
AtistoBan contiiienl and in Tasmama is a v eiy remaikable fact in botanical geography ; I om moreover very donbttul
whether it should not bo refen-ed to the Snglish L. Euvopxm, which ortends to the Himalaya Moimtains, and
under which Mr. Bentham once placed it as a vai-iety, and he further remarks that it is still more closely allied to
L . .lim atm o t North America. I t is indeed very probable that, as Bentham also says imdor the generic choi-acter
in De Candolle’s ‘ Protb-omns,’ out o f tbe ten species he there emimerales, all may be referred to L. Virgmktis, L.,
and L . m ro p rn a , L.— A tall, erect, glabrous, leafy herb, 2 ^ feet high. S tm qnite glabrous or sparingly pilose!
lea v e ) sessüe, oblong or linear-lanceolate, coarsely, sharply toothed, glabrons or sometimes pubescent above, piinc-
tate beneaft, 2 -5 inches long. JFItorh smaB, nxffloi-y, sessile, many-Joweied. Flower) smah, white. Bracts
snbnlate, rigid. Calyx campannlate, four- or five-toothed. Corolla scarcely longer than the calyx, campanulate,
qiiadiihd; segments nearly equal. Upper stamen) included, sterile, iidlli capitate apices; lower fertile. Nnades
compressed, tnincate. smooth, with thickened margins, nan-owed at the base. (Name from W s . a wolf, and a-ous,
a f o o t; in allusion to the appearance o f the inflorescence.)
1. Lycopus Au stralis (Br. Prodr. 5 0 0 ) ; cau le erecto glaberrimo v. parce hispidulo, foliis anguste
lanceolatis grosse serratis glabris v. superne puberulis, calycibus 5-d en tatis, bracteis subulatis, n u cu lis tubo
calycis brevioribus.— Dc«?/5. in B C . P ro d r . xii. 1 7 8 . L . Europæus, a , argutus, B en th . Lab. 1 8 6 . [Gunn
4 0 0 .) ^ ’
H a b . N o t uncommon in moist, shaded places, Cu n n.— {Y\. J an.)
D i s t r i b . N ew South W a le s and Yictoria.
Gen. I I I . P R U N E L L A , L .
C a lyx tubuloso-campanulatus, reticulato-venosus, bilab iatu s; labio superiore tridentato, inferiore bifido.
Corollm tub u s amplus, ascendens, in tu s basi p ilis squamisve annulatus, labio superiore galeato, inferiore dep
endente. S tam in a exserta, filamentis basi edentnlis aninp brpGfpr hiflp-níQt;I exserta, filamentis basi edentulis apice breviter bidentati«s , .diceinntfûe i¡nvxfíecxrmioVr,.e« a—ntherif_e_r_o_;
antheris per paria approximatis, locu lis divaricatis. S ty lu s glaber, biüdns, lob is acutis. N u eu h s siccæ, læves!
Herbæ su b sim p h c ss: verticillastris dom e sp ica tis, b ra c te a tis ; bracteis magnis, p e r s is te n tib u s ; corolla
A smah gemis, consisting o f only three species, o f which the Tasmaman one is found in very many parts of
the world; it forms a small, perennial-rooted herb, 2 -6 incbes high, with petiolate, oblong, entire or variously
smuate or toothed leaves.— fflm j sohtary- or several from the root, ereet or ascending, glabrous or more or less
pubescent. Leaves petiolate, 1 - 2 inches long, oblon_g < r ovate, entire or variously toothed or sinuate................
arranged in teiToinal spikes, six-flowered, subtended by large, imbricating floral leaves or bracts. Calyx campanu-
late, two-lipped; upper Bp three-toothed, lower trifid. CcroUa Mae, its tube longer than 11,e calyx, ascending, two-
hpped ; upper Bp arched, concave, lower three-lobed; lateral lobes deiexed, middle one crenate. Stamens all fertile;
filaments toothed towards the apex, « » « m oomhving; cells divai-icating. bifid. (Name derived by Roy
from Breauite, the German name o f a complaint it was used to cure.)
1 . Prunella vulgaris (Linn. Sp. PL 8 3 7 ) ; foliis petiolatis oblongis ovatisve integr is dentatisve,
calycis labio superiore dentibus aristatis.— ®»-. Fro d r. 6 0 7 ; Ben th . in B C . P ro d r . xii. 4 1 0 . (Gunn, 3 1 .)
H a b . Common throu gh ou t the Island, by waysides, in pastures, e t c . - ( F l . De c .) (v. v.)
Dis-raiB. N ew Sonth W a le s and Vic to r ia ; th ronghont Europe, Nort.h Africa, Nor thern and Western
Asia, th e Himalaya Mountains and P eninsula o f India, China, Japan, temperate N o r th America, and tho
Andes o f Mexico, etc.
Gen. IV . SC U T E L L A R IA , L.
Calyx campanulatus, 2-lab iatu s; labiis integr is, post anthesin clausis, labio superiore decidua e sepalis
3 constante (sépalo superiore excluso squamæformi, lateralibus connatis), labio inferiore persistente. Corolla
tubo^ lon g e exserto, bilabiata ; labio supeiaore galeato tridentato, inferiore dilatato convexo, lob is lateralibus
liberis v. cum labio superiore coalitis. S tam in a exserta, omnia fe r tilia ; antheris per paria approximatis
c ihatis, staminum inferiorum dimidiatis, superiorum locu lis cordatis subdivaricatis. S ty lu s lobo superiore
brevissimo. siccæ, tuberculosæ, glabræ v. pubesc ente s.— Herbæ, r a rm frútices ; û orihus s o lita r iis ;
îo lü s J loralibus bra c tea tis, v . in spicam t&rminalem bracteatam d isp o sitis.
A very large genus, containing nearly 100 species, of which only two are AustraUan; the majority inhabit the
mountains of tropical America. The genus is found in almost all parts o f the temperate and tropical world, except
in South Africa. The Tasmanian S. humilis is a small, suberect, glabrous or pubemlous, herbaceous plant, 4 -1 6
inches long, with slender, ascending, square stems, and small, petiolate, broacUy linear and axillaiy, solitary, pedi-
celled flowers. Leaves 3 - 4 hnes long, broadly ovate-cordate, blunt, sinuate-crenate, punctate beneath. Flowers
small, secund, on pedicels about as long as the petioles. Calyx smooth, two-lipped ; upper lip deciduous, o f tliree
sepals, of which two lateral are combined, aud the upper fom s a flat scale on their back ; lower lip persistent.
Corolla blue, its tnbe longer than the calyx, two-lipped; upper lip arched, lower tliree-lobed. lateral lobes broad,
middle the longest. Stamms four, all fertfie. Anthers conniving in pairs. Nucules enclosed in the dosed calyx
before matmity,- when the upper lip of the calyx faUs away. (Name from scuUllurn, a shield ; in aUusion to the
upper scale-like sepal.)
1 . Scutellaria humilis (Br. Prodr. 5 0 7 ) ; glabra v . strigoso-pubescens, caule humili parce ramoso
gracili, foKis breviter petiolatis late ovato-cordatis obtusis grosse crenatis, floribus parvis axillaribus oppositis
se cundis.— B en th . in B C . P r o d r . xii. 4 2 7 . {Gunn, 5 9 .)
H a b. Very common in rich so il in th e northern parts o f th e Island, as at Rocky Cape, Georgetown,
e tc .— (F l. N o v .-J a n .)
D i s t r i b . N ew South W a le s and Victoria.
Gen. V . P itO S T A N T H E E A , Bab.
C a lyx campanulatns, tn b o brevi 13-striato, labiis indivisis, fructiferis clausis. Corolla riugens, fauce
campanukta, labio superiore erecto subplano, inferiore patente. S tam in a 4 , fertilia ; antherarum loeulis
parallelis, connectivo subtns calcarato, calcare interdum obscuro. S ty lu s breviter bifldus.— F rutices g la n -
dulosi, g ra v e o len te s; foliis op p o sitis; floribns axiUaribus v. in racemos a x iila r e s e t te rm in a le s ii s p o n t i s ;
pedunculis bibracteatis.
A large genus of shnibby plants, confined to Austraha and Tasmania, whence thirty species have been pro-
cm-ed, wliich, with a sohtary exception, are natives o f the sonth-eastem quarter of tho continent, between subtropical
New Sontli Wales and Adelaide. The genns is replaced in Soiifh-westeni Australia by its allies Hernia,Ara
and Ilemigenk, which immber an almost eqrml amount o f species, and o f which only two are fonnd in the Southeastern
quarter.— Shrubs, generally strongly scented, being covered with sessile glands. Leaves opposite. Flowers
axillary, or owing to the smahness o f the flor.-d leaves appearing to be spiked. Calyx tampannlale, short, two-
hpped, the lips entire, closed over the fi-iht. Corolla ivith a sliort tube and campamdate month, two-lipped ; 'upper
lip bifid, lower three-lobed, the lobes entire or bifid. S tm m w ah lei-lile, willi parahel anthers and a spurred or
thickened connective. Spurs often two, bearded at the .apex, pointhig dowiiivards. Fruit subbaccate; seeds with
veiy scanty albumen. (Name from upooOgag, a process, and avbgp.)
1. Prostanthera lasianthos (Lab. F l. N o v . H o ll. ii. 1 8 . t. 1 6 7 ) ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis dentato-
serratis glabris, racemis paniculatis, corollis ulrinqnc hirsutis, antheramm calcare longiore loculum su p e rante,
breviore loculo æquilongo aduato.— ®»-. P ro d r. 6 0 S ; A n d r. B o t. R ep . 10. t. 6 4 1 ; B o t. ®ey. 1 4 3 ;
B o t. M a g . 2 4 3 4 ; B C . P ro d r. xii. 5 5 9 . {Gunn, 57.)