
tisv e patentim tomentosis, capitulis parvis, involuc ri squamis appressis subbiseriatis late bneari-oblongis
obtusis margine membranaceis, fl. radii brevibus, acheniis lanceolatis utrinque angustatis.— Empliysopus
Gnmiii, Noh. in l o n i . Jonrn. B o t. vi. 1 1 3 . S o len o g jn e G unnii, M n e ll. M S S . in He rb. H o o t. [Ounn,
5 1 2 .)
H a s . Common in pastures in various parts o t the Colony, Gnnn, eie.— (F l. De c .)
D i s t r i b . Snowy plains on th e Lim e ston e E iver, V ictoria, MueUer.
Very distmct fi-om auy of the previous species, and at one time, as I thought, worthy o f being kept generically
separate, bnt upon reconsideration I am induced to unite it with Lagawphora; Mueller places it in Solmogyne,
from De Candolle's description ot which genus however it differs iu the presence ot a ray ; the habit is quite that
of Brachgcome decipiens, but the whole plant is densely pubescent or tomentose, and the capitula are very much
smaller.— JÍOOÍ o f many thick, fleshy fibres, t o m numerous, spreading horizontally from the collum, i - 3 inches
long, narrow-oblong or obovate-lanceolate. scarcely petiolate. bhmt or rounded at the apex, obscurely toothed.
Scapes munerons, scarcely so long as the leaves, densely pubescent with spreailing hairs, very stout, aud somethues
dilated in the middle or above it, and again contracted upwards. Capitula very small, i inch across. Im o lm re
broadly hemispherical, its scales in about two rows, broadly linear-oblong. Hunt, with narrow, membranous
margius. Moners small, those ot the ray with short, revolute lignlis. Achenia effiptic-lanceolate, nan-owed at
both euds.
Tribe I I . S e n e c io n id e ^ .
Gen. IX . N A B L O N IU M , Cass.
Capitu lum multiflorum, h om o g am um ; fio rib u s omnibus tubulosis 5-fidis, tu b o breviusculo, lob is pateu-
tib u s. Involucrum o b cou ico -h em isp h^r icum ; squamis late membrauaceis, 3 -4 -s e r ia tis , appressis, extimis
ovatis acutis, intim is truncatis apice laeiniatis. Re eeptacu lum conicum, paleis raaguis apice 3 -5 -cu sp id a tis
onustum. S l y l i rami elongati, truncati, dorso marginibusque papillosi. Achenium obcompressum, coriaceum,
la te obovatum, in cornua 2 rígida spinescentia divergentia produc tum.— Herba p u s illa , sca p ig e ra ;
rhizomate g r a c ili, r e p e n te ; fobis a d nodos fa s c ic u la tis , ere ctis, p e tio la tis , lanceolatis, acu tis, ju n io rib u s
subtus albo-tomentosis g la b r is v e ; scapo breviusculo, su p em e bracteolato, \- c e p h a lo ; capitulo p a r v o ; floribus
f la v is .
1. N a b l o n iu m c a l y c e r o id e s (Cass, in D ie t. Sc. N a t. x x x iv . 1 0 1 ) .— Z m . Syn. 2 5 9 ; B C . P ro d r.
v i. 3 7 . {Gunn, 1 9 7 9 , 2 0 4 6 .) (T ab . X L V I I I . A.)
H a b . Marshy ground. Flinders’ Islan d , i n Bass’ Straits, and m outh o f th e Estuary, Maequarrie Har bour,
Gunn.— (F l. D e c .)
D i s t r i b . Sou th coast o f Australia, B au e r.
A very remarkable bttle plant, the only one o f its genus, very simüar to a Calotis, and especially to the C.
scapigera. Hook., but extremely different in the structure of the capitulum and flowers. De Candolle places it
amongst Anihemidece, with which division it has no natural affinity, besides differing from all his characters ol' that
subtribe; on the other hand, it quite agrees with the characters of his division Bidentidem of the Subtrihe Heli-
anihetB, in wbich it would appear to be naturally placed by habit also.
A very smaU, insignificant, herbaceous plant, 1 -3 inches high.— Rhizome slender, creeping underground, sending
up very short branches, with tufts of leaves, and a solitary scape. Leaves about 1 inch long, erect or spreading,
petiolate, lanceolate, acute, the young often covered below with hoary tomentum. Scape stout, crcct, ratlier
louger than the leaves, bracteate above, pubescent. Capitulum f inch across. Involucral scales membranous, appressed,
in several series; outer ovate, acute; inner nairower, lacerated. Receptacle conical, covered with large.
oblong, truncate paleæ, with laciniated, generally three to five cuspidate apices. Flowers yellow, sessüe. Achenia
compressed, coriaceous, obovate-cuneate, the margins produced into strong, divergent, pungent, rigid spines that
are grooved flown the inner face. Corolla tubular, five-eleft. Anthers with the lobes produced into slender tails.
— P l a t e XLVIII. « Î. Fig, 1 , scale o f involucre; 2, ditto of receptacle; 3, flower o f ray; 4 , arms o f style; r>,
vertical section o f achenium; 6, embryo; 7, unexpanded flower of disc and involucral scale; 8, stamen:— all
Gen. X . CO TU LA , Z .
(Cotula e t Strongylosperma, B C .)
Capitulum multiflorum, discoideum, heterogamum. F l. r a d ii foeminei, 1 -3 -se r ia le s, corolla 0 v. in com
p leta; disci masculi v. hermaphroditi, tubulosi, tubo plano v. obcompresso basi sæpe truncato v, cordato,
apice 4-d en tato. In vo lu c ri squamæ sub-2-seriatæ, lineares, margine membranaceæ. R eeeptaculum planum,
nudum, papillosum. Achenium compressum, marginatum, epapposum; radii stipitatum, disci sæpius se ssile
.— Herbæ earnosuloe v. ten e ræ ; foliis a lte rn is, in teg ris v. s e c tis ; capitulis fla v is .
The species o f Cotula are far from being well investigated or defined ; about six are known as natives of
Australia, but the majoiity are South African ; several arc cosmopoHtan. Usually insignificant, glabrous weeds,
with rooting rhizomes, and herbaceous or delicate stems, terminating in elongated scapes that bear one discoid
capitulum.— Zeavfs alternate, simple, entire, lobed or pinnatifid. Involucral scales in one or few rows, linear,
blunt, herbaceous, with membranous margins. Flowers o f the ray female, in one or more series, without corolla
or with a very rudiinentaiy one, their achenia compressed, stipitate. Sty le short. L ise flowers numerous, sessüe,
male or bisexual. Corolla tubular, compressed or terete, four-toothed, often truncate or cordate at the base.
(Name from kotvAi?, a cup ; in allusion to the form o f the involucre.)
1. Cotula coronopifolia (Lin n . Sp. PL 1 2 5 7 ) ; glaberrima, caule crassiusculo radicante, ramis ascendentibus,
foliis basi amplexicaulibus lineari-lanceolatis varie in c isis lobatis pinnatifidisve, pedunculis gracilibus,
ii. radii 2 -3 - s e r ia t is numerosis lon g e stipitatis, acheniis late alatis ala apice bifida stylum fovente
dorso glandulosis v. p ilo sis.— DG. P ro d r . vi. 7 8 ; Lam. III. t. 7 0 0 . / 1 ; F l. N . Z ea l. i. 1 2 7 . {Gunn, 3 8 2 .)
Hab. Common in wet pastures by th e sides o f streams, e tc ., even in brackish water.— (F l. A n g . -
D e c .) {v. V.)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern and South-western Australia, N ew Zealand, South Africa, Bonaria, Denmark,
and N o r th Germany, Spain. (Cultivated iu En g lan d .)
Sterne 2 -1 0 inches long, creeping, branched. Leaves scattered, 4 - 2 inches lon g ; petiole amplexicaul, often
dilated into a broad lobed or toothed sheath ; lamina lanceolate or oblong, variously toothed, lobed or cut or pin-
natifld. Capitula i--*- inch long. Florets o f the ray with long pedicels, aud broadly-winged achenia that are
studded ou the face, towards the axis, with glandular hairs. Style seated in a notch at the top of the achenium,
there being no corolla.
2 . Cotula australis (H o ok . fil. F l. N . Zeal. i. 1 2 8 ) ; gracilis, ramosa, pilis laxis subsericeis v. g labrata,
fohis petiolatis oblongis pinnatifidis lob is linearibus subacutis integr is v. pihnatifido-lobatis, pedunculis
gracilibus e longatis, capitulis parvis, iuvolucri squamis subbiseriatis membranaceis glaberrimis, fl. radii
3-seriatis stipitatis, disci paucis, acheniis radii obovatis late alatis ala crassiuscula apice emargiuata v. in
tubum (corollam) brevem producta.— Strongylosperma austi-alis. L e ss. Syn. 2 6 1 , f ld . B C . F ro d r. vi. 8 3 .
Ancyclus australis, Sieb. P la n t. Fv sicc . 3 3 1 . An Cotula microcephala, D C ., e t C. sororia, B C .? {Brege ,
Coll. iu He rb. Hook.) (T a b . L . //.)
H ab . M o ist banks near Hobarton.— (Fl. O ct., N o v .) {v. «.)