imi in reia
■ \ì
generaUy prostate , »-iiy, rigid shmbs, witk ionceoktc, often pimgent leayes, and soiitaiy, axiftary, sessile, erect
flowers, wldch differ from tliose of S tem ,,H em in the indiided stamina and cyathifonn iu!e. (Name fi-om «orpor,
a star, and Xw/ia. a fringe.)
1- Astroloma humifusum (Br. Prodr. 5 3 8 ) ; prostratum, ramosissimum, ramis ascendentibus, fo ins
linearibus lanceolatisve lou g e setaceo-acuminatis p ungentibus ciliatis superne convexis subtus glauc es-
c entibus striolatis, floribus axiliaribus sessilibus, calyce corolla 4 lon g io r e .— D G P ro d r . vii. 7 3 8 ; B o t.
M a g . 1 4 3 9 ; L o d d . B o t. Cat. 1 5 5 4 . V enteuatia humifusa, Cav. I c . iv. 2 8 . t. 3 4 8 . {G w m , 1 2 2 .)
H a b . A bundant on sandy aud stony heaths, e tc .— (Fl. May, June.) {v. v.)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia, from P o r t J ack son to Yictoria. (Introduced into E ngland.)
A small, v e iy much branched, prostrate, rigid, why, twiggy shrub.— woody at the base ; branches 6 -1 0
inches long, ascending. Leaves erect or spreading, a -» inch long, linear or hnear-lanceolate, graduaUy tapering to
a ong, ngid, pungent apex ; margms cihated with stiff bristles ; upper sm-face convex. Floivei-s about as long
as the leaves. Corolla red ; tube narrow. Fra il oblong, rather longer than the calyx.
Gen. n i . S T E N A N T H E E A , B r .
Calyx basi multibracteatus. Corolla tubulosa, tubo calyce duplo longiore, ventricoso, intus n u d o ;
limbo brevi, patente, semi-barbato. F ilam en ta inclusa, barbata, carnosa, antheris latiora. D iscu s liypo-
gyu u s cjathiformis. D ru p a sube.xsueca; putamine osseo, solido, 5-lo cu la ri; locu lis 1-spe rmis.— ib a f e n f i ;
foliis confertis, acerosis ; floribus ax illa rib u s, erectis.
Only one species o f tbis genus was knowm previous to the discovery of the S. cmostepiwides in the Grampians
ot Victoria, by the indefatigable and acute Dr. MueUer.— A pinifolia is a rigid, woody, smafl shrub, with terete,
erect or ascending branches, densely covered above with leaves, nnd below with small scars. Leaees slightly sea-
berulons, i inch long, slender and acicular, with pimgent, setose apices, a stont c en ta l rib at the back, and recurved
margins. Calyx larger than the leaves, sun-onnded hy many imbricate bracts. CoroUa bright red, with
a slender tube much longer than the calyx, ventricose above, naked within. Filaments included, broader than the
anthers, fleshy. Drupe somewhat fleshy, enclosing a hm-d, five-celled, five-seeded nat, enveloped in the calyx, and
much shorter than its leaflets. (Name from a rm s , narrow, and avftjp, anther.)
1. Stenanthera pinifolia (Br. Prodr. 5 3 8 ) ; foliis angustissime acieularibus margine ad costam
recurvis. DC . P ro d r . v ii. 7 3 9 ; B o t. B eg . 2 1 8 . Styphelia pinifolia, Spreng. S y st. i. 6 5 9 . {Gunn, 1 1 8 3 .)
H a b . Circular Head, Gu n n ; L a u n c e sto n ? Bawrence.— (Pi. Oct.)
D i s t b i b . S outh-eastern Australia, from P o r t Jackson to Victoria. (Introduced in to E ngland.)
Gen. IV . C Y A TH O D E S , Bab.
Calyx basi multibracteatus. CoroUa infundibuliformis, tubo calycem æquante v. superante, intus
nudo V. piloso, limbo patente, barba rara v . 0. F ilam en ta inclusa v . exserta. Discus hypogynus c ja th iformis,
Dru p a baccata, 2 -1 0 -lo cu la r is ; lo cu lis 1-spermis.— Erutices ere eti, ram o si; io \n s subtus s tr ia tis ;
floribus ax illarih u s, p a r v is , ple rum qu e albis.
This is one o f the few extra-Australian genera of the Order, some species being found in New Zealand and
the Pacific Islands. About ten are known to inhabit Australia nnd Tasmania, of which one only ia found in tho
Sonth-west quarter.-SmaU, woody, twiggy, Heath-like shrubs, with acerose leaves. Flowers small. Calyx snr-
roimded with many imhricating bracts. Corolla funnel-shaped; limb naked or bearded. Filaments included or
exserted. Drtqie more or less fleshy, with a bony, five-celled, five-seeded nut, seated ou a fleshy, cup-shaped disc.
(Name from auados, a cup ; in aflusion to the hypogynous disc.)
§ 1. Corolla-lobes bearded.
1. Cyathodes glauca (Lab. F l. N o v . H o ll. i. 5 7 . t. 81) ; frutex ramulis virgatis, foliis interrupte
confertis subverticillatis patentibus divaricatisve lo n g e lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis mucronatisve supra
convexis sulcatis subtus gla ucis parallele striolatis, floribus versus apices ramulorum subconfertis, bracteis
obtusis, corollæ lobis barbatis, filamentis paulo exsertis, drupa carnosa 8 -1 0 -lo cu la r i.— B r . P r o d r . 5 3 9 ;
D G P ro d r. vii. 7 4 0 . {G w m , 5 2 0 .)
H ab . Common in mountainous parts o f th e Islan d , in woods, e tc ., elev. 1 - 3 0 0 0 feet.— (Fl, N o v .)
{v .v .) (Introduced into E ngland.)
A slender, branched, straggling slinib, 2 -6 feet high.—Branchlets pubescent. Leaves more or less fascicled
aud whorled, i - l j inch long, slender, patent, acuminate or muci-onate, grooved above when dry, striate and glaucous
beneath. Flowers rather crowded in the axils of the terminal leaves, white, erect, with bearded corolla-lobes.
— This species varies extremely in the length and breadth o f the leaves, which are broadest when shortest.
2. Cyathodes straminea (Br . Prodr. 5 3 9 ) ; fruticulus robustus erectus v. decumbens, foliis inte rrupte
subverticillatis patulis crasse coriaceis ovalibus oblongisve obtusis muticis subtus multine rviis nervis
exaratis, floribus parvis, bracteis rotundatis, corollæ tubo calyce æquilongo, limbo barbato, drupa caraosa
5 -lo cu la r i.— D G P ro d r . vii. 7 4 1 . {Gunn, 1 1 9 4 ).
H ab. Mou n t W e llin g ton , elev. 4 0 0 0 feet.— (Fl. Jan.) {v. v.)
A small, woody species, 6 -1 0 inches high, with stout, terete stems, and woody, whorled branches,— Leaves
fascicled and whorled, about -T iuch long, very coriaceous, petioled, obloug or Iinear-oblong, blunt, the margins and
tip often sphacelated,'under sui'face glaucous, grooved, ivith many paraUel nerves, the outer pair simple or peniii-
iierved towards the margin. Floweis smaller than in G glauca, to which this is closely allied.
3 . Cyathodes macrantha (H o ok , fil.) ; fruticulus erectus ramosus, ramis robustis, ramulis tom en tosis,
foliis subfasciculatim verticillatis petiolatis lineari- v. e llip tico-ob lon gis acutis apiculo obtuso superne
concavis subtus glaucis nervis striolatis, floribus solitariis sessilibus, calycibus bracteisque obtusis, corollæ
tubo calyce bis longiore lob is subbarbatis, tubo intus villoso. {Gunn, 1 1 9 4 anni 1 8 4 7 .)
H a b . Sides o f Mount Olympus, elev. 4 0 0 0 - 4 5 0 0 fe et, Gunn.— (Fl. Jan.)
Yteiy similar indeed to C. straminea, but larger, ndth the corolla at least three times as large, and having its
tube more than twice the length of the calyx.
4 . Cyathodes dealbata (Br. Prodr. 5 3 9 ) ; parvula, caulibus procumbentibus, ramis ascendentibus,
foliis parvis sparsis subimbricatis petiolatis crasse coriaceis oblongis lineari-oblongisve obtusis mucronatis
apice tabescente muticisve subtus niveis nervis 1 - 3 discoloribus, corollæ tubo intus piloso, limbi barbati
lobis brevibus, drupa 2 -5 -lo cu la r i.— D G P ro d r . vii. 7 4 1 . {Gunn, 1 1 9 5 .)
H ab. Summit o f Mount YVellington, B row n , Gunn.— (F l. Jan.) {v. v.)
Much tiie smallest Tasmanian species o f the genus. Easily known by the small leaves, snow-white below.__
Stems woody, prostrate, with numerous short, wiry, ascending, leafy branches, 3 -8 inches long. Leaves not whorled
nor fascicled, loosely imbricate, suberect, very coriaceous, 4 inch long, petioled, with a stout midrib, and one or
two pairs of dark veins, blunt, or with a deciduous imicro. Flowers small. Corolla-ivihe cylindrical, pilose internally
; limb very short. Drupe small.
5. Cyathodes ascendens (H o ok . fil. in Lond. Journ. B o t. vi. 2 6 7 ) ; caulibus robustis cylindricis
prostratis, ramis robustis curvatis ascendentibus foliosis, foliis imbricatis suberectis petiolatis valde coriaceis
elliptico-ovatis mucronatis pungentibus subtus glaucescentibus multistriatis apice sphacelatis, bracteis sepa-
lisque late ovato-rotuudatis obtusis ciliatis striatis, corollæ tubo brevi intus piloso, limbi lob is brevibus
dense barbatis, drupa 5-loculari. {Gunn, 2 9 9 .) (Tab. LXXIY''. A.)