
laris, dissepimento parallèle, nunc abbreviato. Semina imbricata, compressa.— Herbæ, ra riu s suffrutices ;
foliis a lte r n is ; fioribus a x illa rib u s t&rminalibusve, J ia v is pu rpu re isv e .
An Australian geuus, o f whicli about forty species are known : these are numerous both on the eastern and
western parts o f the Continent, and a considerable number are tropical also.— Herbs or undershnibs, ivith alteniate
leaves, and axillary or terminal yellow (in most of the Tasmanian species) flowers. Grfyr-lobes five, equal. Corolla
ivith a split tube, often bearing a gland opposite the slit, aud two-lipped (rarely one-lipped) limb. Stamens five,
attached to the corolla; filaments and anthers free. two-celled, with many imbricate seeds. (Named in
honour o f Dr. Goodenough, Bishop o f Carlisle, an amateur Botanist.)
1. Goodenia ovata (Sm. L in n . Trans, ii. 3 4 7 ) ; erecta, suffruticosa, glabra, foliis ovatis aeutis sac-
cato-dentatis, calycis laciniis an gu ste linearibus, capsula lineari, seminibus uniseriatis.— And. B o t. R e p . t. 6 8 ;
Vent. H o r t. Cels. t. iii.; Cav. I c . vi. i. 4 . t. 5 0 6 ; B r . P r o d r . 5 7 6 ; B C . P ro d r. vi. 5 1 4 . G. acuminata,
B r . P ro d r . 5 7 5 ; B e Vriese, Gooden. 1 4 0 . [Gunn, 4 5 .)
H a b . Abundant i n copse-woods, e tc .— (Fl. N o v ., D e c .) [v. v.)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia, from Sydney to Sou th Australia.
An erect shrub, 2 - 4 feet high.— Branches slender. Leaves petiolate, ovate, acute or subacute, 1 - 2 inches
long, sharply toothed, the petioles sometimes with a tuft o f w ool in the axil. Flowers in axiUary, trifid peduncles,
yellow. Calyx-lobes very narrow and slender.— The G. acuminata, Br., does uot appear to be distinct from G. ovata.
2 . Goodenia genictdata (Br. Prodr. 5 7 7 ) ; herbácea, subsericeo-pilosa, eglandulosa, rhizomate
subrepente, foliis plerisque radicalibus anguste lanceolato-spathulatis e longatis obtusis subcoriaceis intege rrimis
d entatisve, scapis gracilibus medio bibracteolatis fructiferis geniculato-deflexis, calycis villosi lobis
linearibus obtusis.— B C . P ro d r . vii. 5 1 4 ; B e Vriese, Gooden. 1 3 6 . [Gunn, 8 4 6 .)
H a b . Eo ck y Cape, in poor sandy soil, Gunn.— (F l. D e c .)
D i s t r ib . South-eastern Australia : P o r t Ph illip , Gunn ; Melbourne, Adamson, etc.
A scarce plant in Tasmania, but apparently common on the opposite coast o f Austraha. Mr. MueUer sends
the G. hederacea, Sm., as a variety o f it, but I have seen no intermediate states, though such very likely occur.— A
smaU species, 2—4 iuehes high, more or less covered with silky hairs. Rhizomes branched, creeping. Leaves almost
all radical, very narrow-lanceolate, spathulate or hnear, entire or remotely toothed. Scapes slender, longer than the
leaves, erect, single-flowered, with two opposite, linear bracts about the middle, the part above the bracts reflexed
suddenly when in fruit. Flowers large, yeUow, 4 - 4 inch across. Calyx villous. Lobes of the corolla with broad
wings, pubescent in the centre of the back.
3 . Goodenia hederacea (Sm. in L in n . Trans, ii. 3 4 9 ) ; subacauUs, herbácea, pubescens v. lanata,
sa, ramis gracilibus prostratis, foliis obovatis rotundatis spathulatis oblongisve obtusis varie crenato
dentatis sublobulatisve, pedunculis scapiformibus 1 -3 -flo r is, calycis tubo villoso laciniis liiieari-ob-
lo n g is.— Di'. P r o d r . 5 7 7 ; B C . P ro d r . 5 1 4 ; B e Vriese, Gooden. 147.' G. lanata, B r . e t B C . I . e . ; B e
Vriese, Gooden. 1 4 6 . {Gunn, 4 3 0 .)
H a b . Common in dry pastures, e tc .— (PI. N o v .) {v. v.)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia : Victoria, M u e lle r.
Herbaceous, pubescent or tomentose.— Branches slender, prostrate, 3 -5 inches long. Radical leaves veiy
numerous, 1 -2 inches long, narrowed into the petiole, obovate or spathulate or oblong, blunt, sinuate, toothed ov
remotely lobulate. Peduncles slender, axillary, erect, one- to three-flowered, when divided bracteate at the axils.
Plowers yellow, conspicuous, nearly 1 inch across. Calyx-\ohQ% long, linear-oblong, its tube vülous. Corolla-\ohcs
with broad, wavj' margins.
4 . Goodenia elongata (Lab. N o v . H oll. i. 5 2 . t. 7 5 ) ; pilosa v. glabrata, herbácea, caulibus erectis
gracilibus, foliis radicalibus spathulatis late v . anguste lanceolatis oblongisve integerrimis subsinuatisve,
pedunculis axillaribus terminalibusque gracilibus ebracteatis 1-floris fructiferis refiexis.— B r . P r o d r . 5 7 7 ;
BC. P ro d r . vi. 515; B e Vriese, Gooden. 148. {Gunn, 48.)
H a b . N o t uncommon in marshy soil in various parts o f th e Colony.— (F l. D e c .)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia, from Sydney to Victoria.
A slender, herbaceous, glabrous species, or with occasionally a few appressed hairs.— Stems several from the
root, slender, erect, a span to 10 inches long. Radical leaves 1 -3 inches long, spathulate, oblong or lanceolate-
oblong, contracted into a short or long petiole, blunt or subacute, quite entire or sinuate ; cauline leaves few, narrow,
Peduncles slender, axillary and terminal, one-flowered, reflexed in fi-uit. Calyx-i\xh& sbort, obconic ; lobes
oblong-lanceolate. Corolla deep yellow, about 4 inch across ; lobes obovate-cuneate, almost glabrous.— Mueller’s
Victoria specimens o f this have larger floivers and coarsely toothed leaves.
5 . Goodenia humilis (Br. Prodr. 5 7 5 ) ; caule scapiformi paniculatim ramoso pubescente-piloso,
foliis radicalibus (v. e rhizomate repente) numerosis an gu ste linearibus lineari-lanceolatisve glaberrimis v.
in fem e p ilosis integerrimis v . subdentatis, calycis tub u s dense pubescentibus pilis patulis lobis anguste
linearibus.— B C . P ro d r . vii. 5 1 3 . G. graminifolia. Hob. in Lon d . Jom-n. B o t. vi. 2 6 5 . G. nana. B e Vriese,
Gooden. 132, 133. {Gunn, 1 1 7 7 .) (Tab. L X V I I I . A.)
H a b . Nor thern parts o f th e Island, in marshy soil : Georgetown, margin o f L ak e S t. Clair, and
Flinders’ Island, Gw»».— (FI. D e c ., Jan.)
D i s t r i b . Victoria.
Very variable in size, from 1 -8 inches high; easily recognized by the long, slender, numerous, radical leaves,
and puhescent, scape-like, paniculate, erect stems, ivith several flowers.— Rhizomes very short, or sometimes creeping.
Radical leaves narrow-linear or lanceolate, rarely oblong-lanceolate, acute, quite entire or very obscurely
sinuate, glabrous or püose below the middle. Stems or scapes branching, very pubescent ivith spreading hairs (as
are the calyces), branching above, each branch bracteate at the base, and bearing a single deep yellow flower.—
P l a t e LXVIII. A.
O b s . I am unacquainted wdth G. barbata, Br., described as being erect, glandular, pubescent, with enthe,
linear-lanceolate leaves, single-flowered pedicels, a bearded throat' to the coroUa, style longitudinally hirsute, and
one-celled, two- or three-seeded capsules.
G en. V. V E L L E IA , Sm.
C alyx inferusj 3 -5 -p b y llu s , lobis inæqualibus. Corolla tubo basi ovario acereta, apice h inc fisso, limbo
bilabiato. S tam in a distincta, gianduia epigyna inter 2 anteriora. S ty lu s indivisus. Capsula basi 2-lo cu laris,
valvis bipartitis ; semina plurima, imbricata.— Herbæ acaules, subscapigera ; foliis rad ica libu s, spathula
tis ; scapis dichotomis, a x illis p le risq u e J lo rife ris, bracteis o p p o s itis ; corolla J la v a ; stigmatis indusio
An Australian genus, of about eight species, found on aU parts of the coast. In habit it much 1
Goodenia, hut differs in the free calyx, more unequal calyx-lobes, one-hpped coroUa, sht at the top of the tube
only. (Named in honour of Major Velley, an Algologist.)
1. V e lle ia paradoxa (Br. Prodr. 5 8 0 ) ; pubescenti-pilosa, foliis elliptico-lanceolatis petiolatis ob tuse
dentatis, bracteis integris lobatisve, calyce 5-partito, corolla basi calcarata.— DG. P ro d r . vii. 5 1 8 ; B e
Vriese, Gooden. 1 7 2 . {Gunn, 4 6 .)
Hab. N o t uncommon in many parts o f th e Island, Gunn.— (F l. O c t., N o v .) {v. v .)
D i s t r ib . South-eastern Australia, from Syduey to Adelaide.
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