
LXXVI. C oN lF E ll.E .
See Clavis o f Genera, p. 351.
I. O r c h id e æ .
See Claris of Genera, Vol. II. p. 2 ; and add Dendrobium, from Supplement, p. 372.
I I . I r id e æ .
Perianth with a slender t u b e ....................................................................................................................... Patersonia, p. 33.
Perianth sessile on the ovary. Stamens 2, f e r t i l e .................................................................Diplarrhena, p. 34.
Perianth sessile on the ovary. Stamens 3, f e r t i l e .................................................................. Libertia, p. 35.
III. H æ m o d o r a c e æ . IV. H y p o x id e æ .
Hæmodorum, p. 35. Hypoxis, p. 36.
V. H y d r o c h a r id e æ . VI. P i s t ia c e æ . VII, T y p i ia c e .e .
Vallisneria, p. 37- Lemna, p. 37. Typha, p. 38.
V III. A l is m a c e .e .
Perianth 6-leaved, n a k e d ............................................................................................................................. Triglochin, p. 39.
Perianth 4-leaved, n a k ed ....................................................................................................................................Potamogeton, p. 41.
Perianth 0, or scales. Flowers naked. Ovaries 4, s e s s ü e .............................................................Ruppia, p. 42.
Perianth 0, or scales. Flowers naked. Ovaries 4 , s t a lk e d .............................................................Zannichellia, p. 42.
Perianth 0. Flowers in spathes. Ovary' 1 ............................................................................................ Posidonia, p. 43.
Perianth 0. Flowers naked, crowded on a flat spadix. Stamen...1 ................................................Zostera, p. 44.
Perianth 0. Flowers pediceUed, solitary', axillary, spathed. Stamens 2 .................................Cymodocea, p. 44.
Perianth 0. Flowers in a dipbyllous spathe. Stamens 3, with connate filaments . . . llalophila,-^. ^5.
IX. M e l a n t h a c e æ .
Perianth s u p e r io r ................................................................................................................................................. Campynema, p. 4?.
Perianth inferior. Flowers u m b e l l a t e ................................................................................................... Burchardia,-y. 4:5.
Perianth inferior. Flowers s p i c a t e ...........................................................................................................Anguillaria, p. 46.
Perianth inferior. Flowers solitary, triandrous......................................................................................Hewardia,-p. 47.
X. S m il a c e æ .
Drymophila, p. 48.
XI. L il i a c e æ .
Fruit capsular, dehiscent. Style 1.
Ovary stipitate. Flowers large, r e d ...................................................................................................Blandfordia, p. 49.
Flowers white, dense, in CTÜndric am e n ta ............................................................................................Xanthorrhcea, p. 58.
Flowers in smaU, pedunclcd c a p i t u l a ...................................................................................................Laxmannia, p. 59.
Flower, soBtary, m 2 e p e t h e s .................................................................................................................IlerpoUrion, p. 5 4 .
Flowers solitary. LeaHess twhihig h e r b s .......................................................................................
Flowers umbellate. Fruit o f elavate l-seedcd l o b e s .......................................... Iricorane r, U
Flowers umbellate. Capsule S -c eO ed ................................................................................................... Shjpandr’a, p. 6 5 .
Flowers racemose or panicled.
Flowers white or purple. Pedieei joiuted iu m i d d l e ...........................................................Arthrofoiiu-m, p. 50.
Flowers yellow. Pedicels not j o in t e d ....................................................................... Bulbine p 5 1
Flowers white or blue. Pedicels jointed at a p e x Cx sia ,^ . 5 2
Fruit capsular, dehiscent. Styles 3 ............................................................ M '}} '' '
Fruit indehiscent. Style 1.
Fruit o f 3 indehiscent elavate l o b e s ....................................................................................................Tricoryne p 54
Fruit a globidar beny. Flowers blue. Pilameuts tum id ............................................................YVomf&.’p. '56
Fruit an oblong berry. Flowers white. Filaments s im p l e .............................................. ’ A d d ia , p. 60. '
XII. JuncExE.
Flowers unisexual. Anthers p e l t a t e ............................................................................................ Xerotes p 63
Flowers heimapbrodite. Anthers linear. Seeds m a n y .......................................................... ' '. Juncus,-p.
Flowers hermaphrodite. Anthers linear. Seeds 3 .............................................................................................p.
X III. X y r id æ .
X y ris, p. 69.
XIV. R e s t ia c e æ .
Perianth of 4 - 6 leaves or scales.
Stamens 4 - 6 . . . „ ,.
................................................................................................................ Restio, p. 7U.
Stamens 3. Flowers fascicled or amentaceous. Ovary 3 - I o c u la r ........................................Lepyrodia, p. n
StameusS. Flowers fascicled or amentaceous. Ovary l-locular. Perianth ,J longer than iiut L efto cm y,,, r, 7 2
btameus3 . Flowers fascicled or amentaceous. Ovary 1 -loeular. Periantli J shorter tban uut Hypolæna i 74
Stamens 3. Flower solitary, a x illa r y .................................................................................................. C d lo ,-o p l.„ ? . 75.
reriaiith 0 . blowers in scales or spathes.
Spike solitary, o f distichous s c a le s ........................................................................ Aphelia 7 5
Capitidum solitary, witli 2 spathes. Flowers with nmnerous p a l e æ .................................Cen troU ^, ii. 76.
Capitulum solitaiy. Flowers few, with 1 or 0 p a l e a ..................................................................A lepyrum'p. 7 7 .
Capitulum solitary, w'ith a 4-leaved i n v o l u c r e ...............................................................................Tritlmria -p 78
XV. C y p e r a c e .'E.
I. Nut free, not enclosed in a flagon-shaped utriculus.
A. Spikelets flattened, ivith mauy distichous scales.
scales or bristles 0 .
All the scales equal and (generally) florife r o u s .....................................................
Lower scnies smaller, e m p t y .....................................................................................\ Skhconm.
I'iypogy«oiis bristles 3 or more.
Spikelets aggregated iu a globose c a p i t u l u m .....................................................
Spikelets solitaiy or f a s c i c l e d ...............................................................................
B. Spikelets flattened or terete, with many flowers and scales imbricated all round.
p. 79.
p. SO,
p. S3,
p. 81.