. la n a ta ; foliis omnibus
radicalibus, p e tio la tis , sp a th u la tis, intege rrimis den ta tisv e ; scapis brevibus, robustis ; umbella s im p lic i ; in volucri
f o lio lis in cupulam muUidentaiam c o a litis ; floribus sessilibus, inconspicuis.
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