
D i s t r ib . S outh-eastern Australia, from P o r t Jackson t o Victoria.
A very small species, but often forming large green patches in moist places.— Stems creeping, very slender,
much branched. Leaves munerous, distichous, membranous, on very short petioles, ovate, deeply toothed, 4 inch
long, glabrous or pubescent. Peduncles longer or shorter tban the leaves, pubescent. Mowers small, blue or
white. Stamens inserted at the ve iy base o f the tube of the corolla.— P l a t e LXIX. B . Fig. 1, flower; 2, corolla
laid open, showing the insertions of the stamens ; 3, ovary and style ; 4, transverse section o f ovary :— all magnified.
4 . Lob elia fluviatilis (Br. Prodr. 5 6 3 ) ; glaberrima v. glabriuscula, pusilla, caule gracili brevi
repente, foliis obovato-oblongis in petiolum brevem angustatis subacutis sinuato-dentatis, pedunculis axillaribus
folio longioribus ehracteolatis, calycis tubo glabrato v . puberulo lob is triangulari-subulatis, filamentis
medio tu b i integ r i corollæ in ser tis.— D G F ro d r. vii. 3 6 6 . {Gunn, 5 5 0 .) (T a b . L X X .)
IÏAB. Marshy places near Launceston, Gunn.— (F l. Jan.)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia : N ew South YVales and Victoria.
A small, creeping speeies, glabrous or neaiiy so.— Stems slender, 2 -4 inches long. Leaves about A inch long,
obovate-spathulate, bluntly dentate or sinuate-dentate, subaeute. Peduncles much longer than the leaves. Ovamj
short, glabrous or slightly pubescent. Corolla with an entire tube, ou which the stamens are inserted rather above
the middle.— P l a t e LXX. Fig. 1 , flower; 2 , corolla with the tube laid open, showmg the insertion of the stamens
; 3, ovaiy and style ; 4 , transverse section o f ovary :— all magnified.
5 . Lobelia irrigua (Br. Prodr. 5 6 3 ) ; “ repens muscosa glabra, foliis crassiusculis subrotundis
dentato-crenatis petiolatis pedúnculo ebracteato longioribus, corollæ tu b o lon g itudinalite r fisso, lim b i laciniis
subæqualibus, staminibus epigynis.”— D G F ro d r . vii. 3 6 7 .
H a b . Tasmauia, Brow n.
D i s t r i b . South coast o f Australia, Brow n .
I have seen Brown’s specimens o f this plant, whicb differs from those described above in the small size,
minute, fleshy leaves, not 4 inch long, which are rounded, shortly petioled, and bluntly toothed ; the peduncle is
ve iy short, without bracts, the tube o f the corolla spht, and the stamens are described as epigynous.
6 . Lobelia gibbosa (Lab. N o v . H o ll. i. 5 0 . t . 7 1 ) ; glabra, caule erecto tereti simplici v. diviso,
foliis paucis linearibus integerrimis v. paucidentatis carnosulis, racemo secundo, pedic e llis calyce brevioribus,
corollæ labiis valde inæqualibus superiore imberbi v . barbato lac iniis acutis, capsula h in c gib b a.— B r . F ro d r.
5 6 4 ; DG. F ro d r . vii. 3 5 S . L . simplicicaulis, B r . et D G I. c. {Gunn, 1 0 4 , 5 1 4 .)
H a b . Abu n d an t in lig h t, sandy so ü .— (F l. N o v .-J a n .) {v. v.)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern and S outh-western Australia.
A very common and beautiful species, abnost leafless or with ve iy narrow leaves, easily recognized by its
erect, slender habit, and racemes of deep blue flowers, ivith gibbous ovaries. I cannot distinguish Brown’s L.
gibbosa and L. simplicicaulis from one another.— A slender, erect, simple or branched plant, 6 -1 8 inches tall.
Stems stout or flexuous, glabrous or slightly pubescent, terete. Branches erect, leafless. Leaves few, alternate, very
nan'ow, bnear, subulate or fibforra, fleshy, sometimes broader and irregidarly toothed. Flowers in terminal racemes,
few or many, on short, stiff pedicels. Calyx-lobes subulate, shorter than the tube of the deep blue coroba.
N a t . O r d . X L Y ^ I . C A M P A N U L A C E Æ .
Australia numbers very few (about four) plants o f th is family, which abounds in beautiful genera and
species in th e temperate regions o f th e uorthern hemisphere, as also in South Africa. These all belong to
th e genus Wahlenhergia, and perliaps to one extremely variable species, which is found in various other
parts o f the globe.
Gen. I . Y V A IIL E N B E R G IA , Schrad.
Calycis limbns 3 -5 -fid u s . Corolla campanulata, 3 -5 -lo b a . F ilam en ta basi v ix dilatata. Stigma
pilosum, 2 -3 -lo b um . Capsula 3-locularis, apice intra lobos calycis 3 -valvis.— Herba; lactescentes ; foliis
A very large genus, especially abounding in the South temperate zone, and there representing the genus Cam-
1 o f the Northern. The Australian species are veiy variable plants, and, as Brown has suggested, may all
be referable to one polymorphous species.— Herbs, with müky juice, slender steins and branches, alternate leaves,
and usually nodding, blue, bcll-shapcd flowers, on slender, terminal peduncles. Calyx three- to five-lobed. Corolla
persistent, campanulate, three- to five-lobed. Mlaments somewhat düated at the base. Stigma hairy, two- or three-
lobed. three-celled, opening by three valves at the apex between the calyx-lobes. (Named in iiononr of
G. Wahlenherg, an eminent Swedish Botanist.)
1. Wahlenbergia gracilis (A. DC . Mon. Camp. 1 4 2 ) ; glaberrima v. hispido-püosa, caule grac
ili striato V. anguiato simplici v. e basi ramoso erecto v. inferne decumbente, ramis apice su b -l-flo r is, foliis
sessilibus v. petiolatis linearibus lanceolatis oblongisve acuminatis radicalibus inferioribusve oppositis petiolatis
spathulatis integerrimis sinuatis dentatisve plerumque sicc itate crispatis cartilagineo-marginatis, fioribus
3 -5 -f id is , corolla ovario breviore v. longiore, capsula subglobosa oblonga v. obconica.— D G P ro d r . vii.
4 3 3 . Campanula gracilis, Forst. P ro d r. 8 4 ; B o t. M a g . 6 9 1 ; B r . P ro d r. 5 6 1 ; F l. N . Z eal. i. 1 5 9 . (,'.
vincfefiora, Vent. J a rd . M a lm . t. 1 2 . C. capillaris, L o d d . B o t. Cab. 1 4 0 6 .
Var. vincesflora, B r . ; perennis, radice repente, foliis plerisque radicalibus glaberrimis ciliatisve, fioribus
magnis in ten siu s cmruleis, sty lo porrecto. {Gunn, 7 2 , 8 5 0 .)
Var. litto ra lis , B r . ; minor, ramosa, annua, radice fibrosa, foliis plerisque caulinis pilosis, floribns minoribus
pallide cmruleis, stylo subincluso. {Gunn, 1 6 5 , 8 4 9 .)
H a b . Abundant in dry places throu gh ou t th e Islan d .— (F l. all summer.) {v. v.)
D i s t r i b . Tropical and extratropical Australia, N ew Zealand, N ew Caledonia, E a st Indie.s. (Cultivated
in England.)
Mr. Gunn assures me that the two above-enumerated varieties are distinct species, and that he has sent specimens
o f both from spots where they grew intermixed, and still retained their characters. I have given his diagnoses of
them, and have only to add, that more o f his specimens combine the characters o f both than confine themselves to
those of the one, and that many intermediate forms occur also in Australia and New Zealand, besides others, partaking
more or less o f these characters combined, with some that are foreign to both. In such a case as this, the
subject must be left to the local obseiwer, who however must not dwell too much u|ion the fact of species or races
retaining their charactei's when gi-oivn side by side, in one place, if they do not do so in aU.— One o f the most
variable plants in Tasmania. Stems simple, 1 iuch to 2 feet high, generally slender, angled or striated, branched
from the base or tbrougbout their whole length, in a paniculate manner; the branches terminating in long, generally
slender peduncles; smooth or hispid, with stifl' wliite hairs, leafy or with very few leaves. Leaves usually
linear, sessile, sharp, toothed or waved or crisped or quite eutire, margin often cartilaginous and w h ite; lower ones
sometimes spathulate, toothed, and petioled. Flowers extremely variable in number, and in tbe size and length o f the
corolla, calyx-lobes, and ovarium, tliree and five being the prevailing numbers o f lobes and stamens, and the lengtli from
3 lines to 4 iuch. Corolla bell-shaped, wliitc or blue, usually small, 2 lines or 4 inch long, sometimes large, especially
ill Tasmania, where it forms a large blue bell, 4 inch across the mouth. Capsule extremely variable in size
and shape, 1 line to 4 inch long, nearly globose or oblong or liiiear-obconic.
2 . Wahlenbergia saxicola (A . DC. Mon. Camp. 1 4 4 ) ; glabra, scapigera, caule abbreviato simplici
V. decumbente ramoso, foliis radicalibus v. ad apices ramulorum confertis petiolatis lineari-spathulatis ob tu
se dentatis, pedunculis scapiformibus elongatis unifloris nudis v. basin versus 1 -foliatis, floribus 4 -5 -f id is ,