
agree with Grevillea, differing chiefiy in babit, the deciduous style, and more winged seed. (Named in honour of
Baron Hake, a German patron o f science.)
1. H ak ea E p ig lo ttis (Lab. N o v . H o ll. i. 3 0 . t. 4 0 ) ; glaberrima v. sericeo-puberula, foliis teretibus
ascendentibus pun gen tib u s (1 -3 -p o llic a r ib u s ) basi attenuatis esulcatis, fasciculis axiUaribus sub-4-floris,
perianthiis parvis pedice llisque æ q uilongis albo-sericeis, capsula refracta semiluuari glabro Itevi apice incurvo
acuminato carinato, semine semiluuari nucleo oblique obovato ala terminali obovata obtusa breviore.—
Br. P r o d r . 3 8 2 ; L in n . Trans, x. 1 7 9 ; M e isn . in D C . P ro d r . x iv. 3 9 5 . Hakea Milligani, Me isn. in Hook.
■Journ. B o t. iv. 2 0 7 , anno 1 8 5 2 . {Gunn, 7 2 9 , 1 2 3 5 .)
H a b . Common in various parts o f the Islan d , ascending to 3 0 0 0 feet.— (F l. Oct.) (y. v .)
D i s t r i b . S ou th -ea st A u stra lia ; Y ic io x ia , Rohertson. (Cultivated in En g lan d .)
I have examined the H . Milligani in tlie Linnæan Society’s Herharium, and cannot perceive that it differs
from H . Epiglottis. A common and veiy vaiiable species, growing from 5 -1 0 feet high, wholly glabrous or
sjiaringiy covered with appressed silky hairs.— Leaves 1 - 3 inches long, usually curving upward, quite terete, rigid
and pungent, rarely erect and rather flexuose, sometimes rigidly patent, neither grooved nor striate. Flowei-s in
siuaU axillary fascicles, four to six together ; pedicels and perianth w ith white or inifous silky hairs. Capsules w oody,
somewhat like a letter S iu shape, being suddenly bent down, witb the point acuminate, as suddenly turned hi, very
woody, somewhat compressed, inch long, grey or reddish ; back quite smooth or roughish. Seed black, nucleus
shorter than the wing.
2 . H ak ea pugioniformis (Cav. An n . H is t. N a t. i. 2 1 3 ; I c . vi. p. 2 4 . t . 5 3 3 ) ; foliis p atentibus
a sc endentibusve teretibus acuininato-puugeutibus (1 -2 -p o llica r ib u s) exsulcis basi attenuatis ramulisque g la bris
V. appresse m inute sericeis, fasciculis axillaribus racemosis sericeis viUosisve sub-8-floris, capsula recta
ovato-lanceolata in rostrum rectum pugioniforme sensim attenuata infra medium transverse echinato-cris-
tata, seminis n uc leo obovato tuberculato ala terminali æquilata dimidio breviore.— B r . P ro d r . 3 8 1 ; L in n .
T rans, x . 1 7 8 ; Cav. Ic . 5 3 3 ; L o d d . B o t. Cab. 3 5 3 ; Reichenb. M a g . t. 2 3 ; M e isn . in DC. P ro d r . x iv. 3 9 8 .
{Gunn, 7 3 1 .)
Ykr. a . s e r ic e a ; racemo sericeo.— M e isn . I .e .
Ykr. /3. h ir su ta ; racemo viUoso.— M e isn . I .e .
H a b . Common in many parts o f the Island, iu poor soil ; Yorktown, Flinder s’ Islan d , Georgetown,
Hobarton, e tc .— (F l. J an .) {v. v.)
D i s t r i b . S outh-easte rn A u stra lia ; N ew South Wale s and Victoria. (Cultivated in En g lan d .)
A small, sparingly branched shrub, 2 - 4 feet high, a good deal similar in foliage to H . E piglottis, but the leaves
are shorter and more strict.— Flowers more numerous, racemose, and densely silky or villous, and the iruit straight,
conica], and swollen below, gradually tapering into a rigid, pungent apex ; it is transversely crested about the
broadest part, and contains one black seed, with a short ridge or prominence in the nucleus, and a flat blunt iving.
3 . H ak ea microcarpa (Br. Prodr. 3 8 3 ) ; foliis {1 -3 -p o llica r ib u s ) Unearibus teretibus passim planis
attenuato-puDgentibus ramulisque glabris infimis v. plantis junioribus omnibus planis marginibus incrassatis,
pedicellis perianthiisque æquilongis glaberrimis, capsula 4 ~ 2 -poHicari oblonga obtusa v. acuta compressa
basi attenuata, calcaribus brevissimis deciduis, seminis nucleo lævi margine basique áptero ala terminali
nucleo latiore et lon g io r e .— B r . in L in n . Trans, x. 1 8 2 ; L o d d . B o t. Cab. t. 2 1 9 ; B o t. R eg . 4 7 5 ; Me isn.
in B C . P r o d r . x iv. 4 0 0 .
Var. a . Tasinanica (Meisn. 1. c .) ; pedicellis fructiferis ten u ib u s, capsula minore brevi su b -4 longa
atrofusca, valvis coriaceis. {G u n n , 2 0 , 2 1 0 .)
Var. fl. B a th u r s tia n a (Meisn. I . e . ) ; pedicellis fructiferis incrassatis, capsula majore oblonga su b -4
unc. lon g a pallidiore, valvis lign o sis. {Gunn, 2 0 0 1 .)
P r o t e a c e a ? ] FLOEA OF TASMANIA. 3 2 5
H a b . Common, especially on gravelly banks o t rivers, asoemiing to ,3000 feet. Var. /3, Flinders'
Island, Gunn.— (F l. N o v .) (a. v .)
D is t iu b . Var. /3. N ew Sou th W a le s and Victoria. (Cultivated in England.)
A shrub, 2 -5 feet high. Lmvee of the young plants flat, very narrow, linear, acuminate and pungent, 1 -4
inches long, with thick margius; o f the old p k n ts terete and pnngent. Cuptule small, of two coriaceous oblong
valves, each ivith a deciduous spur on the hack. In var. ¡3 the capsules are krger and more woody.
4 . Hakea acicularis (Br. Prodr. 3 8 3 ) ; arbórea, foliis erectis patulisve 1 -1 4 -p o llica r ib u s teretibus
acuminato-pungentibus basin versus subtns sulcatis se ssilibus basi non attenuatis ramulisque glabris, fascicu
lis 3 -5 -ilo r is , pedicellis gracilibus sericeis perianthiisque glaberrimis, capsula crassa ovata ru goso-tube reu-
lata superne gibba apice compressa recta v. breviter hamata e t obscure bicalcarata, seminis nucleo tuberculato
alato, ala nucleo duplo longiore secus latus inferius seminis producta.— B r . in L in n . Trans, x. 1 8 1 ;
Reichenhach, M a g . t. 2 4 ; E n i t . Icon. t. 2 4 ; Me isn. in B C . F ro d r. xiv. 4 0 1 . Conebidinm acicnbare.
Vent. M a lm . t. 1 1 1 . {Gunn, 2 0 0 0 .)
H a b . Cape Barren and Flinders’ Island, in Bass’ Straits, M illig a n , Gunn.— { i ' l Oct.)
D i s t e i b . New Sonth Wale s and Victoria. (Cultivated in E ngland.)
A small busby tree. Branches and leaves glabrous, lea v e s patent or erect, about 1 iuch long, terete, pungent,
sessile by a broad, slightly decurreut base, obscurely grooved below near the base. Flowers glabrous, on
slender silky pedicels. Fruit rather large, nearly au inch loug, very thick, rough, with shallow hollows and bliml
ridges, bhmt, or with a slightly incurved poiut. Seed with a tubercled nucleus ; wring on one side produced into
a broad terminal expansion.
5. Hakea lissosperma (Br. Prodr. 3 8 2 ) ; subarborea, foliis jumor ibus ramulisque incano-sericeis,
foliis (2-4-p ollioarib u s) teretibus paulo incurvis pnngenti-acummatis basi attenuatis exsnlcis glabris, pedic
ellis sericeis perianthio glaberrimo brevioribus æquilongisve, capsula majuscula ventricoso-ovata gibbosa
obtusa subrngosa rimosa brevissime bicalcarata, valvis crasse lign o sis, seminis ala obovata obtusa hinc
secus nucleum lævem decurrente,— in L in n . Traus. i . 1 8 0 ; Me isn . in B C . P ro d r. x iv. 4 0 1 . {Gunn
6 3 6 .)
H a b . Subalpine situations, common, 2 - 4 0 0 0 fe e t.— (F l. N o v .) { v .v .)
This fine species is confined to Tasmania, nnd is the largest o f all, attaining a height ot 12 feet ; it is also the
longest-leaved, aud has the largest capsules.- -Leaves 2 - 4 inches long, terete, subflexnoiis, pungent, narrowed at the
base. Capsule J - 1 inch long, very tliick nnd woody ; the valves oblong, gibbous, subaeute, rough on the baek, obtusely
spurred towards the apex. Reeds with a smooth black nucleus, aud a wring o f about the same length as the
uueieus, and produced down one o f its sides.
Gen. IX . O R IT E S , Dr.
D/ore® spicati. Pe rian th ium tetrapiiyllum, regulare, foliolis apice recurris. supra medium
toliolorum inserta; antheris subsessilibus. Glandulte h yp o g yn a 4 , liberæ, breves. Ovarium sessile, 1-
loculare, 2-ovu!atnm ; sty lo iiliformi, strioto ; stigm a te verticali, obtuso. Follicu lu s coriaceus, loculo sub-
ccntrali 2-spermo. Semina erecta, apice vel utrinque alata.— F rutices ; foliis a ltem is , in teg e rrim is denta-
t is v e ; spicis ir e v k u s , a x illa rih u s te rm in a libu sv e ; floribus geminis, p e r p a r ia l-b ra c tea tis.
A small genus of mountain plants, consisting o f s is species, of whicli oue is found on the mountains o f New
Soutli Wales, and the others ou those o f South-eastern Australia aud Tasmama ; all hut the New South Wales
species form low hushes, with alternate, flat or terete leaves, and terminal or axillary spikes. Flowers geminate,
witli one bract ot the base of each pair. Perianth of four linear leaflets, with recurved apices, which bear sessile
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