Disteib. Vic to r ia : Mou n t YVellington, ilfwe??er; N ew Zealand.
Y-'erj’ imiike any of the preceding species, and easily recognized hy its small size, and large, sohtary, axiUary
flowers. I had long considered it to be specifically different from the New Zealand L . Frazeri, but find that the
characters I distinguished these by, namely the venation o f the leaves and length o f the coroUa, are not constant.
A verj' smaU species, 4 - 8 inches high, with slender, why, prostrate stems, and ereet or ascending branches, 2 -3
mches long. Leaves scattered, loosely imbricated, 4 inch long, 4 broad, coriaceous, flat, lauceolate or oblong-lan.
ceolate, with a very long, pungent, acuminate point. Sepals oblong, blunt, twice as long as the ovate bracts, and
only half as long as the tube o f the corolla. CoroUa erect, as long as the leaves. Drtipe three- to five-ceUcd.
Gen. V I I . M ONOTOCA, B r .
C a lyx 2-bracteatus. Corolla infundibuliformis, limbo fauceque imberbibus. D iscu s hypogynus cyathiformis.
Ovarium 1-loculare, 1-ovulatum. D ru p a baccata.— F rútice s «. arbusculæ; foliis s p a r s is ; spicis
a x illa r ib u s terminalibusque, p a u c iflo ris ; lloribus p a r v is , a lb is, in terdum defe c tu organorum dioic is.
This is another smaU genus o f Epacrideæ, ve iy closely allied to Leucopogon, but differing in the glabrous coroUa,
and structure o f the ovary, which is oue-eeUed only, and the drupe consequently is only one-seeded. The
species, o f which there are about eight, are all confined to extratropical Austraha, aud so closely resemble Leucopogon
that it is difficult to discriminate them without dissecting the ovaiy. (Name from povos, one, and to k o s , a
birth ; in aUusion to the one-ovuled ovaiy.)
1 . Monotoca lineata (Brown, Prodr. 5 4 7 ) ; arbuscula, ramulis gracilibus puberulis, foliis p atentibus
rigidis obovatis ob lon g is lineari-oblongis linearibusve acutis acuminatisve pun gen tib u s subtus glaucis
multinerviis planis marginibusve recurvis, sp ic is nutantibus axillaribus folio m ultoties brevioribus, rachi
puberula, bracteis deciduis, floribus minimis.— D G P ro d r . vii. 7 5 5 . Styphelia glauca, L ab. N o v . H o ll i
4 6 . t. 6 1 . {Gunn, 3 0 0 , 1 1 9 8 .)
H a b . A bundant on th e skirts o f damp forests, etc .— (Fl. Oct.) {v. v.)
Disteib. South-eastern Australia : Victoria, M u e lle r. (Introduced into England.)
A large shrub or smaU tree, 5 -1 5 feet high, with slender, spreading branches, and puberulous branchlets, varying
a good deal in habit.— Zeace® exceedingly variable in size and figure, 4 - I 4 inch long, i - i inch broad, linear,
hnear-oblong, oblong-lanceolate, or obovate-oblong, acuminate with a pungent mucro, glaucous below, with many
paraUel nerves. Spikes axUlaiy, very short, nodding, two- to five-fiowered. Flowers minute, often unisexual.
Sepals very broad, blunt. Drupe oblong, rather fleshy.
2 . Monotoca empetrifolia (Br. Prodr. 5 4 7 ) ; fruticulus, caule prostrato ramoso, ramis adseenden-
tibus, folus divaricatis reflexisve ovali-oblongis mucronatis valde coriaceis convexis marginibus recurvis
subtus glaucis, spicis axillaribus nutantibus 2 -3 -flo r is , bracteis persistentibus, floribus hermaphroditis.—
D G P r o d r . vii. 7 5 6 . {Gunn, 7 1 5 e t 8 1 4 .)
Hab. N o t uncommon on th e loftier mountains, elev. 3-5000 feet, as on Mount YVellington and at
Lak e St. Clair.— (F l. N o v .) {v. v.)
A smaU species, 1 2 -1 8 inches high, with prostrate, woody stem, and short, ascending branches, 4 - 8 inches
high, the branchlets pubescent.— Leaves patent or deflesed, smaU, short, very convex, deep green, shining, 4 inch
long, Iinear-oblong, ivith a rigid, pungent mucro, glaucous below, nerveless or with three to five stout nerves.
Spikes short, nodding, two- or three-flowered. BracU persistent. Flowers rather lai-ger than in M. lineata. Drupes
hke those of ilZ lineata.
Gen. V I I I . A CRO TK ICH E , B r.
infundibuliformis, limbi lobis apice barba deflexa. Calyx 2-bracteatus. Corolla D iscu s cyathiformis,
25 3
sublobatns, D ru p a subbaccata; putamine 6-Ioculari, celluIoso— P rutices humiles, ram m is s im i; ramis s x .
p tu s A v a r m t u : foliis sp a rsh , p le r isq u e speciebus m u e rm a tia ; spicis late raUbus a xillaribusque , tre v ib u s :
floribus albis.
Acrotnche is a small genus o f Epacrideæ, ye iy closely allied to, and altogether resembling, Eeueopogon and
Uormtoca, but (Bffering in the cellular nut ot tbe drupe aud in the lobes o t the corolla, being neither yillous, as in
Leucopogm, nor naked, ns in Momtaca, bnt fai-nished w ith a deüeiíed peucfl o t hairs. Abont nine species are known,
of which most arc natives o f the south-western quarter of tbe continent. (Name from aepos, a poiut, and «pií, a
1. Acrotriche serrulata (Br. Prodr. 6 4 ? ) ; fruticulus hmnilis, canje prostrato, ramis ascendentibus,
folus patuhs lanceolatis vel an gu ste lin ear i-lanceoktis lon g e cnspidato-aeuminatis et pungentibus glabris
pilosisve subtus pallidis costa valida margimbus ciliato-serrulatis lævibusve, spicis axiïlaribus v. e lapsu
foliorum rameis folio æquilongis 3 -8 -f lo r is .— D C P ro d r . vii. 7 6 7 . Styphelia serrulata. L a b N o v H o ll
i. 4 6 . t. 6 2 . {Chmn, 1 9 2 .)
H ah . Common on dry bills th roughout the Colony.— (F l. Oct.) (r. v .)
Disteib. South-eastern Australia.
A smaU. spreading slimb, 6 -1 2 inches high, w ith a short, prostrate, woody stem, ascending brauches, and puberulous
branchlets.— Zifiue® patent, so acerose and pungent that the plant is not to be grasped with impunity; very
ngid» 4 - 4 inch long, lanceolate or nan-ow linear-lanceolate, attenuated into a fine, long, pungent apex, serrulate or
smootli on the margins, glabrous or h aiiy; under sm-face pale, with a stout midrib. Spikes axiUary, and on the
brauches below the leaves, patent, tlu-ee- to eight-flowered, about as long as the leaves. Sepals bluut, half as long
as the tube of the coroUa. Drupes veiy smaU, hardly succulent, ivith a spongy endocaiq>.
2 . A c ro tn ch e patula (Br. Prodr. 5 4 7 ) ; fruticulus, caule prostrato, ramis divaricatis, foliis p a ten tib
u s reflexisve ovato-lanceolatis lon g e cuspidato-acuminatis planis glaberrimis marginibus integerrimis subtu
s palhdis costa valida, spicis axillaribus 8 -8 -flo r is .— D G P ro d r. vii. 7 5 7 . {Gunn, 8 5 3 .)
H a b . Sand-hills near Circular Head and YVoolnorth, Gunn.— (F l. Oct.)
Disteib. Southern coast o f Australia, Broivn.
Very closely allied to A . serrulata, but differing in the more prostrate, spreading branches, which cover several
square feet of ground ; the leaves are more patidous, often reflexed, broader, aud perfectly glabrous, and have quite
entu-e margms. The flowers (wbich are green) and fruit are identical u ith those of A . serrulata, o f which plant
this may be a variety. Gunn indeed considers this, and not the preceding, to be identical with LabiUardière’s
Gen. IX . D E C A S PO E A , * .
Calyx bibracteatus. Corolla campanulata, limbo laxe barbato. S tam m a exserta. Squamula! 6 bypo-
gyrae. Ovarium 10-loculare, loculis l-o v n la tis. Dacca lO - 1 2 -p y r c iia .-P r u t ie e s p u lch ri, p r o s ir a ti, in c lin
â t,, r a n u s erecU ; folia sparsa, p e tio la ta , interdum d is tic h a : spicis p lerum qu e terminalibus, nutantibus ;
floribus alb is v. ru b r is ; baccis v iolace is pu rpu re isv e .
A very beaiitiñü gemís, almost eoiifined to Tasmania, but few species having been fonnd on the adjacent eonti-
neiit, and these only on the moimtains of Victorin._Glabrons shmbs. with slender branches and often disliehous
loaves. Stems slender, inclined or prostrato. rarely erect. Leaves very coriaceous. Ehseers red, in terminal (rarely
axillaiy), nodding spikes. Calyx bibraeteate. Corolla bell-shaped, its segments pilose. Stameiu exserted
Ova,y snrroimded w ith tell glands. ten-eeUed ; eefts one-ovuled. Em it a blue, snceident ben y, witb ten to twelve
small lints. (Name from StKo, ten, and crwopa, a seed)
. \