G en. Y I I . M IC RO C A CH R Y S , / / .
Flo re s dioici. M a s c . Am en ta terminalia, solitaria, ramulo paulo latiora, sessilia, ovata. Antheræ iin-
bricatæ, biloculares, locu lis counectivoque u t iu A th ro ta x i. F o lien u t iu Fherosphæra. fc em . Amenta
parva, oblonga, terminalia, solitaria, sessilia. Squamæ patentes, arete imbricatæ, late ovato-rliomboideæ,
incuvvæ. Ovulum solitarium, deorsum spectans, integum en to exteriore abbreviato. Stro b ilu s decurvus,
ovoideus. Semina immatura dorso compressa, in tegum en to exteriore basi c inc ta.— F ru tex p ro s tra tu s , r a m
o su s; ramis ramulosis, ram u lis e f o l i i s a re te im b rica tis te tra g o n is; foliis tria n g u la ñ -rh om b e is la ie o vato-
rhombeisve, 1 lin . longis, obtusis, dorso obtnse ca rin a tis, m arginibus c ilio la tis ; amentis masculis ovoideis,
ramulo p a u lo la tio r ib u s ; antheris connectivo oblongo, e roso-c iliato, lo cu lis a n g u stio re ; amentis
m ascu lis la tio rib u s, s u b - \2 - fo r is .
1. Microcachrys tetragona [M . te tragona $ , N o b . iu Lond. Journ. B o t. iv . 1 5 0 , non Archer iii
H o ok . Jou rn . B o t. ii. 5 1 ) . Pherosphæra E o o k cñ a n a ¿ , Archer, l.c . A th rotaxis? tetragona,//ooX-. i e .
F l. f. 5 6 0 . [Gunn, 3 6 7 .) (T a b . C. £ . )
H a b . Summit o f the W e stern Monntams, Gunn, Arch er.— (F l F eb .)
For the confused synonymy of this genus see the remarks upon Pherosphæra Hookeriana. The present is a
very scarce plajit, and apparently always prostrate, forming low bushes, ndth depressed brauches a foot or two long ;
branchlels stouter thau in Pherosphæra and Diselma, tetragonous from being densely clothed with the imbricate,
triangular, ovate, or rhomboid leaves, which have minutely cüiated margms. Male fiowers in smaU, oblong, terminal
cones, a little broader tban the branchlets. Anther with au oblong, ciliate and erose, erect, obtuse connectival
scale, and two divaricating bi-oad cells below. Female cone rather larger and broader than the male, its scales closely
imbricating all round, in which respect (and babit) the genus differs from Daciijdium, to which, in the structure of
the scale and ovule, it is v eiy nearly allied.— Gunn says that this plant bears fleshy red berries, but I suspect a mistake;
there are none on the specimen, though he says some are sent, (Name from /mcpoç, small, and xaxpvs, a
CO?}®.)— P l a t e C. B . Fig. 1 , male branch ; 2 , portion of ditto ; 3 , front, and 4 , back views o f leaves; 5 , male
cone; 6 , front, and 7 , back views o f stamens ; 8, pollen; 9 , female branch ; 1 0 , female cone; 1 1 , scale and ovule ;
1 2 , vertical section of scale; 1 3 , ditto o f scale and ovule; 1 4 and 1 5 , ovules; 1 6 , vertical section o f ditto ; 1 7 ,
nucleus; 1 8 , immature seed; 1 9 , ditto, almost mature; 2 0 , vertical sectiou of ditto, with outer integument removed;
2 1 , nucleus and its membrane, and pollen-tube; 2 2 , ditto with membrane removed; 2 3 , vertical section
of seed, with iinraatm-e embryo ; 2 4 , immature embiyo -.— all but figs. 1 and 9 very highly magnified.
Gen. V I I I . PH Y L L O C L A D U S , M ch .
Flores monoici. M a s c . Amenta terminalia, conferta, cylindrica, basi bracteata. S tam in a axi inserta,
sti!)iti|?us brevissimis ; a n th eris bilocularibus, locu lis connectivo squamæformi adnatis latere longitudinaliter
dehisc entibus. F l . foe m . Amenta 1-pauciflora, terminalia, squamis alternis navicularibus, summis effcetis,
distin ctis V. ill capitulum conflnentibus 1-ovulatis. Ovula u t in B a c ry d io . Semen erectum, basi squama
urceolata carnosa c in c tum ; integum en to externo membranaceo abbreviato; interiore membranaceo, intimo
c rustáceo arete appresso. Fmbryo in a xi albuminis antitropus; cotyledonibus 2 , brevissimis.— Arbores
mediocres ; ramis v e r tic illa tis ; foliis m in u tis squamæformibus ; ramulis a lte rn is, d istich is , su b v e riic illa iisv e ,
p h y llo d in e o -d ila ta tis, rhombeis cuneatisve, f la b e lla tim v. p in n a tim venosis, margine f o l i i s squamæformibus
in s tru c tis , apice gemmam p e ru la tam g e ren tib u s; bracteis coriaceis, in te rdum in f r u c tu carnosis.
1 . Phyllocladus rhomboidalis (Richard, Conif. 1 3 0 . t. 3 . f. 2 ) ; phyllodiis clisticliis cuneatis
rbombeisve inciso-serratis, ament, masc. fasciculatis brevibus, foemineis capitatis se ssilibus pedunculatisve.—
F n d l. S yn . Conif. 2 3 5 . P . Billardierii, M ir b e l in Mem. M u s. x iii. 7 6 . P . aspleniifolia, Nob. in Lond.
Journ. B o t. i ï . 1 5 1 . Tlialamia aspleniifolia, Spreng. Sy e t. ü i. 8 9 0 . Podocarpus asplenüfolia, L a b . Nov
S o l i . i n i . 1 .2 2 1 . (Ounn, 3 2 1 .)
H a b . Common in damp forests, e specially in tlie mountainous and southern parts o f the Islan d .—
(PL N o v .) ( » .» . )— Colonial name, " Celery-topped P in e" and "A d v en tu r e Bay P in e ." (Cultivated in
E n g la n d .)
Of this curious geuus there are only three other species known, one on the lofty mountain of Kini Balou, in
Borneo, and two in New Zealand, of w hich one is alpine, and so closely resembles this that I aimost donbt its being
distinct. As a genns it approaches very closely indeed to Dacrydium. from which it diifers in the scale ot th !
female fiowers being larger and very coriaceons and thickened, and in the leaves nnd branchlets o f old plants being
connate, and forming fiat eoriaceons phyllodia. In seedhng plants the leaves are linear-aeuminate, one-nerved,
glaucous beneath, and the first-formed phyllodia are also nerved and glaucons below, and present at their margins’
the leaves ot which they are composed more or less free ; besides these phyUodmeons leaves there are subulate scaly
ones on the stems, which form bracts beneath the infiorescence, and from the mdls ot wldch the phyllodia spring;
young plants present all gradations between these and the true bnear leaves, which are never found on the old plants’
— A slender monoecions or dioecions tree, 1 5 -6 0 feet high, with a trmik sometimes 8 teet in diameter, horizontal,
whorled lower branches, covered with distichous brauchlels, giving off opposite, altemate, whorled, coriaceons,’
rhomboid, lobed, and cuneate, crenate and mciso-serrate phyllodia, 1 - l i inch long, composed ot brauchlets and
leaves united into one flat frond. Amenta terminal, the males about A inch long, fascicled, two or more together ;
/m o fe s globose, abont as large as a pea, ot tour to six, sessile, coriaceons, connate scales, into which the ovnles ar!
sunk. Each ovule is surrounded at its base with a membranous scale, which is its abbreviated outer integument.
(Name from jivkKov, a leaf, and aXaSos, a branch) “