
63. S cabiosa a tro-pu rpu rea, L. Thoroughly e stablished a t Melbourne, Adamson. (South
Europe, garden plan t.)
G4. B e ilis L . Tasmama, in old gardens only. (B r ita in .)
65. Conyza ambigua, D C . (Europe, fields aud waste p laces.)
6 6 . E r ige ron Canadensis, L . U b iq u itou s. (U n it e d S ta te s.)
67. B id eu s tid p a r tita , L . (B r ita in .)
6 8 . Chrysanthemum segetum, L . (B r ita in , w eed o f cultu r e .)
6 9 . S iege sbe ckia o rien ta lis, L . U b iq u itou s weed o f tropics. (In d ia .)
70. E cb p ta ere cta, L . U b iq u itou s w e ed o f tropics. (In d ia.)
71. G a lm so g a p « r r /o r ff , Cav. N ew Sou th W a le s . (South America.)
7 2 . Pyre thrum L . Tasmania. (B r ita in , w eed o f c u ltivation .)
A 73. A n th em is C(?iu7a, L . V ic tor ia. (Britain, we ed o f cultivation. )
74. Gnaphalium luteo-album, L . Form s a dense crop on n ew ly turned-up land, to th e e x c lu sion
o f eve ry th in g e lse . (U b iq u itou s.)
7 5 . Cryptostemma calendulaceum, Br . Abundant a t P e rth, H a rv e y . (S ou th Africa.)
76. Carthamus tin c to riu s, L . (India, cu lt.)
A 77. Onopordon A c a n tU um , L . (S ou th Europe, cult.)
A 78. Cnieus 7aneeo?a?í¿s, L . F ou n d at Melbourne, b u t has n o t spread much, A p e st in
Tasmania. (B ritain, fields and roadsides.)
A 79. Cnicus arve tisis, Hoffm. A lso a p e s t in Tasmania. (B r ita in , fields and roadsides.)
80. Cnicus p a lu s tr is , W illd . Common in Tasmania. (B r ita in , meadows, e tc .)
8 1 . Carduus Mai-ianus, L ., has spread amazingly alon g th e great road up-cou n try, and at
Melbourne, preferring th e r ich est soils, Adams. A lso a p e s t in T asmania, H a rv ey . (S ou th
Eu rop e .)
82. Cynara Scolymus, L . (S o u th Europe.)
A 83. Centaurea so lstitia lis, L . Victoria. V e r y abundant in ce rtain places, b u t never far from
cultivation, Adams. (South Europe, fields and waste places.)
8 4 . T ragopogón p o rrifo lium , L . Victoria. (S ou th Europe, fields and waste places.)
85. Lapsana L . S o th o rou gh ly introduc ed in to Tasmama as to b e apparently indige nous,
Gunn. (Br itain, fields.)
8 6 . H ypochoeris glah-a, L . Victoria, Tasmania. (Br itain, fields.)
A 87. Taraxacum Hens-leonis, D e sf. V ic tor ia, common. (B r ita in , ubiquitous in cultivated
ground, e tc .)
Sonchus asper, ViU. V ic tor ia, Tasmama. (B r ita in , ubiquitous in cultivated ground, etc.)
Sonchus oleraceus, L . Growing everywhere, ev en on th e roofs o f houses in Melbourne,
Adamson. (Br itain, u biquitous in cu ltivated ground, e tc .)
Sonchus arvensis, L . (Br itain, u biquitous in cu ltivated ground, e tc .)
Apargia autumnalis, YViUd. (Br itain, ubiquitous in cu ltivated ground, e tc .)
Z a n th ium spinosum, L . F ir s t observed in A pr il, 1857, in isolated patches near Melhourne.
I am informed th a t i t also first appeared in g r eat quan titie s in th e pr e sen t year, a t Quecns-
cliff, near th e H ead s, Adamson.
Gorteriæ sp e c ie s ? Spreading w ith gr eat rapidity around Melbourne ; growing 2 - 3 fe e t
high, and de stro y in g all oth e r veg e ta tion . F or tu n ate ly c a ttle are very fond o f it, Adamson.
(Cape o f Good H o p e .)
M e lissa officinalis, L. (South Europe, hedge s, e tc .)
Origanum vulgare, L . (Britain, hedges and waste places.)
Marrubium vulgare, L . (Britain, fields and roadsides.)
A 8 8 .
A 89.
A 90.
A 91.
A 92.
A 94.
A 95.
A 96.
97. Stachys arvensis, L . (B r ita in , fields and roadside s.)
98. Echium violaceum, L. N ew South W a le s. (S o u th Europe, waste p laces.)
99. L ithospermum arvense, L . Tasmania. (B ritain, w eed o f cultu r e .)
100. Echinospermum L a p p u la , Sw. (S ou th Europe.)
101. Verbena Bon arien sis, L. N ew South W a le s. (S ou th America.)
102. Solanum Sodomceum, L. (S ou th Europe.)
103. Da tu ra T atu la, L . (S ou th Europe.)
104. Verbascum B la tta ria , L . (Britain, waste p laces.)
105. Verbascum virgatum, W ith . (B r ita in .)
106. Celsia Crética, L. (S ou th Europe.)
107. Ye ron ica .p e reg rin a , L . (S ou th Europe.)
108. Veronica se rp y llifo lia , L. (B rita in , fields and waste p laces.)
109. AnagaUis arvensis, L . Common on cultivated ground, and has also spread into native
pastures, Adamson. (B r ita in , weed o f cu ltivation .)
P lantago major, L . (Br ita in , weed o f cultivation.)
Plan ta g o lanceolaia, L . (B r ita in , weed o f cultivation.)
Plan ta g o Coronopus, L . Tasmama. (B r ita in , generally maritime.)
P olygonum Convolvulus, L . Victoria, Tasmama. (B rita in , weed o f c ultivation.)
P olygonum aviculare, L . Ve ry abundant about V ic tor ia. 1 have se en newly turued-up
soil covered w ith a th ick m a ttin g o f it. Cattle eat it with avidity, Adamson. (B ritain,
weed o f cultivation.)
E um ex Ac etose lla, L. This often monopolizes th e pastures about Melbourne, to th e eutire
ex c lu sion o f th e Grasses, Adamson. (B ritain, w eed o f ciátiv a tion .)
B um ex crispus, L. (B ritain, weed o f cultivation.)
U r tic a dioica, L . Only se en a t Melbourne where houses are or have been, Adamson.
(B rita iu , chiefiy near bouses.)
A 110.
A 111.
A 113.
A 114.
A 116.
A 117.
118. U r tic a tirens, L . (B r ita in , chiefiy near houses.)
119. Chenopodium v irid e , L. Tasmania. (Britain, chiefly near houses.)
1 2 0 . A trip lex patula, L . (Br itain, chiefly maritime.)
121. Euphorbia helioscopia, L. (Br itain, weed o f cultivation.)
122. Alope curus y ewicw/flíííí, L . (Br itaiu, weed o f cultivation.)
123. Autlioxanthum odoratum, L . (B rita in , weed o f c ultivation.)
124. Phalaris minor, B e tz . (S ou th Europe, weed.)
A 125. Phalaris Canariensis, L. (S ou th Europe, weed.)
A 126. H o lcu s lanatus, L . (Britain, weed.)
A 127. P olypogou Monspeliensis, D e sf. (South Europe, waste places.)
128. A v e n a L. (B rita iu , weed o f cultivation.)
A 129. D a e ty lis yZojHEmtii, L . (B rita in , fields aud waste p laces.)
A 130. Poa annua, L . Ubiquitous. (B r ita in , we ed o f cultivation.)
A 131. 'Bnza media, L . Victoria, Tasmauia. (B rita in , weed o f cultivation.)
132. Briza minor, L. (Br ita in , weed o f eultivatiou.)
133. F e stu ca L. Ubiquitous. (Britaiu, w e ed o f cultivation.)
A 134. Bromus s te rilis, L . Victoria. (B r ita in , weed o f cultivation.)
A 135. Bromus commutatus, L . Victoria. (Br itain, weed o f cultivation.)
A 136. Lolium perenne, L. Victmna, Tasmania. (Britain, weed o f cultivation.)
A 137. Lolium tcmulentum, L. Victoria. (Br itain, weed o f eultivatiou.)
138. 1-lordeum murinum, L . Victoria. (B ritain, roadsides.)
139. Lepturus incurvatus, L. Victoria, Swau River. (Br ita in , salt-marsh.)