
H ab. Abundant thron gh on t the Islan d , growing in bo th wot and dry places, asc ending to 4000 feet.
(F l. O c t.-J a n .) (v . v .)
D is t b ib . Monntams o f N ew South W a le s and V ic to r ia ; N ew Zealand.
A most abmidant and extremely rariable plant, amongst whose fonns IL . Gnnn has Mlherlo found it impossible
to dislmgnish more than one speeies. It is equally common and variable in New Zealand, where another
species (or perhaps variety), 0 . a«™», g iw s , which is only distingidshaWe by the perennial root. In the New
Zealand Flora I have qnoted ff. fU ,r o ,ym idm nnder G. aaxom, supposmg that some o t its more robust fonns were
perenmai ; bnt I now suspect that all tlie Tasmaman forms are truly aiiiiiial.— A slender or robust herb, 6 incbes
to 2 feet high. S tam generally very nmnerous, aud branohiug from the root, erect or aseending. S a i im l hmea
rosnlate, ohovate-spathulate, bhmt; caiilhie more ovate or elbptical. F h w en peduncled, i - l inch long, white or
bine, or white and stnped with blue, sometimes more or less pink-pmple, or yeUowish in the tnbe o t the eoroUa
Cafyw-lobes Imear or Knear-snhibate. O ro llu snbrotate or broocUj campanulate, sometimes hardly longer than the
calyx, at others veiy much longer ; its lohes narrow or broad.
Gen. IV . V IL L A R S IA , Frnt.
C a lyx 5-par titns, Corolla subrotata, hmbo pateiite 5-partito, lac iniis disco piano basi barbato v. squa-
mnloso, margtnibns æstivatione indexis. S tam in a 6 . OoaHum 1-loenlare, basi glandulis 5 instructnm.
S ty lm l S tiym a 2 -lobum, lob is dentetis. Capouta nniloetdaris, b iv a lv is; seminibns exalatis, placentis
sntnrabbns in s e itis .— HeThæp e rm n e o ,p a lm lr e o ; foliis a liem u ,p e tio la tis , in te g r is ; floribus corywiosis.
Fonr species o f this genus are known, and are remarkably dispersed, tivo inbabiting Western N o ilb America
one the Cape of Good Hope, and one Anstiaba. Ab are marsh plants, witb alternate, petiolate, radical l e a v e s .-
Lalyx five-parted. Corolla rotate, with a spreading five-parted bmb, which is inflexed in æstivation. Stamen, five
mserted on tbe coroba. C a r y witb five hjpogynons glands. onc-reUed, with two parietal placentæ and a persis!
tent style, f t p » * two-valved ; seeds n nm e ro n s.-T h e Tasmanian species varies from 6 to 18 inches in height
and has creeping ihmomes, and long-petioled leaves that are fieshy, orbicular, reniform, or cordate Ftimer, in !
pamcle or qmic, yellow; segments ot the coroba bearded at the base, and fringed at the margin. (Named in
honour o f Dominique Villars, an eminent French botanist.)
1 . V illa r sia pamassiifoUa (Br. Prodr. 4 6 7 ) ; foliis lo n g e petiolatis orbionlatis cordatisve carnosis
integerrimis v . angnlato-dentatis, ramis cymm divaricatis v. ascendentibus, corollæ Inteæ in tu s basi barbatæ
segm en tis margine fimbriatis in tu s ecristatis.— GnaeS. in B C . F r o ir . ix . 1 8 6 . V . reniformis B r I c
Swertia parnassifolia, L a b . N o v . HoU. i. 7 2 . t. 9 7 . Menyanthes exaltata, S ims, B o t. Mag. 1 . 1 0 2 9 .' (Gunn,
7 1 7 , 1 2 1 6 .) ’
H ab. A bmidant in marshes and lakes, ascending to 3 0 0 0 feet elevation.— (Fl. N o v .-J a n .)
D i s t e i b . S outh-eastern and South-western Australia. (Introdnced in to England.)
Brown separates the reniform-leaved variety of this plant as V. reniformia, remarking that it is too nearly aflied
to r parmamifoha, which he further describes as a polymorphous plant. Gnnn considers that these arc two perfectly
distinct species, and observes that one has floating leaves, and grows in lakes; the other has erect leaves, and
grows m marshes only, near Georgetown, flowering a month earlier than the other. Gnnn’s two fom s are not,
however, Brown’s ; and a comparison ot a nnmerous suite o f Austraban forms seems to leave no doubt that Grisebach
IS n gh t in uniting them. The plants vary from 6 to 1 8 inches high, and the leaves trom i to 2 inches long
and from broadly reniform to oblong-cordate.
Gen. V . L IP A E O P I IY L L UM , H o o t f t .
Calyx profonde 6-fldus. Corolla subrotata, limbo patente 5-partito, laciniis imberbibus disco piano
H a b . Common on sand-hills at Circular Head, also on th e Hampshire H ills , Gnnn ; IVestern Moun-
tains, Archer.— (I'l. S e p t.-N o v .)
This differs from P . varia in its smaller size, broader, spreading leaves, more slender, ascending scapes, and
shorter spikes ; the base of the petiole and peduncle are also less bearded. Decaisne describes the lobes o f the
corolla as having a dark spot at their base, a character which I find also in some specimens of P . va ria ; the peduncles
vary in length from being as long as, to twice as long as, the leaves. Some of Ai’cher’s specimens are almost
intermediate between this, P . varia and P . Antarctica, and agree with Decaisne’s P . runcinata.
b. Bracts and sepals glabrous.
3 . P l a n t a g o A n t a r c t i c a (Dene, in DC. Prodr. x iii. 7 0 3 ) ; foliis lanceolatis obtusis integerrimis re-
pando-denticulatisve 3 -5 -tie rv iis utrinque hispidis tomentosisve in p ètiolum brevissimum attenuatis subses-
silibus, pedunculis folia duplo v. lo n g e superantibus gracilibus pubescentibus erectis, spicis cylindraceis
ovatisve densifloris, bracteis subdeltoideis glaberrimis calyce parum brevioribus, folio lis calycinis rotundatis
subæqualibus glaberrimis, corollæ lobis rotundato-cordatis acutiusculis lineóla media basique fuscis, capsula
abortu 2-sperma, piacentario obtuso.— Affinis P . variæ, s e d flo re s gla b e rrim i. [Gunn, 1 9 9 7 .)
H a b . Tasmania, Terreaux ; Marshes o f St. Patrick’s River, north-east o f Launc eston, G u n n ; Chesh
u n t, Archer.— (Fl. De c .)
Very similar to some states o f P . bellidioides, but with shorter petioles, and almost sessile, elliptical-lanceolate
leaves, 8 -5 inches long, densely pubescent, villous or naked at the base. Peduncles long, slender, pubescent.
Spikes 4 -2 inches long, quite like those of P . varia, but with usually glabrous bracts and calyces.— 1 find occasionally
a few bail's on the calyx.
4 . P l a n t a g o A r c h e r i (Hook, fil.) ; foliis stellatim patentibus obovato-spathulatis obtusis integerrimis
molliter tomentosis basi barbatis, pedunculis villosis, spica ovato-cylindracea densiflora, bracteis cymbiformibus
glaberrimis carnosis margimbus anguste membranaceis ciliatis calycem æquantibus, sepalis oblongis
acuminatis glaberrimis margine late membranaceis, corollæ lob is parvis an gu ste ovatis acuminatis linea
fusca lata.
H a b . We stern Mountains, near Cumming’s Head, Archer.
A remarkable, bistmet, and singular little species. Perenmai,— t o a c a appressed to the gixmnd, | - l i inch
long, shortly petioled. spathibate-obloiig, qnite entire, densely covered with a soft, grey-green tomentum ou hoth
surfaces, quite enth-e, blnnt. coriaceons, nerveless, tbe petioles witb sflky, villons hairs at the base. Feiunelea
shorter than the leaves, bnt probably variable in length, vibons witb long hairs. Spihe i inch long, cybndi-ical,
ovate. Ilmcers crowded, very smab. Braeta glnbvous, coriaceous or almost camose, reddish on the sides ot the
back, with a narrow, membranons, cUi.ate margin. Calyx qnite glabrous. Petals with small, acnminate, fuscous
lobes.— I have seen only two specimens o f this species, and some allowance tor variation imiat hence be allowed to
the description.
5. P l a n t a g o T a sm a n i c a (N ob . in Loud. Journ. B o t. vi. 2 7 6 ) ; foliis lanceolatis obovato-lanceolatis
spathulatisve integerrimis v. sinuato-dentatis 1-nerviis, pedunculis graciiibus ascendentibus sparse pubescentibus,
spicis ovatis cyliiidraceisve, bracteis ovato-deltoidcis calyce brevioribus glabratis marginibus ciliatis,
sepalis subacutis glaberrimis, corollæ lobis acuminatis, capsulæ loculis 2-spermis.
Y'^ar. a ; foliis utrinque b ispido-pilosis tomentosisve basi sericeo-barbatis, corollæ lob is lanceolatis.—
R. Tasmanica, Noh. I. c. ; Bene, in B C . P ro d r. xiii. 7 0 3 . [Gunn, 8 6 6 .)
Ybar. fl. g la b r a ta ; foliis lanceolatis dentatis glabratis basi nudis, pedunculis folio ter longior ibus,
spic is ovatis, corollæ lobis orbiculavi-ovatis.— P . glabrata. Nob. I. c. ; Bene. I. c. [Gunn, 1 2 2 8 .)
Var. 7 - B a lto n i; foliis glabrioribus elliptico- v. lineari-lanceolatis lon g iu s petiolatis basi barbatis,
i ;
/ I
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