
tis , ramulis foliisq u e subtus appresse sericeis, foliis oppositis lineari- v . elliptico-lanceolatis oblongo-laiiceo-
la tisv e , capitulis 3 -8 -f lo r is ramulos brevissimos axiilares terminantibus, perianthiis villoso-ser ic e is folia
floralia oblonga subæquantibus tu b o deciduo, drupa subbaccata.— D r . P ro d r . 3 6 1 ; L o d d . B o t. Cab. 5 4 0 ;
Sweet, F l. A u st. 2 2 . Gymnococca drupacea, C. A. Mey&r in B u lle t. Acad. S t. P e te rsb . iv. 7 1 . [Gunn,
2 2 3 .)
Var. f l. g la b r a ta ; ramis foliisque fere glaberrimis. {Gunn, 8 7 3 .)
H a b . Abu n d an t in humid forests, iu a rich so il.— (Fl. and frt. almost all tbe year.) {v. y.) Var. fl.
Circular H ea d , near th e sea, Gunn.
D i s t r ib . Y ic to r ia , M ik Her.
A veiy coramou species, growing 4 - 6 feet liigh, with appressed, süky, elongate, terete branches; the leaves
also are more or less silky below and ciliated at the margins.— Leaves coriaceous, spreading, fiat, blunt or subacute,
1 inch long and less, petiolate, oblong-lanceolate or elliptical-lanceolate or eUiptical-oblong. Capitula irregular,
terminatiug very short, axillary branchlets. Perianths about as long as the floral leaves, very süky, about one-
third as long as tbe cauline leaves. Drupes bhick, ovate.
4 . Pimelea Gunnii (H o ok , fil.) ; frutex orgyalis ramosus, ramis e longatis, ramulis foliisque subtus
d eu se ser ic eo-tomentosis lanugiiiosisve marginibus recurvis, foliis lineari-oblongis lanceolatis e lliptico-lanc
eolatis acutis, capitulis 3 -6 -f lo r is ramulos brevissimos axiilares terminantibus, perianthio brevi dense
villoso de c id u o , drupa baccata nigra albumine copioso. {Gunn, 2 9 4 .)
H a b . D en se forest«, b u t n o t common, Mou n t YYellington, Cunningham; F ranklin River, Gunn.—
(F l. Jan.)
The present so closely resembles P . drupacea in babit, stature, and characters, that it requires no detailed
description, its very d ensely süky and viUoiis branches, under surface o f leaves and flowers, and smaller perianth and
fruit, at once distinguish it.
§ 4 . Leaves all opposite, densely s illy or woolly beneath. Floweis in terminal capitula. M u it not baccate.
5 . Pimelea nivea (Lab. N o v . H o ll. i. 1 0 . t. 6) ; frutex orgyalis, ramis gracilibus strietis perianthiis
foliisque subtus dense incano-tomentosis lanatisve, foliis patulis orbiculatis ovato-rotundatisve rarius oblo
n g is basi rotundatis cordatisve coriaceis supra glaberrimis marginibus recurvis, capitulis terminalibus
densifloris, perianthiis albis foliis longioribus tu b o gracili e longato, fllamentis gracilibus lobos æquantibus
albumine copioso.— B r . P ro d r . 3 6 1 . Heterolæna nivea, C. A . M e y e r, B u lle t. Acad. S t. P e te rsb. iv. 7 1 .
{Gunn, 4 , 1 8 7 , 7 3 4 , 1 2 4 3 .)
Y/ar. f l. in c a n a ; ramulis lanatis, foliis latioribus.— P . incana, B r . P r o d r . ; L in d l. B o t. Reg . 1 8 3 8 . t.
2 4 . Hete rolæna incana, C. A . M e y e r, I. e.
H a b . A bnndant th roughout the Island, ascending to 3 5 0 0 fe e t.— (F l. Sept., Oct.) {v. v .) (Cultivated
in En g lan d .)
A very common, beautrful, and variable plant, not found hitherto in Victoria, which is remarkable. Tlie P.
incana, Br., appears to pass into P . nivea by insensible gradations, that is, assuming the plant figured in tlie ‘ B otanical
Register’ to be Brown’s P . incana. I t is there stated that the true P . nivea has imbricated leaves, with almost
sessile anthers; but this is not the ease with Labillardicre’s figure o f P . nivea nor our specimens.— An upright,
twiggy bush, 3 -5 feet higb. Branches slender; branchlets, leaves below, and flowers densely clothed with soft,
white, woolly pubescence. Leaves very variable in form, short, -4-4 inch long, orbicular or oblong or linear-
oblong, rounded or cordate at the base, always spreading, very coriaceous, perfectly glabrous above, margins recurved,
Capitula terminal, large, many-flowered. Floweis white or pink. Perianth longer tban the leaves, slender.
Filaments slender.
6 . Pimelea sericea (Br. Prodr. 3 6 1 ) ; fruticulus 1 -2 -p ed a lis , ramulis foliisque subtus argenteo-
s en c e is mtidis, folus imbricatis e lliptic is ovatisve, capitulis terminalibus erectis densifloris, perianthii tubo
e lon gato s en c eo folus longior e segmentis lato-elongatis, fllamentis gracilibus, albumine copioso.— Hetero-
læna sericea, C. A . M e y e r in B u lle t. Acad. S t. P e te rsb . iv . 7 1 . {Gunn, 2 8 8 .)
I Ia b . Summits o f all the mountains, elev. 3 - 4 0 0 0 feet.— (Fl. N o v .-J a n .) (». v.)
A veiy beautiful spedes, fonning a small, branched bush, 1 -2 feet high, the branches densely covered with
elbptical or ovate, imbricating leaves, about 4 inch long, glabrous above, beneath densely clothed with very shinincr
süvery hairs. Capitula large, erect, many-flowered. Perianths silky, longer than the leaves.
^ 7 . Pimelea cinerea (Br. Prodr. 3 6 1 ) ; “ foliis lanc eolato-oblongis planis subtus incanis supra g labris,
floralibus capitulo paucifloro longior ibus, perianthu tubo ovato persistenti, fruc tu exsu cco.”— Dr. I. c.
H a b . Tasmania, Brown.
Of t b s species I know nothing; it is placed betweeu P . .ericea, whicli has terminal capitula, aud P . dmpacea
m which they are spuriously axillaiy, and may be best distingnished by the leaves being laneeolate-ohloiig. and
hoary beneath, and the tube of the perianth persistent.
§ 5. Leaves all !, glabrou, or ¡paringlg p ih se . F lm om in te rm im l cofUuda, u r n m d e d by evident bracts,
forming a conspicuous involucre. Fruit d iy .
8. Pimelea ligustrina (Lab. N o v . H o ll. i. 9. t. 3) ; frutex orgyalis glaberrimus, ramis ramubsque
gracillimis, fohis amplis vams oblongis lineari- v. oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis acutis acuminatisve membra-
naceis subtus glaucescentibus, capitulis magnis g lob o sis multifloris pedunculatis, bracteis 4, late ovatis
c ibatis m tus pubescentibus perianthio elongato medio articulato sericeo brevioribus, rachi breviter vibosa
fllamentis g r a c ilib u s .-® r . P r o i r . 3 6 0 . Calyptrostegia bgnstrina, C. A . M e y e r in B u lle t. Acad. S t. Fetersb
IV. 7 1 . P. bypencma, A . Cunn. in B o t. M a g . t. 3 3 3 0 . P . elata, M u e ll. M S S . ; Me isn . in l in n æ a xxvi
8 4 8 . [Gunn, 3 .)
H a b . Commou in dense, humid forests, chiefly in the northern part o f the Islan d .— (PI. D e c .)
D i s t e i s . Victoria, M u e lle r, etc. ; N ew South Wales, Bronm.
Much the largest-leaved species o f the genus, and Gunn says the most beautiful o f the Tasmaman ones; it is
readily distinguished by its size, glabrous, slender stems, and large, membranous, veined leaves, that vary from 1 -2
mches long, aud from oblong to linear-lanceolate, and by the peduncled, globose, involúcrale heads of verv nume
rous, crowded flowers.
9 . Pimelea flava (Br. Prodr. 3 6 1 ) ; fruticulus erectus dioicus, ramulis puberulis gracillimis foliis
parvis obovatis orbiculatisve obtusis (sicco viridibus) glaberrimis dorso carinatis, capitubs term ilab b u s
e rectis, bracteis 4 late obovatis orbiculatisve glaberrimis, perianthiis medio artieulatis parvis «ericéis —
Calyptrostegia flava, C. A . M e y e r in B u lle t. Aead. S t. P etersb. iv. 7 1 . {Ounn, 6 2 2 .)
H-IE. In poor clay soil, but n o t commou ; Hobarton, Georgetown, and on the east coast, Gunu.— {v. v.)
D i s t e i b . S outh coast o f Austraba, B r o w n ; N ew South Wales, Cunningham.
A very delicate and pretty little plant, about 2 feet high, with slender, twiggy, erect, pubescent branches and
small, opposite, obovale or orbicular, suberect, glabrous leaves, abont ineh long; they turn vreen in diyiiiv
ami have a prominent costa below. CayitAa small, sessfle, terminal, ereet, with four large, hroad. involucral leave!'
Flowers yellow, dioecious, smaU. Perianth short, süky.
1 0 . P im e l e a c e r n n a (Br. Prodr. 3 5 9 ) ; fruticulus glaber erectus, ramis gracilibus glaberrimis, foliis
im ean-spatliulatls oblougis v. lauceolatis subacutis 1-nerviis marginibus plauis, capitulis multifloris termi
uahbus e cn im s, bracteis 4 ovatis acutis glabris capitulo æquilongis brevioribusve, periautbiis sericeo-pilosis.
’ ■ 4 a