
late petals. Fru it globular, covered -with a brittle brown membranous perianth. Cocci broadly oblong, almost
orbicular, much compressed from back to front, obscurely keeled in front, indehiscent ; integument wliite, membranous,
dotted. Seed conformable to the coccus ; testa coriaceous.
3 . Cryptandra Lawrencii (H o ok , fil.) ; erecta, rígida, ramosa, ramis puberulis, ramulis tomentosis,
fo liis orbiculari-obovatis builatis su p em e con vexis v elu tin is subtus dense lanatis margiuibus revolutis, capitulis
multifloris parvis axillaribus terminalibusque dense lanatis, bracteis coriaceis calycibusque late obconicis
dense villosis, fructu obovato calyce 3-par tibili te c to , coccis indehisc eutibus crustaceis. {Gunn, 1 0 4 3 .)
H a b . Swan E iv er , near Great Swan P o r t {Backhouse), St. Paul’s E iv er (a tributary o f the South E sk ),
forty or fifty m iles so u th -ea st o f Launc eston, Gunn.
F ir st discovered by Mr. Lawrence, but I do not know in what locality. It appears, from the specimens before
me, to form a small prostrate or suberect shrub, 1 - 3 feet high.— Branches robust, tortuous, covered witb
black pubescent b a i l ; branchlets velvety. Leaves spreading, petiolate, i inch long and broad, broadly obovate-
oblong, orbicular, or somewhat obcordate, very coriaceous, convex above, velvety, and udth a deep central groove,
margins very revolute, under surface densely wooHy. Capitula small, 4 inch across, densely wooUy, sessile.
Flowers immersed in coriaceous imbricated viRous scales. Calyx broadly obconic, very villous with long hairs.
Stamens included in the cucullate sessile petals, both inserted on a prominent disc. Style granular. Fruit obovate,
covered with the closely adherent calyx, which splits into three, idllous at the base and apex. Cocci oblong-obovate.
rounded at the back, keeled in front, very coriaceous and almost, cmstaceous, apparently indehiscent.
4 . Cryptandra eriocephala (Hook, fil.) ; erecta, virgata, ericoidea, ramulis pubescenti-tomentosis,
foliis an gu ste h neari-subulatis aristato-acuminatis marginibus ad costam revolutis superne glaberrimis n itidis
subtus albo-tomentosis, capitulis terminalibus subpedunculatis densifloris bracteis scariosis te c tis alb o -to mentosis,
floribus parvis, calyce late obconico villoso, fructu calyce indebisc ente tec to, coccis membranaceis
indehisc entibus.— Spyridium eriocephalum, Fenzl, F ia n t. H ü gel. 2 4 . {Gunn, 1 0 4 4 .)
H a b . B a n k s o f th e De rwent {Ferd. B a u e r ), in d r y places from above Hobarton to Glen L e ith ; South
E sk , th ir ty m ile s from Launc eston, Gunn.— (El. Oct. N o v .) {v. v.)
A small heath-like bushy shrub, 2 -3 feet high, with erect branches and twiggy branchlets, thickly covered
with appressed down.— 4 - 4 inch long, scattered, shortly petiolate, rigid, almost pungent, narrow linear-
subulate, or elliptical-lanceolate, acuminate, margms revolnte to the midrib, rarely recurved, when the leaves are
broader ; upper surface deep green, shining, glabrous ; under covered with white wool, but generally concealed by
tbe revolnte margins. Capitula terminal, often stalked, the peduncles wooUy, size o f a peppercorn or pea, brown
from the many imbricated searious shining bracts, white at the tip from the villous hairs o f the flowers almost concealing
them. Calyx very shortly obconic, broad, densely villous ; segments with a v eiy prominent keel on the inner
face. Stamens concealed in the cucullate petals. Style granular on the surface. Fruit broadly obovoid, covered
with the indehiscent, almost crustaceous calyx-tube. Cocci very broad, almost orbicular, much compressed, white,
membranous, indehiscent. Seed with a hard crustaceous testa, mottled w ith red and brown.— This closely resembles
a New South Wales species (from the Euryalean scrub, J . Cunningham) that has a scabrous or pubescent upper
surface of the leaves.
5 . Cryptandra ulicina (H o ok . Journ. B o t. i. 2 5 7 ) ; frutex erectus ramosus foliosus, ramis ramulisque
tomentosis virgatis, foliis ramulis lateralibus abbreviatis confertis linearibus obtusis v. superne dilatatis
retusis furcatis bifldisve superne glabris subtus albo-tomentosis, capitulis sessilibus axillaribus terminalibusque
paucifloris, floribus majusculis sericeo-tomentosis, calyce la te obconico. {Gunn, 1 5 0 .)
H a b . Common on the banks o f t h e De rwent above N ew No r fo lk , and at L au n c e ston ; also on th e
summit o f Mou n t W e l l i n g to D , Lawrence, Gunn.— (El. Oct.) {v. v.)
A very handsome species, forming a bush 4 - 8 feet high by the banks of streams, o f a bright green colour, powdered
w ith its abmidant white flowers, smelling like Hawthorn.— Branches tomentose, twiggy. Stipules broad, sheathing.
Leaves crowded on short lateral branches, 4 - 4 inch long, linear, very narrow, blunt (rarely acute), often dilated
towards the extremity, and there retuse, bifid or forked, above glabrous, deep green, and channelled down the middle,
margins revolute ; nnder surface covered w ith white w ool. Flowei-s two to six, in small capitula, rarely solitary (large
for the genus), 4 inch long, suiTounded with brown searious imbricating bracts. Calyx silky, its tube short, somewhat
produced above tlie ovaiy ; limb spreading. Fetals spathulate, clawed. Filaments long ; anthers included
in the petals. Style rather slender, granular on the sui-face. F m it unknown.— In young specimens both surfaces
o f the leaves are covered with white pubescence.
6 . Crjrptandra Gunnii (Hook, fil.) ; frutex, ramulis tomentosis, stipulis magnis ovatis carina pu bescente,
foliis coriaceis petiolatis ovato- v. e lliptico-oblongis obtusis emarginatis-ze supra glabris impresso-
venosis subtus albo- v . rufo-tomentosis marginibus subrecurvis, capitulis terminalibus laxiusculis foliis 2 - 3
albis stipatis, bracteis paucis flores v ix involucrautibus, calyce tomentoso v illoso late obconico, disco magno,
cocc is calyce subcrustaceo te c tis late ovatis crustaceis puberulis. {Gunn, 1 9 4 8 .) (T a b . X I .)
H a b . Ban k s o f th e F ranklin Eiver, near Maequarrie Harbour, Gunn.— (El. Eeb.)
A tall bush, 5 -8 feet high,— Branches rather stout, terete, densely tomentose. Stipules large for the size of
the leaves, 4 inch long, ovate or obliquely ovate, lanceolate, searious, brown, with a stout pubescent midrib, often
produced into an acuminate apex. Petioles tomentose, as long as or longer than the stipules. Leaves 4 - I
inch long, ovate-oblong, roimded at both ends, blunt or emarginate at tbe apex, glabrous above, ivith impressed
veins, densely tomentose below, margins slightly reemved. C^mes tenninal, aggi-egated into very loose few-flowered
capitula, the branches o f which are evident amongst the flowers, densely tomentose, and bear white elliptical ovate-
tomentose leaves. Flowers amsR-, bracts ovate-acuminate, ivith nricbT -s like the stipules. Calyx-tube v tr y
obconical, viUous, Petals eucuUate, clawed. Stamens included in tho per Bise veiy thick, five-lobed. Style
short, entire. Fruit woolly, obovoid, 4 inch long. Cocci crustaceous Or' ¡orirceous, compressed, whitish, broadly
ovate, keeled doivn the front, enclosed in the somewhat crustaceous ca\vx.— P l a t e XI. Fig, 1, floral leaf and two
stipules ; 2, flower ; 3, vertical section o f flower, showing tbe ovules ; 4 , petal and stamen ; 5, pollen ; 6, ovides ;
7, ripe fruit ; 8, transverse sectiou of the same ; 9, the same with part of tbe calyx removed ; 10, cocci ; 11, vertical
section of ditto, showing the seed ; 12, section o f seed, showmg the albumen ; IS, section o f albumen, showing
tbe embiyo :— all magnifled.
7 . Cryptandra mollis (H o ok , f il.) ; fruticulus erectus m rlUrer velutino-tomentosus, ramis dense
villoso-tomentosisj foliis breve petiolatis late ob ovato-oblongis coriaceis obtusis emarginatisve superne mol-
Hter v elutino-tomentosis inter nervos laterales parallelos builatis margiuibus recurvis subundulatis subtus
molliter lanuginosis, cymis terminalibus congestis foliis albidis subtensis ramulis tomentosis, bracteolis
paucis acutis, floribus parvis, calycibus densissime villosis, coccis la te oblongis compressis. {Gunn, 1 9 4 9 .)
H a b . Flinders’ Island and Cape Barren Island, in B a ss’ Straits, Gunn.— (E l. Oct.)
D i s t e i b . Mount L o fty , S ou th Australia.
Tbis appears to be a very small erect bush, 6 -1 8 inches high, with slender, twiggy, rather tortuous branches;
branchlets covered densely with somewhat floccose tomentum. Stipules subulate. Leaves spreading, rather small,
gi-cy-green, 4 - 4 inch long, on short petioles, broadly ovate-oblong or obovate-oblong, rounded at both ends, blimt
01- retuse at tlie apex, margins somewhat recui-ved ; upper surface with a deep central groove, and six or eight parallel
lateral ones, between which the siu-face is convex, densely aud softly velvety ; under surface concave, with prominent
nerves, densely covered ivith soft wliitisb tomentum. Ch/mes congested into branched depressed terminal capitula,
subtended by several white leaves, similar to the cauline ones. Flowers minute, villous. Calyx-tube very
short. Betals cucullate, enclosing tbe anthers. Style short, erect, undivided. Cocci broadly ovate, dovsaUy compressed,
pilose toiviu-ds the apex, with a mesial ridge in front, apparently indehiscent.
8 . Cryptandra? parvifolia (H o ok , fil.) ; fruticulus, ramulis gracilibus tomentosis, fo liis -parvis
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