
tisv e integerrimis v . grosse e t irregulariter serratis pinnatifidisve, Ü. $ 8 -audris, calycis lob is m inutis, carp
e llis lævibus.— D e Cand. P ro d r . üi. 6 8 ; F l. A n t. ü . 3 7 1 ; F l. N . Z eal. i. 6 3 . {Gnnn, 7 5 , ex p a r te .)
H ab. Fr e sh and brackish water-, Georgetown, and in th e De rwent, Gunn.—(F l. Oct. to F eb .) (v. v .)
Dist r ib . S outh-eastern Australia, N ew Zealand, and extratropical Sou th America.
A common water-weed, forming dense masses, in still or gently-flowing waters.— Stems sometimes many feet
long, theft apices raised above the water wben flowering. low e r submerged leaves crowded, capillacco-multifid ;
those higher up the stem shorter, pinnatifid, the upper five to seven in a whorl, hnear-oblong or lanceolate, acute,
acuminate or blunt, toothed, laciniated or entft-e, 4 - 4 inch long. Flowers dicecious, sessile in the axils of the uppermost
leaves : females with no calj-x or coroUa ; males with a miuute caljx, four petals, and eight stamens.
F m it smooth, or neaiiy so.
2 . MyriophyUum varisefoliiun (H o ok . fil. I c . P lan t, t. 2 8 9 ) ; caulibus e longatis, foliis 5 -7 -n a tim
verticillatis confertis, inferioribus capillaceo-multifidis, intermediis p e etinatis, superioribus anguste linearibus
integerrimis, fl. 8 -audris, calycis lobis petalis 4 brevioribus, carpelKs lævibus.— F l. N . Z eal. i. 6 4 . {Gunn,
7 5 , ex p a r t e )
H ab. A bundant in fresh water throu gh ou t th e Colony, Gunn.— (F l. Oct. to F eb .) {v. v.)
Dist r ib . S outh-eastern Australia aud N ew Zealand.
Stems several feet long, generally much stouter and more succulent than tliose of M. vanafolium. Leaves
seven in a whorl, the lower capillaceo-multifid, the intermediate ones pectinate, the upper quite entire, linear, all
crowded ; in young specimens all the upper are pectinate ; in shallow water the whorls o f multifid leaves are few,
distant, and small. Flowers dioecious : males with fom- small sepals : females with short, plumose styles, and
Unear-oblong carpels, wliich have not been examined ripe.
b. Leaves opposite. Stamens 8 . Female flowers with a four-toothed calyx. .
3. MyriophyUum amphibium (Lab. N o v . H o ll. ii. 7 0 . t. 2 2 0 ) ; prostratum, caulibus brevibus
crassiuscuHs, fo liis o ppositis obovato-oblongis spathulatisve obtusis in tegerrimis, floribus sessilibus, fl. $ lobis
calycinis petalis 4 brevioribus, staminibus 8, fl. ? calyce 4-dentato, carpellis turgidis lævibus, stylis sub-
e lon g a tis recurvis. {Gnnn, 1 0 6 8 .)
Hab. W e t places. Recherche Bay, L a b illa rd ie r e , Gnnn.— (F l. D e c .)
Dist r ib . S outh-western Austraha.
Very unUke the preceding species, and more resembling CaUitriche.— Stems prostrate in mud, 2 -6 inches
long, sparingly branched. Leaves opposite, spathulate, 4 - 4 long. Flowers vei-y minute, sessile, females most
numerous. Calyx four-toothed, teeth alternating with the stigmata, and almost hidden between the carpels ; male
flowers with a four-lobed calj-x balf as long as the petals. Fruit o f smooth, punctate carpels, with rather long,
recurved styles; albumen scanty; emiryo cylindrical, stout, straight.
4 . MyriophyUum pedunculatum (H o ok . fil. in L on d . Journ. B o t. vi. 4 7 4 ) ; parvulum, fo liis oppos
itis hnearibus, floribus pedicellatis, fl. $ calycis lob is lanceolatis p etalis linearibus 4 brevioribus, stamimbus 8,
fl. 2 calyce 4-dentato, stylis recurvis plumosis, fructibus sicco ru g o sis.— M. simplicifohum, Fe rd. MueUer.
{Gnnn, 1 9 5 9 , 2 0 2 0 . ) ( T a b . X X I I I , D .)
Var. a ; fo liis subspathulatis, floribus plerisque pedicellatis.
Var. yS; foliis linearibus carnosis, floribus sessilibus.
H a b . Abundant in shallow p ools and inundated river-banks, ascending to 4 0 0 0 fe et, Gunn.— (FI.
D e c . to F eb.)
Dis t e ib . Mountains o f South-eastern Au stra lia ; elev. 6 0 0 0 fe e t, M u e lle r.
Stems succulent, erect, tufted, sparingly branched, 2 inches to a span high, of a red-brown colour, as is the
foliage. Leaves linear or subspatlmlate, 4—4 inch long. Flowers in most respects quite like those of M. amphibium,
but pedieelled, and ivith ripe carpels wm k led when di-y.— P l a t e XXIII. A . Fig. 1, branch with leaves and
flowers; 2, male flower; 3, same with petals and stamens removed; 4 , p e tal; 5, stamen; 6 , female flower;
7, the same more advanced; 8, carpel; 9, more advanced ditto; 10, the same cut vertically; 11, seed; 12, vertical
section o f ditto ; 13, transverse section o f stem -.— all magnified.
c. Leaves alternate. Stamens 2 -4 .— (Pelonastes, I l.f. in Lond. Journ. Bot. vi. 474.)
5 . M y r io p h y U u m in t e g r i f o l iu m (H .f .) ; minimum, prostratum, vage ramosum, foliis alternis subulatis,
fl. J solitariis terminahbus, petalis per sistentibus, staminibus 2 - 4 , fl. ? axillaribus sessihbus.—
Pelonastes integrifoha, H .f . in L on d. Journ. B o t. I. c. P . tillæacea, F . M u e lle r. (T a b . X X I I I . A .) {Gunn,
2 0 1 1 , 2 0 1 3 .)
H a b . W e t places in pastures, lagoons, e tc., Gunn.— (F l. N o v .)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia (Emu F la ts, M u e lle r ).
A very miuute, prostrate plant, 4 - 1 inch long, with spreadmg branchlets and patent subulate leaves, 4 - 4 inch
long, of a pale gi-een or red-brown colour.—Male flowers solitary, terminal, sessile or shortly pediceUed, apparently
often imperfect ; in many o f ray Australian and Tasmanian specimens, I make out four persistent petals aud two bracts
in some specimens, in others many in-egularly-placed bracts, or perhaps petals o f imperfect flowers. Stamens two
to fom-. Female flowers axiUai-jq sessile, of fom- turgid carpels, with no calyx-Hmb, short stigmata, aud two subulate
bracts.— P l a t e XXIII. A . Fig. 1, branch with leaves and flowers ; 2, male flower ; 3, the same spread open ;
4 , petal; 5, anther ; 6, female flower; 7, vertical section o f ovary; 8, ripe caipel; 9, vertical section o f ditto ;
1 0 , seed; 1 1 , vertical section o f ditto; 1 2 , embryo:— all magnifled.
Gen. I I I . M E IO N E C T E S , B r .
Flores hermaphroditi. Caly cis tubus compressus, Hmbi lobis 2 . F e ta la 2. S tam in a 4 . Ovarium
2-loculare ; stigmata 2 , apice papillosa. Fru c tu s nucumentaceus, 2-locularis ; endocarpio rugoso. Em bryo
cylindricus, axi albuminis carnosi et o\QOÛ.~B.exh^ aguaticce; ioMis a lte rn is, p in n a tif ld is ; floribus
A remarkable genus, fii-st indicated by Mr, Brown in the ‘ Appendix to Flinders’ Voyage,’ who discovered a .
much larger species than the Tasmanian one ou the south coast o f Australia. Only two species are described, and
both are herbaceous water-plants, \ritli flexuous, liranching stems, alternate, pinnatifid leaves, and axillary, hermaphrodite
flowers.— Calyx-i\ú>Q ovate, compressed, limb two-lobed. Petals two, membranous, deciduous. Stamens
four. Styles conical, witb papiUose tips. F 'u it a much-compressed, two-ceUed, two-seeded nut, croivned with the
calyx-lobes. Seed lincai--obloiig, pendulous, ivith the raphe towarils the axis, and a basal chalaza. Testa membranous.
Albumen fleshy. Fhnhryo cylindrical, axile, half the length of the seed. (Name fi-om ¡xuojv, half, and i-xm,
to have; in allusion to the reduced number o f parts o f the flower.)
1 . Meionectes Brownii (H o ok . fil. in I c . Plant, t. 3 0 6 ) ; caulibus gracilibus ramosis, fohis late
oblongis profunde pinnatifldis sub-bipinnatifldisve, segmentis remotis anguste huearibus divaricatis simph-
cibus bi-trifidisve. {Gunn, 8 8 3 .)
H a b . P o o ls o f fresh water at Circular H ead and other places in th e northern parts o f the Colony,
Gunn.— {F\. F eb .)
D i s t r i b . South-eastern Australia.
Stems flaccid, slender, a few inches to a span long. T^eaves deeply pinuatifidly cut into long, nan-ow, spreading,
simple, bifid or trifid lobes. Floioers veiy small, pediceUed.
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