
Yariat— caule gracili v. robusto foliisque molliter araneoso-tomentosis pubescentibus v. superne scaberulis
sparsis subfasciculatisve, erectis patulis recurvisve, acutis acuminatis v. in apiculum elongatum
desinentibus, an gu ste v. la tiu s linearibus, basi angusta v . latiore subamplexicauli v. biauriculato.
Y'ar. f l. la tifo lium .; foliis amplis lanatis.— Chrysocephalum asperum, S te e tz, P L P r e iss. i. 1 7 4 .
Yar. 7 . f ilif o liu m ; foliis fere filiformibus.
Y'ar. 8 . ramosum; caule basi ramoso, foliis linearibus.
Yar. e. s cah ridum ; hispido-pilosum, v ix lanatum.— Chrysocephalum asperum, var., S te e tz, I. c.
H a b . Common in many parts o f th e Islan d .— (El. O c t .-D e c .) {v. v.)
D i s t r i b . S outh-eastern A u str a lia : N ew South YYales and Yictoria, ascending the Grampians, M u e lle r.
A verj' handsome plant, 1 - 3 feet higli, easily recognized by its stout, rigid, seldom branched stem, bearing a
terminal corymh of many small, golden capitula, aud by its narrow-linear leaves.— Stems woolly or pubescent, rarely
hispid. Leaves spreading or erect, sohtaiy or fascicled, often bearing slender, short, leafy branches in their axils,
linear, l | - 3 inches long, very variable in breadth, acuminate, with usually a slender piliferous point, margins
strongly recurved, sessile, semiamplexicaul or auricled at the base. Capitula very numerous, 4 mch long, campanulate
or hemispherical, on woolly pedicels. Scales o f involucre numerous, closely imbricate, ciliate, acute, often
with recm-ved apices; inner scales hardly radiating. Achenia glabrous. Pappus of few, slender hairs, with cla-
vate tips, which bear long cilia. Outer florets female, with very slender corollas.
4 . Helichrystun apiculatum (DC. Prodr. vi. 1 9 5 ) ; herbaceum, molliter dense araneoso-tomen-
tosum, caulibus e basi ramosis ascendentibus erectisve simpHcibus apice poiycephalis corymbosis, foliis
spathulato-lanceolatis acuminatis utrinque lanatis, corymbis 3-polycephalis aureis, involucri squamis lineari-
oblongis la x e imbricatis exterioribus glabris interioribus linearibus acuminatis stipitatis ciliatis, stipite lanato
pubesc ente rarius glabrato.— Gnaphalium apiculatum, L a b . N o v . E o ll. ii. 4 3 , 1 8 8 ; K e r , B o t. Reg . t. 2 4 0 ;
Sieh. P I . Exsicc. 5 6 2 e t 5 8 4 . H . fiavissimura, B C . I. c. {Gunn, 1 1 2 .)
H a b . Abundant th roughout th e Islan d .— (F l. N o v .-J a n .) {v. v .)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern A u s tr a lia : from P o r t Jackson to Yictoria. (Cultivated in E ngland.)
A handsome speeies, easily distinguished from H . semipapposum (to which it is allied), by being much more
woolly, the stems more ascending, less strict and rigid, the leaves broader, spathulate, more flat, acute, and woolly
on both surfaces, by the much fewer, larger capitula in the coiymb, and by the fewer, longer, less closely imbricate,
involucral scales. Outer flowers female. Pappus claveUate, with long hairs at the tip.— I am inchned to suspect
that the H. semipapposum, var. ? fl. Gunnianum of De Candolle, belongs to this, if not, as he himself suggests, to
scorpioides. I t is often in this, as in other genera, impossihle to determine to what species individual specimens of
many of the commonest and best marked species should be referred.
§ 3. Capitula white or pinkish.
5 . Helichrysum papillosum (Lab. N o v . H o ll. ii. 4 6 . 1 . 1 9 2 ) ; herbaceum, erectum, totum papilloso-
puberulum pilosumve, caule simplici v. diviso robusto folioso, foliis linearibus lineari-lanceolatisve acuminatis
planiusculis basi sessilibus semiamplexicaulibusve, capitulis magnis solitariis terminalibus, involucri squamis
albis fuscescentibusve chartaceo-scariosis concavis glaberrimis lanceolatis acuminatis laxe imbricatis intimis
stipitatis radiantibus, pappi se tis scaberulis.— B C . P r o d r . vi. 1 8 9 . II. glabratum, B C . I. c. ? H . raacran-
thum, B en th . P la n t. H iigel. 6 5 . H . niveum, Graham in B o t. M a g . 3 8 5 7 ; S te e tz in P la n t. P re iss. i. 4 7 1 .
Gnaphalium papillosum, P o ir . S uppl. ii. 1 2 9 . {Gunn, 5 0 0 .)
H a b . Gun-carriage Islan d , Bass’ Straits, Port Arthur, and Cape Raoul, Tasman’s P eninsula, Gunn.—
(El. Oct., N o v .) («. V.)
D is t r ib . South-eastern aud South-western Australia. (Cultivated in England.)
Apparently a maritime species iu Tasmania, most nearly allied to / / . bracteatum, but differing in the white
involucre and papillose stem and leaves. The outer involucral scales are however at times yellowish, suggesting the
possibility of all being sometimes found to vary to yeUow.— Siesis robust, annual, I - I 4 inch high, leafy, simple
or sparingly branched, covered with minute pubescence, the hairs ai-ising from papillm on the sui-face o f the cuticle.
Leaves 3 -4 mches long, sessile or half-clasping tlie stem, linear-lanceolate or subspathulate, acuminate, pubescent.
Capitula very large, 2 -3 inches across, with glabrous, loosely imbricating, coriaceous, searious, white, concave
scales; the inner radiating; the outer fuscous or ycUoivish or sometimes dirty red at the tips.
6 . Helichrysum leucopsideum (DC. Prodr. vi. 1 9 3 ) ; suffruticulus ramosus, caulibus ramosis
rigidis ascendentibus laxe araneosis scaberulisve, foliis subspathulato-lanceolatis se ssilibus acutis subtus
tom en tosis superne pilosis scaberulis glabratisve marginibus revolutis undulatis, capitulis magnis bracteatis
albis roseisve, involucri squamis glaberrimis laxe imbricatis anguste lineari-lanceolatis sensim acuminatis
interioribus e longatis radiantibus. {Gunn, 4 9 9 , 4 2 6 .) ( T a b . L IX .)
H a b . St. Mary’s Pass, E in g a l; sand hills, Georgetown, Flinders’ Island, and W e ste rn P ort, B ’ Urville,
Gunn, etc.— (El. Jan., Eeb.)
D i s t r ib . Sou th coast o f Australia, from Yictoria to Swan River.
Stems sometimes woody, and the plant forming a small bush, at others slender, generally numerous, a loot
long, branching, ascending, and, as Avell as the leaves, covered more or less with lax tomentum or somewhat scabrid
pubescence. Leaves 1 - 2 inches long, very variable in breadth, more or less linear-lanceolate or spathulate, acute,
tomentose below. Capitula large, 1 -2 inches broad, bracteate at the very base o f the involucre, with tomentose
leaves. Involucral scales sliining, white or delicately rose-coloiu-ed, narrow-hnear, acuminate, loosely imbricated,
the inner radiating. Pappus hairs slender, almost smooth or slightly seaberulous, scabrid towards the tips. Outer
flowers female.— P l a t e LIX. Fig. 1, scale of involucre; 2, floret; 3, pappus ; 4 , coroDa laid o p en ; 5, stamen ;
6, arms of style :— at
7 . Helichrysum dealbatum (Lab. N o v . H o ll. ii. 4 5 . t. 1 9 0 ) ; subscapigerum, herbaceum, caulibus
gracilibus ascendentibus erectisve scapiformibus tomentosis 1 -cephalis, foliis lineari- v. oblongo- v. spathu-
lato-lanccolatis acuminatis subtus argenteo-tomentosis supra glaberrimis, capitulis magnis, involucri basi
lanati squamis glabris albidis exterioribus ovato-oblongis acutis striatis roseis intimis lon g e radiantibus albis.
— B C . P ro d r . vi. 1 8 9 . Gnaphalium niveum, P o ir . Suppl. ii. 1 2 9 , non L in n . {Gunn, 6 8 9 .)
H a b . Generally iu a poor, wet so il : Hobarton, Georgetown,- Circular Head, and Elinders’ Islan d , A .
Cunningham, Gunn, etc.— (El. N o v .-J a n .) («. v .)
D is t iu b . South-eastern Australia.
A vei-j' pretty, dehcate little species, 1 0 -1 8 inches higli. Stems branched at the vei-y base, erect or ascending,
slender, sparingly leafy, hence scape-like, tomentose, hearing one large, terminal, white capitulum. Leaves chiefly
radical, spreading, lanceolate, linear or oblong or spathulate, aciuninate, wliite below, ivith appressed, silvery to-
meiituin, glabrous above ; cauline smaller, narrower. Heads large for the size of the plant, 1 4 -2 inches across.
Involucre very broad ; outer scales liuear-oblong, acute, white or pink, striated, blunt ; inner narrow-linear, strict,
radiating, ranch longer than the florets, with short stipites, all tpiite glabrous. PÜhoers small. Pappus clavellate
at the apex.
S. Helichrysum pumilum (H o ok , fil.) ; parvulum, cæspitosum, scapigerum, foliis omnibus radicalibus
confertis coriaceis basi imbricatis subvagiuantibus strietis auguste linearibus acutis superne convexis
canaliculatis glaberrimis subtus albo-tomentosis margiuibus revolutis, scapo tomentoso v. lanato bracteis
linearibus, capitulo solitario albo v. roseo basi tomentoso, squamis radiantibus multiseriatis Huearibus o b tusis
interioribus longioribus fioribus multoties longioribus. {Gunn, 2 0 4 5 .) ( T a b . L X . A.)
Yar. f l ; foliis superne latioribus subspathulatis.