Inner involucral scales with white, radiating Ups (see 0 . reticulatus, in § 3).
1 0 . Ozothamnus Backh ousii (H o ok , fil.) ; fruticulus erectus, ramulis foliisque supra glabris g lu tin
osis, foliis erecto-patentibus subimbricatis brevissime petiolatis obovato-cuneatis obtusis subtus albo-
tonmntosis marginibus non recurvis, corymbi ramis brevibus, capitulis multifloris oblongo-turbinatis,
squamis exterioribus scariosis obtusis interioribus breviter albo-radiantibus margiuibus infra medium villo
sis, floribus exterioribus foemineis, achenio glaberrimo.— Cassinia cuneifolia, A. Ouun. in D C . P ro d r. vi.
1 5 5 . (G « » » , 1 1 6 5 .) (T ab. L IV . D .)
H a b . M ou n t YVellington, elev. 3 0 0 0 feet, Fraser, A . Cunningham, G u n n ; P o r t Arthur, Backhouse.
— (F l. J an .) {v. V.)
A very well mai-ked species, and like no other Australian one, but so similar to the New Zealand Cassinia
F auvilliersii, that the presence o f paleæ on tlie receptacle o f that plant is ahnost the only character whereby it
can be distinguished.— A small shrub, 1 -3 feet higb. Branches woody, erect. Branchlets and upper surface of
leaves glabrous, shining, glutinous, lea v e s rigidly coriaceous, 4 - 4 inch long, suberect, loosely imbricating, obovate-
cuneate, rounded at the apex, under surface densely tomentose. Branches o f corymb short. Capitula rather long,
many-flowered, with short, white, radiating, involucral scales.— P l a t e LIV. B . Fig. 1, capitulum ; 2, scale of involucre
; 3, flower ; 4, pappus ; 5, stamen ; 6, ai-ms of style :— a ll magnified.
1 1 . Ozothamnus led ifolius (H o ok , f il.) ; fruticulus robustus, ramosus, ramis ramtdisque tomeu-
tosis, fohis confertis patentibus oblongo-liuearibus obtusis coriaceis supra glabris opacis subtus albo- v.
fu sco-tom en tosis marginibus r evolutis, corymbis densis ramis brevibus, capituhs obconico-turbinatis sub-lO-
fioris, involucri squamis exterioribus rubris fuscisve margine hyalinis interioribus albo-radiantibus, floribus
exterioribus foemineis, achenüs p uberulis.— Cassinia ledifolia, A . Cunn. in B C . P ro d r . vi. 1 5 5 . {G m n ,
2 8 1 , 4 9 8 .)
H a b . Mou n t W e llin g to n , W e ste rn Mountains, e tc ., elev. 3 0 0 0 fe et, Fraser, etc. ; Fhnders’ Island,
Backhouse.— (F i. J an .) {v. v .)
A small, rigid, woody shrub, 2 feet high, common on the mountains, but o f which I have a specimen from Gunn
marked as gathered in Flinders’ Island by Backhouse.—Brandies stout and woody, aud branchlets short, covered
with whitish or fuscous tomentum, as is also the under surface o f the leaves. Leaves numerous, close set, patent
or recurved, shortly linear or linear-oblong, blunt, 4 ~ 4 inch long» coriaceous, upper surface glabrous, convex, with
a deeply impressed midrib, not shining, margins recurved. Corymh dense. Capitula small, hardly 4 iuch long,
obconic. Outer involucral scales hyaline at the margins, blunt, red or yellow or pale yellow-brown ; inner with
short, white, radiating tips.— The stout habit and much shorter leaves best distiuguish this from 0 . cinereus, Br., the
differeut habit, longer leaves, larger capitula, and much shorter, radiating involucral scales, from 0 . ericæfolius.
1 2 . Ozothamnus ericæfolius (H o ok . fil. in Lond. Journ. Bot. vi. 1 1 9 ) ; frutex erectus, ramosus,
ramis elongatis ramulisque brevibus cano- v. fusco-pubescentibus, foliis parvis patenti-recurvis sessilibus
breviter linear i-oblongis obtusis supra glabris subtus fusco-tomentosis marginibus recurvis, corymbis ad
apices ramulorum numerosis subdensis, capitulis parvis p au c i-(6 -8 )-flo r is, involucr i squamis g lutinosis
n itidis interioribus su b lon g e radiantibus, acheniis pubescentibus. {Gunn, 1 1 6 3 .) (T a b . L V I I . B .)
H a b . Marlborough, elev. 3 0 0 0 feet, Gunn.— (F l. Jan.)
A bush 7 feet high, with slender branches, covered with short branchlets, each terminated by a corymb o f white
capitula, which are hence excessively numerous.— Leaves small, spreading or recurved, 4 inch long, Iinear-oblong,
glabrous above, tomentose beneath, margin recurved. Corymb with short, slender branches. Capitula small, about
as long as the leaves, rather uaiTOw, few-flowered. Involucres yellow-wliite, shining ; inner scales with rather long,
]-adiating, white tips.— P l a t e LVII. B. Fig. 1 and 2, leaves ; 3, capitulum ; 4 , scale o f involucre ; 5, flower ;
6, pappus ; 7, stamen ; 8, arras of style :— all magnified.
1 3 . Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius (Br. in L in n . Trans, xii. 1 2 4 ) ; frutex, ramis elon g a tis virgatis
corymbique ramis dense albo-tomentosis, foliis sparsis patulis anguste linearibus mucronatis margimbus
revolutis supra glabris muricatis hispidulisve subtus albo-tomentosis, corymbo conferto expanso polycephalo
ramis patentibus gracilibus, capitulis albis rubrisve parvis 6 -1 0 -flo r is , involucri anguste turbinati squamis
exterioribus scariosis araneosis interioribus sublonge albo-radiantibus, achenüs glabris.— B C . P ro d r. vi. 1 6 5 .
Eupatorium rosmarinifolium, Bab. Nov. H o ll. ii. 3 8 . t. 1 8 1 . Petalolepis rosmarinifolia, Cass. B ic t. Sc.
N a t. 3 9 , 1 9 5 . {Gunn, 8 3 6 , 1 1 6 6 .)
Var. fl. b r e v ifo lia ; foliis brevioribus hispidulis, capitulis rubris. (T a b . L IV . A .)
H a b . Abundant by banks o f streams in the central and northern parts o f the Colony : Formosa,
Grindelwald, Burghley, and Yorktown, Gunn.— { f \ . D e c ., Jau.)
D i s t iu b . South-eastern Australia ; Victoria.
A tan and beautiful shrub, 6 -9 feet high, -with slender branches and branchlets, densely covered with soft,
white tomentum. lea v e s very narrow, linear, mucronate, spreading, scattered, 4—14 inch long, upper sui-face
minutely hispid or muricate, witli small aculei, glabrous, under densely tomentose, margins recurved. Corymbs
large, with numerous small, bright red or pale yellowish capitula. Inner involucral scales with rather long, spreading,
white apices.— The var. fl may be the 0 . purpurascens, BC. Prodr. vi. 165, but the leaves are not described
as minutely hispid.— P l a t e LIY^. A. var. fl. Fig. 1, leaf ; 2, leaf of var. a ; 3, capitulum ; 4, scale of involucre ;
5, flower ; 6, pappus ; 7, stamen ; 8, arms of style :— all magnified.
1 4 . Ozothamnus Gunnii (Hook, fil.) ; fruticosus, ramis robustis ramulisque dense albo-tomentosis,
foliis patulis sparsis anguste elongato-linearibus acutis margiuibus ad costam fere revolutis supra glaberrimis
lævibus subtus cano-tomentosis, corymbis amplis poiycephalis ramis patentibus, capitulis elongato-turbinatis
sub-10-flor is, squamis involucri exterioribus tomentosis interioribus albo-radiantibus, acheuiis pubescentibus.
{Gunn, 1 2 5 6 .)
H a b . Sand-hills by the seashore, near Georgetown, Gunn.— (F l. Jan.)
A tall shrub, very simüar in habit and general appearance to 0 . rosmarinifolius, Br., but the leaves are longer,
perfectly glabrous and smooth ou the upper surface ; the capitula are considerably larger, and the achenia are
pubescent. It also much resembles 0 . turbinatus, BC., but the capitula are smaller and narrower, the leaves sharp-
pointed, and the radiating apices of the inner involucral scales longer.
1 5 . Ozothamnus thyrsoideus (DC. Prodr. vi. 1 6 5 ) ; frutex ramosissimus, glaber, ramis ramulisque
sulcatis junioribus puberulis, foliis anguste linearibus acutis obtusisve planis marginibus anguste revolutis
superne glaberrimis viscosis (sicco uigris) subtus albidis costa nigra, capitulis sub-12-floris ad apices ramulorum
brevium perplurimorum laxe corymbosis, pedunculis pedicellisque tomentosis, corymbis in paniculam
thyrsoideam myriocephalam dispositis, involucri squamis externis pallidis pubescentibus margiuibus late
hyalinis interioribus lo n g e albo-radiantibus, acheniis puberulis. {Gunn, 2 4 0 , 7Ü4.)
H a b . Common in many parts o f th e Colony, ascending to 3 0 0 0 feet, Gunn, e tc .— (Fl. N o v .) («. v .)
D i s t r ib . South-eastern Australia : Victoria, Mu e ller.
A very beautiful plant, much resembling Eurybia ramulosa, but with very much smaller capitula and larger
loflves.— A glabrous, erect, vivgate bush, 6 -8 feet high. Branches glabrous or slightly pubescent, deeply grooved.
Leaves 1 -2 inches long, numerous, spreading, very nan-ow-linear, blunt or sharp, flat, with naiTow, recurved margins,
glabrous or glutinous above, white below, witb a distinct, dark-coloured midrib. Corymbs lax and few-
flowered, terminating the extremely numerous, short, lateral branchlets, whence they form a large thyi-sus, their
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