
ov hemispherical, with no ray. Involucral scales imbricating, as long as the flowers, erect or slightly patent, often
scanous. Receptacle flat, naked. Flowers verj' numerous, all slender and tubular ; the outer female, filiform, in
several series. Pappus o f one series of slender, seaberulous setæ. Achenia small, oblong, terete, often papillose.
(Nome from yvaifioXov, wool)
1 . Gnaphalium luteo-album (L in n . Sp. PI. 1 1 9 6 ) ; prectum, herbaceum, dense lanatum, caule sim-
p iici V. basi ramoso, ramis simplicibus la x e foliosis, foliis linear i-oblongis v . spathulatis linearibusve lineari-
lanceolatisve utrinque lanatis, capitulis subcapitatim corymbosis, involuc ri hemisphmrici squamis n itidis
fuscis V. flavescentibus.— DG. Pro&r. vi. 2 3 0 ; E n g l. B o t. t. 1 0 0 2 ; F L N . Z eal. i. 1 3 9 . G. moschatum,
A . Cunn. M S S . ; B C . P ro d r . vi. 3 3 6 . {Gunn, 4 1 , 4 0 9 .)
H a b . Abu n d an t in rocky places, and wet or dry pasture-laiid.— (PI. O c t.-J a n .) (r. v.)
D isT ia s . Throughout Australia, from north to south, and iu ail parts o f the world, tropical and temperate,
except the colder temperate aud polar regions. (A native o f E ngland.)
An extremely common and variable plant, so variable, indeed, that it is difficult to define it.—More or less
densely covered with soft, white, appressed tomentum. Stems 6 inches to 14 foot high, ascending or erect, stout
or slender, simple or branched (sometimes proliferously in the axils of the leaves). Capitula hemispherical, shining,
about 4 inch long, corymbose or almost capitate, sometimes corymbose above and collected in heads along the
lower parts of the stem or branches. Involucral scales golden-yellow or fuscous, shiniug.
2 . Gnaphalium involucratum (Forst. Prodr. 2 9 1 ) ; caule simplici v. e basi ramosissimo, ramis
strietis erectis foliatis simplicibus v. proliferis divisisque cauo-tomentosis lauatisve, foliis radicalibus paucis
omnibus an gu ste lin ear i-iigulatis lanceolatis spathulatisve acuminatis mucronatisve planis v. crispatis marg
in ib u s integerrimis sæpe recurvis supremis angustioribus subtus niveo-tomentosis superne glabratis, capitu
lis terminalibus v . ramulis brevissimis axillaribus densissime iu glomerulos con ge stis foliis lineari-elongatis
bracteatis, involuc ri pauciflori anguste oblongi squamis lineari-subulatis n itid is brunneis pallidisve conni-
ven tib u s.— DG. P ro d r . vi. 2 3 5 ; F l. N . Zeal. i. 1 3 9 ; Sims, B o t. M a g . t. 2 5 8 2 . G. lanatum, F orst. P ro d r .
2 9 0 . G. Cunninghamii, DG. P ro d r . vi. 2 3 5 . E u cbiton Forsteri e t pulchellus, Cass. B ic t. Ivi. 2 1 6 .
H a b . Common in many parts o f the Islan d , Gunn, e tc .— (F l. O c t .-D e c .) (y. v.)
D i s t e i b . S outh-east aud S outh-we st Australia, N ew Zealand.
A veiy common and vaiiable plant, easily recognized in its ordinary state by the dense round balls o f capitula,
suiTOunded at the base by spreadmg or deflexed, linear, leafy bracts.— Stems woody, and generally much branched
below, annual ; branches erect, 1 -2 feet higb, simple, divided or prohferous, bearing short, leafy raniuli in the axils
o f the leaves, always more or less wooUy. Leaves numerous, radical, and on the stem, uniform throughout the
plant, but the upper narrower, all petiolate, narrow, linear, linear-lanceolate or spathulate, 1 - 4 inches long, sharp ;
the margins plane or recurved, often crisped ; beneath white with appressed tomentum, smooth above. Capitula
crowded into globose masses, 4 - H inch in diameter, which are terminal on leafless, short ov elongated tops o f the
branches, or sessile amongst the leaves. Involucres very numerous, narrow ; scales conniving, linear, very nan-ow,
searious ; the outer shorter, broader, all usually brown towards the tips, rarely pale ycUow-brown throughout, never
spreading after the florets have fallen away, so as to expose the receptacle, which is very narrow. Florets few,
about twelve. Achenia papillose or pubescent.
3 . Gnaphalium collinum (Lab. N o v . H o ll. ii. 4 4 . t. 1 8 9 ) ; caule e basi ramoso v. simplici, ramis
simplicibus erectis gracilibus molliter lanatis, foliis radicalibus petiolatis obovato-spathulatis oblongo-lanceolatisve
obtusis apiculatis acutisve superne glaberrimis araneosisve subtus dense niveo-tomentosis lanatisve
caulims angustioribus acutis marginibus revolutis, capitulis in glomerulos dense congestis terminalibus v.
ramulis brevibus axillaribus v ix bracteolatis, iuvolucri campanulati squamis lineari-oblongis pallidis hyalinis,
floribus uumerosis.— DG. P ro d r . vi. 2 3 5 ; FL N . Zeal. i. 1 3 9 . Eu ch iton collinus, Cass. B ic t. Ivi. 2 1 6 .
Var. a ; spitliamæa, foliis radicalibus caulinis diversis iiempe latioribus utrinque lanatis, caulibus sim p
Var. f l ; omnia var. a , sed foliis angustioribus superne glaberrimis subtus niveo- v. a rgenteo-tomentosis.
Var. 7 ; pedalis e t ultra, ramis ramulosis proliferisve, foliis omnibus angustioribus, glomerulis bracteolis
1 -2 -in v o lu c r a tis.— Ad G. involuc ratum accedit.
H a b . Dry pastures, e tc ., bu t n o t very common.— (Fl. N o v .) {v. «.)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia.
This usually presents the appearance o f a very distinct species, and may always be distinguished from G. involucratum
by the broad involucres, wliich have more numerous florets, and paler, broader scales; also by there
being very few and short bracts below the heads, or more generally none. The common state o f this plant is a
tufted herb, a span high, with numerous radical, petiolate leaves, and simple, sparingly leafy, woolly stems. The
var. 7 has tall, leafy, branched steins, a foot high, and very narrow leaves, resembhng very closely G. involucratum
in habit and appearance.— Radical leaves 1 -3 inches loug, hnear-oblong or spathulate, sharp or apiculate, smooth
or sparingly woohy above, densely wooUy below or covered with appressed, silvery tomentum ; cauline leaves narrower,
sharp. Capitida clustered into rounded, terminal or axiUary, dense masses, 4 - 5 inch diameter, pale yeUow-
brown, shining, with one or two, generally short, leafy braets at the base. Involucres 2 -3 hnes long, broadly oblong
or campanulate, spreading after the florets have fallen away, and exposing the rather broad, many-flowered
receptacle.— In the form of the involucres this plant resembles 0 . luteo-album, but the scales are less numerous,
and the denselj'-packed inflorescence not presenting the characters of a coiymb, will at once distinguish it.
4. Gnaphalium alpxgenum (Mueller, M S S .) ; perenne, bumile, appresse cano-tomentosum, caulibus
gracilibus ascendentibus, foliis lon g e petiolatis elliptico-lanceolatis elîipticisve utrinque subacutis subtus
densissime albo-lanatis, capitulis capitatim conge stis terminalibus paucisve axillaribus, glomerulis sæpe folio
albo bracteatis, involucro u t in G. involucrato. {Gunn, 1 2 0 , 8 4 1 .) (T a b . L X I I . rt.)
H a b . YYestern Mountains and Middlesex P lains, Lawrence, Gunn.— (Fl. Jan., F eb.)
D i s t r ib . Australian A lp s, elev. 6 0 0 0 feet, M u e lle r.
A very pretty species, hut possibly only an alpiue form o f G. collinum, from which however it appears ve iy distinct,
from its broader leaves aud their longer petioles, as also from the petioled leaf beneath the head of capitida,
which is not however always present. Some of MueUer’s specimens are larger thau auy of mine, and have veiy
broad, eUiptic leaves.— P l a t e LXII. A . Fig. 1, flower of circumference ; 2, o f centre :— hoth magnijied.
5 . Gnaphalium indutum (Hook. fil. in Lond. Journ. B o t. vi. 1 2 1 ) ; annuum, pumilum, gracile,
laxe albido-tomeiitosum, caulibus e radice pluribus brevibus filiformibus asceudeutibus, foliis paucis anguste
linearibus flexuosis obtusis «sensim dilatatis, corj'mbo denso (pro planta magna) polycephalo, involucri parvi
squamis stramineis fuscisve basi bracteatis, acheniis subcompressis.— G. sericeum, Turcz. in B u ll. Mosc.
xxiv. 1 1 6 , f id , Sondei- iu Linnæa, xxv. 5 2 1 . {Gunn, 8 3 9 .) (T a b . L X I I . B )
H a b . Circular Head and Georgetown, Gunn.— (F l. O c t.-D e c .)
D is t iu b . South coast o f Australia, from YHctoria to Swan River.
A very curious, slender little species, au inch high, covered with white tomentum.—Stems very slender, simple,
many ascending from one annual fibrous root. Leaves small, slender, very narrow-linear, slightly dilated upwards.
Corymbs very large for so small a plant, dense, almost capitate, bracteate with slender, spreading leaves. Capitida
very small, with hj'aline, yeUowish scales.—P l a t e LXII. B. Fig. 1, flower of circumference; 2 , of centre-.— hoth
6. G n a p h a l iu m ? P la n c h o n i (H o ok , f il.); cæspitosum, depressum, lana molli appresso dense ob-
tectum, ramis brevibus gracilibus dense foliosis, foliis dense imbricatis patentibus obovato-spathulatis obtusis