
5 6. Leaves suiall (less than h a lf an inch), n anow, tomentose below. Heads m a ll, solitary, sessile, axillary or
terminal. Ligules large.
1 4 . E u r y b i a r a m u lo s a (DC. Prodr. v . 2 7 0 ) ; fruticosa, ramis ramulisque gracilibus virgatis pubescenti
tomentosis scabrisve setuloso-hirtis, foliis parvis alternis subfasciculatisve linearibus obtusis acutisve
integerrimis su p em e scaberulis muricatisve marginibus revolutis subtus tomentosis, capitulis ad apices
ramulorum brevissimorum secus ramos foliatos dense racemosis sub -2 0 -flo r is, involucro flores subæquante,
pappo uniseri.ito subæquali, acheniis se rice is.— Nob. in L on d. J o um . B o t. vi. 1 0 8 .
Var. a ; ramis p u b esc enti-tom entosis scaberulisve, foliis parvis linearibus, capitulis ramulis brevissimis
secus ramos racemosis.— E . ramulosa, B C . P ro d r . v. 2 7 0 . Diplostephium ramuiosum, Nees, A s t. 1 9 3 .
A ste r ramulosus, L a b . N o v . H o ll. ii. 5 0 . t. 1 9 6 . [Gunn, 1 1 3 3 , 1 1 3 4 .) [v. v.)
Var. fl. e lo n g a ta : ramis cano-puberulis, ramulis e longatis, foliis sparsis superne lævibus, capitulis
majoribus floriferis. [Gunn, 1 1 3 6 .)
Var. 7 . f o r ib u n d a ; ramis pubescentibus, ramulis brevibus, foliis patentibus superne opacis v ix scaberulis,
capitulis perplurimis.— E . E p ileia , B C . P ro d r . v . 2 7 0 . [Gunn, 3 8 .)
Var. 8 . d e n s a ; ramis pube sc entibus fastigiatis, foliis minimis. [Gunn, 8 2 7 .)
Y^'ar. e. ericæfolia ; ramis pubescentibus, foliis densis subimbricatis.
Y ar. la x a ; ramis pubescentibus pilosisque, foliis latioribus margimbus subrevolutis su p em e muri-
cato-scaberulis. [Gunn, 1 1 3 5 Cult.)
Var. 7?. g ra n d ifo lia ; ramis tomentosis, foliis majoribus lineari-obovatis obtusis. [Gunn, 1 1 3 3 .) [v. v .)
Y'ar. 6 . a c u le a ta ; ramis se tuloso-hir tis, foliis superne muricato-scaberulis.— E . aculeata, B C . P ro d r .
v . 2 7 0 . Aster aculeatus, L ah . N o v . H o ll. ii. 5 2 . t. 2 0 0 . Aster exasperatus, U n k , B n . ii. 3 2 8 . Diplo-
stepliium aculeatum, Nees, A s t. 1 9 2 . [Gunn, 3 8 .) [v. v.)
H iB . Common throughout th e Islan d .— (Fl. O c t.-D e c .) [v. v .)
D i s t e i b . South-eastern Australia and N ew South YYales.
A very common and variable plant. De Candolle distinguishes the E. aculeata by its having hairs on the
branches (ramis setuloso-hirtis), and E. ramulosa by these being pubescent and scabrous (pubescenti-scabris) ; but
if the two are different, the best character is the muricated or scabrous upper surface of the leaves of E . aculeata,
which, though described as also being so in E. ramulosa, I do not find to be always the case. An original specimen
of E. aculeata, from Labillardière’s Herbarium, communicated by Webb, has the upper surface o f the leaf quite
glabrous and smooth, though described and figured by Labillardière himself as muricated.— A shrub, 3 - 6 feet high,
with pubescent and sometimes setose or scabrid branches. Leaves very small, 4 4 . inch long, linear or linear-oblong,
alternate or fascicled, scabrid above, with revolute margins, tomentose below. Heads very numerous, larger or
smaller than the leaves, sessile on very short branchlets, which, being extremely numerous, give the inflorescence a
racemose appearance.— The varieties enumerated are not distinct forms I fear, and some may very probably have
been gathered from one individual.
1 5 . E t i r y b ia l e p id o p h y l l a (DC. Prodr. v. 2 7 0 ) ; fruticosa, ramulis robustis dense lauato-tomeutosis,
foliis exiguis diametro ramulo brevioribus conferto-fasciculatis oblongis rotundatisve crassis marginibus revolutis
integerrimis coriaceis subtus albo-tomentosis, capitulis ad apices ramulorum brevissimorum solitariis
sessilibus sub-8-floris, pappi setis 1-seriatis subæqualibus v. 2-seriatis inæqualibus se tis extimis brevibus.
Var. a ; ramulis robustis, acheniis sericeis villosisve .— Aster microphyllus, L a b . Nov. H o ll. ii. 5 1 . i.
1 9 9 ; B C . P ro d r . V. 2 7 9 . A . lepidophyllus, P m . Djic/. ii. 4 4 2 . (Gunn, 1 4 9 .)
Y ax. f l. L aw ren c ii ; ramulis gracilioribus, acheniis glaberrimis. (A n species distincta ?) [Gunn, 8 2 8 .)
H a b . Var. a . Sand-hills always near tlie sea, on the northern parts o f th e Island, L awrence, Gunn.
Var. f l. YVesteru Mountains, 3 0 0 0 feet, and Middlesex Plains, Lawrence, Gunn.— (F l. Jan., F eb.)
After many careful examinations, I am unable to find any character whereby to separate the alpine form o f this
plant from the maritime, except the glabrous achenium ; and as I find that character to vary in amount very much
in Austraban specimens o f var. a, I am inclined to attach the less importance to it. The branches are generally
stouter in the maritime form, and Lawrence, who considers them the same, remarked that it had a glaucous hue,
which the alpine had not.— A shrub, 3 - 6 feet high. Branches tomentose. Leaves the smaUest in the genus, appearing
like minute scales / g inch long, fascicled into little knots that are scattered along the branches, broad,
rounded or oblong, coriaceous, with recurved margins and tomentose under surface. Heads sessile, terminal or
lateral, small, 4 inch long.—The form o f the leaves distinguishes this from E. floribunda.
1 6 . Enrybia floribimda (H o ok . fil. in Lond. Journ. B o t. vi. 1 0 9 ) ; fruticosa, ramulis gracilibus
divaricatis strietis flexuosisve foliisque subtus appresse subfurfuraceo-tomentosis, foliis parvis subfasciculatis
brevissime petiolatis oblongis lineari-oblongisve obtusis superne glabris coriaceis marginibus revolutis, capitulis
perplurimis parvis erectis secus ramulos subracemosis, involucri squamis glabratis dorso viridibus
marginibus scariosis glandulosis c iliatis, pappi se tis inæqualibus stigmatibus disci cono superatis, acheniis
pubescentibus. [Gunn, 4 9 5 .) (T a b . X L V . B )
H a b . Common by the banks o f rivers, especially on the Derwent, Formosa, Lake River, e tc ., A . Cunningham,
Gunn, etc .— (F l. Oct.) («. v .)
D i s t r i b . Mountains o f Victoria, Mu e lle r.
An extremely handsome species, covered with a profusion of blossoms, 4 - 6 feet high. Branches slender;
branchlets spreading, covered with thick pubescence, as are the leaves beneath. Leaves very minute, 4 - 4 inch long,
fascicled, longer than the branchlets are broad, broad or iinear-oblong, blunt, margins entire. Heads sessile, racemose.
small, 4 inch long, obconical. about eight- to twelve-flowered ; ray flowers about six. Involucral scales sca-
rious, with green centres and broad transparent margins,— The longer leaves, slender, divaricating branchlets and
involucres, abundantly distinguisli this from the E. lepidophylla, and the very much smaUer leaves, glabrous achenia
and different capitula and involucres, from E. ramulosa.— XLV. B. Fig. 1 and 2, fi'ont and back view of
leaves; 3, capitulum; 4 , floret o f ray; 5, arms of style; 6, hair of pappus; 7, floret of disc; 8, stamen; 9, arms
o f style :— all % " '
§ 7 . Suffrutieose or almost herbaceous. Leaves very narróte, linear, with revolute margins, not tomentose below.
Heads in terminal corymhs, or solitaiy.
1 7 . Eurybia glandulosa (DC. Prodr. vi. 2 6 9 ) ; fructiculus glaberrimus, ramis ramulisque strietis
erectis gracilibus, foliis alternis anguste linearibus marginibus revolutis glandulis prominulis notatis, pedicellis
corymbosis elongatis graciiibus erecto-patentibus, capitulis parvis, involucri squamis linearibus marginibus
membranaceis ciliatis, pappi se tis inæqualibus, acheniis p uberulis.— A ster glandulosus, Lab. Nov.
H o ll. ii. 5 0 . t. 1 9 7 . Galatella floribunda, Nees, A s t. 1 7 4 . [Gunn, 3 7 .)
H a b . Abundant ou marshy river-banks, and throughout the Colony, ascending to 3 5 0 0 fe e t. F l.
Oct.) [v. V.)
D is t r ib . South-eastern Australia. (N ew South YVales, Victoria, aud Sonth Australia.)
A vei-y slender plant, 2 -4 feet high, glabrous eveiyivhere. Stems terete, quite erect, as are the grooved or
angled branches. Leaves spreading, I - I 4 inch long, very narrow, linear, their recui-ved margins studded with
tuberculate glands, that exude a viscid secretion, acuminate, glabrous. Heads very small, m terminal, spreading
corymbs ; pedicels slender, with minute, subulate bracteoles, 4 inch across. Involucral scales nan-ow, with membranous
margins. Flowers of the ray white.
18. Eurybia linifolia (Hook. fil. in Lond. Journ. B ot. vi. 1 0 9 ) ; fruticulus humilis glaberrimus
viscosus, ramis ramulisque robustis sulcatis angulatisque, foliis anguste liueai-ibus acutis marginibus tenuiter