7 4
obovatis obtusis supra glabris b uilatis subtus incano-tomentosis v illosisve marginibus recurvis integerrimis,
cymis laxe con ge stis terminalibus foliis albidis late orbieulari-oblongis retusis emarginato-bilobisve subtensis,
bracteolis paucis villosis, calyce obconico dense v illoso sericeo, ovarii apice nudo villoso, fructu ign o to .—
Pomaderris parvifolia, Hooh. Journ. B o t. 2 5 7 ; Fen zl, in P la n t. H iigel. 2 2 .
H a b . N e a r L aunce ston ? Lawrence.
D i s t r i b . Bass’ Straits {B y n o e )
I have only seen two small specimens o f tbis speeies; and though these have no fruit, I have little hesitation
in referring it to the neighbourhood o f C. moUxs, with which it perfectly agrees iu habit and structure of the cymes
and flowers. Apparently a small species.— Branches terete, rather sleudur, densely tomentose, witb femiginous or
whitish wool. Leaves small, inch long, shortly petioled, obovate, blunt or rarely emai'ginate; upper surface
glabrous, with impressed v e in s; under densely tomentose, with prominent veins, margins recm-ved; petiole slender,
inch lo n g ; stipules ovate-subulate. Cymes small, branched, each branch beaiing a few flowers which are
seated between the stipules o f a broadly orbicular-obovate or obcordate emarginate or bilobed white leaf. Brac-
teoles three to five, broadly ovate, villous on the hack. Calyx obconic, short, very villous. Petals cucidlate, including
the stamens. Disc very sinuous, five-lobed. Apex of ovary exposed, tomentose. Style short, with a
three-lobed stigma. Fruit unknown.
9 . Cryptandra obovata (H o ok , f i l .) ; frutex, ramulis erectis dense cano-tomentosis, foliis coriaceis
obovatis V. obovato-oblongis junioribus rufo-tomentosis petiolatis coriaceis superne cauo-pubescentibus
glabrisve subtus dense appresse tomentosis marginibus planis recurvisve, nervis subtus prominulis v. 0 ,
floribus in cymos axillares terminalesque dense conge stis foliis 1 - 2 parvis stipatis, calyce obconico, disco
crasso ovarium velante, fructu ig n o to .— Pomaderris obovata. Hook, in Comp. B o t. M a g . 2 7 7 , Journ. B o t.
ii. 4 2 0 ; Fen zl, E n . F la n t. H iig e l.p . 2 2 . {Gunn, 4 6 0 .)
H a b . E a st coast, Prosser’s River at Spring Ray, Backhouse. St. P au l’s E iv er , e tc ., Gunn.— (El.
D e c.)
A shrub 6 -7 feet Brandies robust, suberect, te re te; branchlets densely covered with white or ferruginous
tomentum, as me the young leaves and capitula. Leaves coriaceons, 4“ f “ icb long, shortly petioled, obovate,
blunt, retuse or emarginate, pubescent or glabrous and shining above, below densely tomentose, margms plane or
recurved. Capitula dense, many-flowered, axillarj' and terminal, as large as a pea, on stout densely tomentose
branches, lobed, the branches seldom elongated or visible amongst the flowers. Bracteolee broadly ovate, three or
four to each flower. CaZyo: obconic, densely viRous, segments spreading. Pefo?« cucullate, enclosing the anthers. Disc
very broad and thick, closing the whole mouth of the calyx, so that the ovary is wholly concealed, and the style
projects through a nmrow opening.— The latter is the best character whereby to recognize this from its aRies; for
though the leaves are very different-looking from those of C. parvifolia and C. mollis, it is not easy to distinguish
them by words. Tbe present plant resembles Correa alba in pubescence, but the leaves are sometimes quite
glabrous above. Gunn says tbat it is common on the east coast.
\ II. Flores solitarii campanulatus, tubo lato, ultra
longe infra medium calyce accretum.
producto. Ovarium fere
1 0 . Cryptandra Sieberi (Eenzl, P lan t. H ü g e l, p. 2 3 ) ; fruticulus ramosus rigidus, ramulis breviusculis
strietis divaricatis interdum spinese entibus incano-pubescentibus, foliis glabris parvis sparsis lineari-
oblongis subacutis marginibus planis recurvisve, floribus sparsis brevissime pedicellatis basi squamis brevissimis
arete imbricatis, calyce campanulato-tomentoso, ovario i-in fe r o , coccis 3 sutura ventrali dehiscentibus
calyce indebisc ente te ctis.— C. amara. Hook. Journ. B o t. i. 2 5 8 , non Sm ? {G m n , 1 0 4 7 .)
H a b . N o r th E sk River, eigh t mües above Launceston, L am en c e , Gum s Forster.—
(H . Oct.)
D i s t r ib . N ew Sou th Wales.
A small, why, scrubby shrub, 6 inches to a foot high, sparingly leafy.— Branches woody, lateral ones sp)
rigid, often becoming sphious at the tips. Leaves inch long, scattered, linear-oblong or hnear-obovate, blunt,
glabrous on both sides, margins flat or recurved. Flowers sohtary, scattered, on short curved tomentose peduncles,
surrounded a t the base by short orbicular glabrous brown imbricating braets, not one-quarter the length of the calyx.
Calyx broadly campanulate, suddenly contracted at the very base witliin the bracts, 4 hich long, densely pubescent
externally. Fetals obovate-spathulate, clawed. Stamens included in the petals ; filaments adnate to the calyx, and
forming prominent ridges on its inner surface. Ovaiy broad, short, ffimost wholly superior, densely vRlous with
white spreading hah-s. Style erect, rather long, gi-anulai. Fruit 4 inch long, obovoid, surrounded with the persistent
indehiscent calyx, which is adnate for one-quarter o f the length o f the fi-uit. Cocci coriaceous, pubescent,
dehiscing along the ventral suture. Seed with a broad fleshy three- or four-lobed arillus.
11. Cryptandra alpina (H o ok , fil.) ; fruticulus humilis depressus ramosus, ramulis tenuibus, foliis
minimis sparsis petiolatis lineari-oblongis acutis obtuse trigonis, floribus terminalibus solitariis subsessilibus,
bracteis late orbicularis calycis 4 lon g itu d in e æquantibus imbricatis, calyce late campanulato basi lobato
tomentoso, ovario 4-infero dense tomentoso, coc cis 3 sutura ventrali dehiscentibus calyce indebiscente
te c tis. [Gunn, 1 1 8 ) (T a b . X I I . r f . )
H a b . Summit o f th e W e stern Mountains, elev. 3 8 0 0 feet, Gunn.— (El. Feb.)
A remarkable little species, closely related to the preceding, but very distinct. Remarkable for its small size,
prostrate habit, slender pubemlous branchlets, and minute leaves ; the latter are £ 0—4 long, trigonous, linear-
oblong, acuminate or acute, green, quite glabrous. Flowers and f r u it quite simüar to those of the C. Sieberi,
but the bracts are considerably larger and acute or mucronate.— P l a t e XII. A . Fig. 1, leaves ; 2, flower ; 3, the
same with the bracts removed; 4 , vertical section of ditto; 5, petal and stamen; 6, vertical section o f ovary:—
a ll magnified.
§ I I I . S t e n o c o d o n , H.f.— Flores glomerati. Calycis tubus longe tuhuloso-infundihuliformis, bad supra ovarium
parvnm inferum constrictus.
1 2 . Cryptandra pimeleoides (H o ok , fil.) ; fruticulus prostratus, ramulis crassiusculis pubescentibus,
stipulis subulatis, foliis p e tiolatis obovatis v. obovato-obcordatis supra glabris subtus albo-tomentosis,
capitulis densifloris foliis obeordatis 1 - 2 albis subtensis, bracteis scariosis obovatis ex ten d s aristatis, calycis
tu b o elongato membranáceo sericeo-villoso, petalis unguiculatis, antherarum loeulis inferue divaricatis,
filamento piano, coc cis bivalvibus. {Gunn, 1 8 4 1 .) (T a b . X I I . R .)
H a b . East coast, Kelvedon, at Great Swan P o r t, Backhouse. Spring Bay, Gunn.— (El. De c.)
This WÜ1 probably prove a new genus, for which I have proposed the name Stenocodon, from mevoî, nai-row,
and Kabav, a b ell; in allusion to the slender perianth.— A prostrate, small, woody, much branched p lant. Branches
short, pubescent. Stipules with small broad searious bases, and long subulate apices. Leaves 4 - 4 inch long,
petiolate, obovate or obcordate, glabrous above, white with appressed down beneath. Capitula many and dense-
flowered, tenninal, 4 - 3 inch across, depressed, subtended by one or more white petioled leaves, that are downy on
both sm-faces. Bracts numerous, variable in size and shape; outer broader, witb long apices; inner obovate,
blunt. Flowei-s 4 inch long, with long slender tubular membranous calyces, contracted above the smaU inferior
ovaiy, veiy süky externally. Ovary obovoid, much contracted at tbe base. Petals clawed, situated at the mouth of
the calyx far above the ovaiy. Filaments flat, short, incurved at the apex ; anthers o f two cells, which are narrowed
and divergent below. Style long, slender. Cocci bivalvoRar, crustaceous. Seeds not seen.— P l a t e XII. R. Fig. 1,
bud and bract; 2, flower; 3, the same laid open; 4, petal; 5 aud 6, stamens; 7, transverse, and 8, vertical, section
o f ovary :— all magnified.