H a b . Summit o f Mount WeUingtoQ, Gimn.— («. t>.)
A sloiit, woody species, willi long, terete, ascending brandies, 6 -8 inches long, covered imitormly with laxly'
imbrieating leaves,— t o r e » elliptio-ovate, mncronate, ve iy glaneons below, and there striated wdlb many nerves,
their tips brown and withered. B rm U and sepaU hlnnt, cibate, striate, broadly ovnto-rotimdate. Tube o f coroUa
short, haiiy within, its lobes densely bearded.-PLATE L X X IV .« . K g . I , front, and 2, baek view of leaf; 3,
flower; 4 , corolla laid open ; 5, stamen:— a ll magnified.
6 . Cyathodes divaricata (H o ok , fil.); fruticulus erectus ramosus rigidus, foliis petiolatis squarroso-
p ateutibus r igid is aciculari-subulatis pungeuti-acuminatis acerosisve marginibus recurvis glabris scaberu-
h sv e subtus g lauc is nervis simplicibus, pedunculis e longatis multibracteolatis, bracteolis interdum infra
calycem deficientibus, calyce obtuso corolla 4 breviore, corollæ lobis glabris subbarbatisve, drupa baccata,
n u c e osseo.— Lissanthe divaricata. Nob. in Lon d . J o um . B o t. vi. 2 6 7 . {Gunn, 6 1 8 .) (T a b . L X X IV . B .)
H a b . F o o t o f Mount YVellington and other h ills near Hobarton ; Swan P o r t, Q im n .~ {Y \. Oct.) {v. v .)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia, MueUer.
Intermediate between Cyathodes and Lissanthe, the liabit behig that of L . strigosa and C. Oxycedrus, which it
strongly resembles ; but the tube o f the corolla is longer, and the limb is more or less bearded ; the peduncles are
covered with smaU, imbricating bracts, which sometimes sheath the base of the calyx, and at others stop short
some way below the calyx (as in Lissanthe), so that the latter is then quite ebracteate,— rigid, 1 - 2 feet high,
erect, branched ; branehes woody. Leaves 4 - 4 inch long, patent and somewhat squaiTose. veiy rigid, pungent,
subulate or lanceolate-subulate or acicular, thefr margins recurved ; under siu-faee glaucous, with three to five parallel,
sunple nerves. Floxcers numerous, nodding or pendulous, on small, cm-ved petUcels, white. Corolla twice as long
as the broad, blnnt sepals.— P l a t e LXXIV. B. Pig. 1 , front, and 2 , back view of leaf; 3 , flower, bracts, and leaf°
4, corolla laid open; 5, stamen; 6 , fn iit :— a ll magnified.
§ 2 . Corolla-lobes quite glabrous.
7. Cyatliodes parvifolia (Br. Prodr. 5 4 0 ) ; frutex erectus fastigiatim ramosus, ramulis puberulis,
foliis subsquarroso-patentibus petiolatis parvis (semi-uncia brevioribus) lanceolato-subulatis aceroso-acumi-
natis r igid is pun gen tib u s brevissime ciliatis subtus glaucis S-5-ne rvÍÍs, nervis omnibus simplicibus, floribus
nutantibus, corolla calyce obtuso bis longiore, limbo imberbi, drupa baccata, u u ce osseo.— B C . P r o d r vii
7 4 1 . {Gunn, 5 1 9 .)
H a b . Abundant, especially in h illy parts o f the Islan d , ascending to 3 0 0 0 fe e t.— (F l. N o v .) («. v.)
A rigid, subsquarrose, pungent shrub, 2 -4 feet high, i\-ith woody stems, fascicled brandies, and smaU white
pendulous flowers.— iea c e s patent, rigid, oblong-lanceolate, linear-lanceolate, or subulate, petioled, 4 - 4 inch long,
acuminate, acerose, and pungent, seaberulous above, glaucous below, with two to five slender, simple nerves.
Drupes numerous, red, fleshy, with a bony five-celled nut.— Easily distinguished from C. Oxycedi-us by the much
8 . Cyathodes Csy cedrus (Br. Prodr. 5 4 1 ) ; frutex erectus fastigiatim ramosus, ramis erectis diva-
ricatisve, foliis subsquarroso-patentibus deflexisve (semi-uncia longioribus) lanceolato-subulatis rigidis pun-
genti-acuminatis margine glabris subtus glaucis 3 - 5 nerviis, nervis omnibus simpbcibus, floribus breve
pedunculatis, calyce obtuso tubo corollæ paulo breviore, corollæ lob is glabris, drupa baccata, nucc osseo.__
B C . P r o d r . vii. 7 4 1 ; FL N . Z eal. i. 1 6 4 . Styphelia Oxycedrus, L a b . FL Nov. H o ll. i. 4 9 . t. 6 9 . {Gunn,
7 1 3 , 7 1 4 , 1 1 8 4 , 2 0 3 0 .)
H a b . N o t uncommon in various parts o f tbe Colony, as at Circular Head, YFoolnorth, Marlborough,
and Recherche Bay, ascending to 3 0 0 0 feet, Gunn, e tc .— (F l. Oct.)
D i s t e i b . N ew Zealand. (Introduced in to England.)
Very similar indeed to C. parvifolia, but a much taller shrub, 5 - 8 feet high; and the leaves are considerably
larger nnd longer, and perfectly glabrous, and the tube of the corolla is shorter ; it is hence intermediate between
C. parv ifolia and C. divaricata.—Leaves 4-§. inch long, very rigid and pungent, patent and reflexed. Flowers
small, white. Be rne s generally red, rarely white, produced in great abundance, giving the plant a very beautiful
9 . Cyathodes abietina (Br. Prodr. 5 4 0 ) ; fruticosa, robusta, ramis crassis, ramulis puberulis, fohis
confertis imbricatis erectis lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis (apice non pungente) subtus nervis 5 - 7 simplicibus,
pedunculis multi-bracteolatis, corollæ tubo calyce duplo longiore limbo in tu s puberulo, drupis baccatis, nuce
o sseo .— B C . P r o i r . vii. 7 4 7 . Styphelia abietina, L a b . FL Nov. H o ll. i. 4 8 . t. 6 8 . {Gunn, 1 1 8 5 .)
H a b , Nea r the sea, on the sou th and we st coasts ; D ’Entrecasteaux Channel, L a b illa rd ie re , Gunn.
A very handsome species, of which I have seen but two specimens, gathered by Gunn in full fruit, and with
withered fallen flowers entangled amongst the imbricating leaves.— Apparently a large bush, with very rigid, woody,
stout branches and branchlets, the latter pubescent. Leaves i - l - inch long, flat, hnear-lanceolate, ending in a rigid,
cartilaginous, acuminate apex, which however is not pungent ; margins cartilaginous ; nerves beneath numerous,
parallel, simple. Flowers small, white. Calyx obtuse, about half as long as the coroUa. Lobes o f corolla pubescent
inside. Berries large, red.
Gen. V . L IS S A N T H E , Dr.
Calyx bibracteatus v . ebracteatus. Corolla infundibuliformis, limbo imberbi. B is cu s bypogjmus cya-
thiformis. B ru p a baccata ; putamine osseo, 5 - (abortu 1 - 4 - ) loculari.— F rutices r ìg i d i ; fo liis sparsis, sæpius
acerosis pu n gen tibu sve , subtus lin e a iis ; floribus p a r v is .
This genus, of which about ten Australian species are known, hardly differs fr'om Cyathodes, except in the
bracts o f the peduncle being removed from the base of the calyx. Cyathodes divaricata seems to unite these
genera. Some species have racemose flowers. (Name from Yto-o-oç, smooth, and ov^oç, afioicer.)
1. Lissanthe strigosa (Br. Prodr. 5 4 0 ) ; fruticulus erectus r igidus, ramulis pubescentibus glabrisve,
foliis sparsis patentibus rigidis lineari-subulatis acuminato-pungentibus, racemis brevibus axillaribus, p ed ic
e llis basi bracteolatis, calyce ebracteato, corollæ tubo in tu s villoso.— B C . P ro d r . vii. 7 4 2 . Styphelia strigosa,
Smith, P I. Nov . H o ll. t. 4 8 . {Gunn, 5 1 8 , 7 1 0 , 7 1 1 .)
H a b . Abundant th roughout the Island, in dry clayey and gravelly place s.— (Fl. Oct.) {v. v.)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia, from P o r t Jackson to Victoria. (Introduc ed into En g lan d .)
This is a very common aud rather variable plant, with which I am inclined to unite Brown’s L. subulata ; its
fruit is eatable.- -A small rigid shrub, 6 inches to 2 feet high. Branches erect, pubescent or glabrous. Leaves
erect or patent, 4 iRcli long, subulate-lanceolate, rigid, acuminate with long, pungent, acicidar pobits, glaucous beneath,
witli a thick midrib, and slender, parallel lateral veins. Flowers 2 -4 , in short axiUarj' racemes, white or
pink. Calyx very sinaO, not oiie-sixtli the length o f the coroUa, ebracteate, the pedicels bracteate at the base.
Tube of the coroUa viUous internaUy, its lobes very short, triangular.
2 . Lissanthe montana (Br. Prodr. 5 4 0 ) ; fruticulus erectus, foliis ob lon go-lin eaiib u s obtusis m u tic
is subtus glaucis, nervis omnibus simplicibus v. extimis extus penniuerviis marginibus tenuibus, spicis
brevibus axillaribus paucifloris, calyce bibracteato corollæ breviter urceolatæ tubo æquilongo, corollæ tubo
in tu s lobisque glaberrimis, drupa parva e.xsucca. {Gunn, 3 1 3 , 1 1 9 6 .)
I I a b . Towards the summit o f Mou n t YVellington, a u d other mountains.— (Fl. De c.) («. v.)
D i s t r ib . Mountains o f Y^'ictoria, Mu e lle r.
A small, crcct, fastigiate shrub, 2 -6 inches high, so similar to Leucopogon Hookeri that it is difficult .to distinguish
them.— Leaves imbricating, crcct, 4 inch long, hnear-oblong, blunt, with often thin, almost membranous